Ho hum

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Molly Fletcher, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. We were off out to a club tonight and on my way out to the car I
    noticed a hammer by the car. On closer inspection I realised it was one
    of ours and then noticed that the garage door was slightly open and one
    of the wheelie bins had been pulled forwards next to the front of the
    garage. Some scrote had climbed up on the wheelie bin and got into the
    garage through a hole in the (rather flimsy) corugated plastic roof.
    From there they'd been able to open the up and over door and nick my
    ETZ 250.

    On the whole it could have been worse as there are 5 other bikes in the
    garage and a whole load of tools which all seem to be there as well as
    I can tell in the dark. To be honest the MZ is a fairly horrible bike
    so I'm not that sad over it's loss. Unfortunatly as it was off the road
    it wasn't insured so I'll have to see if it's possible to claim for it
    on the houshold insurance.

    The other bikes were all chained together, only the MZ was unlocked. It
    was also minus a couple of engines mounting bolts so hopefully the
    scrotes might be in for a nasty suprise when they try to ride it.
    Still it's the first bike I've ever had nicked so I suppose I'm not
    doing too bad really.
    Molly Fletcher, Feb 20, 2005
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  2. Molly Fletcher

    Molly Guest

    Wow, a double bonus.
    I'm saying nothing.

    "Gower School" By Appointment".
    GSX-R1000 (winter hack), Triumph Thunderbird,(year round hack)
    TGF, UKRMFBC#7, Two#24, BOTAFOF#11, YTC#9, GYASB#1. SbS#23.
    DFWAG#2, DS#2, DIAABTCOD#20. remove "thisbit" in the reply
    (our own race team)
    "Nemo repente fuit turpissimus"
    Molly, Feb 20, 2005
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  3. Molly Fletcher

    Banditfrenzy Guest

    I don't wish to scare you, but you might be in with a good chance of a
    return visit. Most garages have pathetic security, the roof being a
    favourite way to gain entry and garage doors are easy to open from the
    inside by design.

    For a few quid the least I would do would be to fit external security
    lights, an internal 'motion/heat detector' alarm and some form of
    lockable barrier that prevents the door from opening.

    Chaining the bikes together is a good way to stop the scrotes from just
    simply wheeling a bike away but remember they're in an environment where
    all the tools they need to break that chain are close at hand.

    You can never stop a determined thief, but stupid scrotes who are
    probably just looking for a field bike don't like to be seen or heard
    and now they know where there are 5 bikes that are easy to get into and
    easy to wheel out.

    Again, I don't wish to scare you, but the hammer dropped close by was
    highly likely to be their insurance in case you jumped them on the way out !

    Noise and light are your friends, if they have to make noise in order to
    steal your bikes then they'll probably scatter rather than risk being
    seen and caught.

    Banditfrenzy, Feb 20, 2005
  4. Molly Fletcher

    Ben Blaney Guest

    My sister had a bizarre/worrying experience a few months ago. She
    lives at the end of a cul-de-sac, so it's usually pretty quiet. She
    woke in the middle of the night having heard a noise from outside.
    She went to the window and saw three blokes bashing on her garage

    Sister: Oi, what do you think you're doing?
    Bloke: What's it look like? We're breaking into your garage.

    She was so incensed that she didn't really think clearly. She said
    that she was most concerned that the noise would wake the baby. She
    gave her husband (a fairly handy rugger bugger) a shake and told him
    to wake up, and ran downstairs and opened the front door.

    Sister: Go away.
    Bloke: Have you got any motorbikes in here?
    Sister: No, just a load of rubbish
    Bloke: You sure? We were told that the end house has motorbikes.
    Sister: I'm sure, now go away.

    <three blokes get onto two motorbikes and leave>
    Ben Blaney, Feb 20, 2005
  5. Molly Fletcher

    sweller Guest

    That has a certain amount of style about it, for both parties.
    sweller, Feb 20, 2005
  6. Except the first thing I did on discovering the break in was shift all
    the tools out of there into the house. I already kept anything likely
    to be *too* good at getting through chans in the house (crowbars angle
    grinders that kinda thing).
    Yeah - although I suspect a Zephyr 1100 or GS850s are gonna be a bit
    big for scrotes looking for a field bike (particularly when they're all
    chained together with *very* heavy chains).
    Actually I suspect I did disturb them and they ran off as I was coming
    out - having already taken the bike and come back for a go at the car.
    Yeah, already had thoughts on similar lines (even though we're not
    planning on being in this house much longer).
    Molly Fletcher, Feb 20, 2005
  7. Molly Fletcher

    Fr Jack Guest

    Can't be Spete, then. He can't navigate outside the M60. ;-)

    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    skype: fr.jack (without the dot)
    Fr Jack, Feb 20, 2005
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