[QUOTE] could have been artichokes, brussel sprouts, fava beans, strawberries, leaf lettuces... All those crops rotate through those fields north of Moss Landing. Some of that stretch has rather high berms on both sides of the road, and the road has only nominal paved shoulders, not exceptionally wide.[/QUOTE] Yeah. Looking at the photo again, I'd say Brussels Sprouts or Kale, from the height and color. No real berm, just a curving continuation of the crown down to the level of the fields. Running off on a Harley would give you an exciting ride if you kept turning away from the road, with soft ground bringing you to a stop if you were able to stay upright. Any attempt to maneuver any other way would probably result in high-siding. I don't believe Dave had any dirtbike experience to help him out there. Al Moore DoD 734