HIPPA Update

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Elmer McKeegan, Nov 25, 2004.

  1. 04NR44 - Bill To End Discrimination Against Bikers Passes Senate

    http://www.mrf.org (website)

    Contact: Jeff Hennie, MRF Vice President - Government Relations

    November 23, 2004

    #04NR44 - Bill To End Discrimination Against Bikers Passes Senate

    A bill to close the current health insurance discriminatory loophole has
    been passed by the United States Senate. This legislation, S.423 Health Care
    Parity for Legal Transportation, was authored by Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
    and Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI). The Motorcycle Riders Foundation would like
    to thank every SMRO that raveled to Washington, DC to lobby for this
    legislation since the 108th Congress began in January of 2002. Without the
    dedication and commitment of these individuals and organizations, this
    measure certainly would not have passed.

    The very last bill to pass before the Senate adjourned at 12:30 AM Sunday,
    November 21st; this legislation will prohibit health plans from refusing
    coverage based on the source of the injury.

    Passage in the Senate is a huge victory, but there is still a lot of work to
    be done. The House of Representatives is scheduled to return to Washington
    for official business the second week of December. We have a unique
    opportunity before us to make motorcycling history and to make that happen,
    the Motorcycle Riders Foundation is issuing a call to action.

    The MRF is asking every motorcyclist to call their member of the US House
    and urge them to support the Senate bill, S. 423. The Senate bill will be
    sent to the House when Congress reconvenes in December. We must gather
    enough support from our champions in Congress, to insure that leadership
    will have no choice but to bring the measure up for consideration. If our
    members of the US House do not hear from motorcyclists across the country,
    the bill will certainly die.

    To identify your member of the US House of Representatives go to
    www.house.gov/writerep, this will give you the name and contact information
    that is needed. Please take the time to call your Representative. Email will
    not be as effective. Phoning the office, be it the DC office or local, is
    the quickest way to get the information to the correct person.

    Before you call however, please check the list of House co-sponsors to
    determine if your House member is already in support of HR 1749, if so then
    it is doubly important for you and everyone you know to call and urge their
    support. To determine if your House member is a supporter, use the following
    website, http://thomas.loc.gov/ . From there enter HR 1749, the house
    companion bill, then click the link for "bill summary and status" and then

    The House companion bill (HR 1749) was introduced by Rep. Scott McCinnis
    (R-CO) and Rep. Ted Strickland (D-OH).

    Rarely are we given a chance to make this kind of history. Please call your
    member of the US House and ask for their support for S. 423.
    Elmer McKeegan, Nov 25, 2004
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  2. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    TOP POST <chuckle>

    Damn.. this is extremely good news.. We DO make a difference, don't we ?
    Hat's off to the Bro's and Sister's who worked so hard and long to make sure
    that Bikers everywhere can be sure the premiums they are paying will cover
    them, if (God forbid) they go down .. Take you bows, Ladies and Gentlemen..
    TMRA II members everywhere can share in the satisfaction of knowing that
    they've been a part of this effort.. Thanks for the good news, today ..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 25, 2004
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  3. Elmer McKeegan

    ShadowHawk Guest

    Thanks for the article with the links in there for looking up the sponsors,
    etc. I just saw that my local (Sam Johnson) is not a co-sponsor. Sent him
    my letter - for what it's worth....

    The AMA has virtually the same article as far as the meat of the text,
    along with a handy link at the bottom to write your politician of choice
    (enter your zip-code and it'll get you stright to your guy/gal with a
    canned letter about passing the bill).


    That said.. I saw both the AMA and TMRA (not to be mistaken for TMRA
    II) booths at the bike show last weekend... They were pretty deserted as
    far as people stopping at their booths (at least around 12:45pm on Sat.

    Rex S.
    ShadowHawk, Nov 26, 2004
  4. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    When a member of their family or themselves become involved in an accident
    with massive debt liabilities which their insurance carrier refuses, those
    booths will be covered with people .. They'll wonder how all these bad
    things happen to them through legislature..

    Meantime, though.. sadly, they'll swarm to the shows, rally's and runs ..
    They'll continue to bellyache about off topic posts and they'll continue to
    blithely enjoy life as they know it..

    You know, Rex.. that is kind of a sad commentary on us all, isn't it ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 26, 2004
  5. Elmer McKeegan

    ShadowHawk Guest

    I dunno - I think it may have simply been that those two booths had no
    visual appeal to draw people in... They were literally a booth with a table
    sitting there - with some membership forms on the table... I saw no
    handouts or flyers that detailed what exactly those organizations DO for
    the riding community. Granted, I didn't sit down and talk one-on-one with
    them either... There just wan't anything in their booths that seemed to
    "draw me in".

    As far as the insurance co.'s paying off (benefits) for the product paid
    for (the policy) - You're right - they won't do anything until it affect
    them personally. I was fortunate in my accident back over the summer, that
    I wasn't hurt too badly, and the other drivers' ins. company paid up
    quickly and without fuss for my property damagages, as well as medical...
    but things don't always happen nearly that smoothly for people.

    Rex S.
    ShadowHawk, Nov 26, 2004
  6. Elmer McKeegan

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yep.. Gotta get those bells and whistles going.. I've worked those booths
    at other events.. I've also worked the crowds at events like these.. Kinda
    sorta like the voters registration drive, I was involved in.. The general
    attitude from many, was that they were doing us a favor by registering to
    vote... Huh ? Support the HIPPA Bill.. "OK.. I'll do you a favor and help
    you out there"... I guess so..

    Granted, I didn't sit down and talk one-on-one with
    hmmm.. If I have to "draw you in".. how much support will you really be ?
    Rex, what TMRA II does.. they don't do it because the supporting Warriors
    need a lot of "help".. Those Warriors work their guts out and sacrifice a
    lot more than anyone knows, to pass legislation or change rules that affect
    every one of us every day.. No one who signs an application does it as a
    "favor" to that Warrior.. He/She is doing it for their own benefit/favor..
    No one should be intimidated, coerced or persuaded to support groups like
    TMRA II or ABATE..
    Most of us don't even know what the HIPPA Act/Bill is all about.. I don't
    know all the specifics, but I am aware that the Bill is important for the
    summarized description that I offered.. Only another example of how each one
    of us have very little idea how important TMRA II and ABATE are .. and how
    those Warriors offer us some shield and protection from legislation and
    regulations that affect us..

    I was fortunate in my accident back over the summer, that
    Exactly right.. I recall a similar accident that a man and his wife were
    involved in, about three years ago... They both participated in this
    newsgroup.. He was badly injured and she was almost killed and required long
    term care.. The insurance company wouldn't pay .. The reasons the company
    gave were that they were involved in a risky "sport".. Damn.. those people
    lost their home, their vehicles and incurred debt that was disastrous to
    them.. Whew.. what a catastrophe.. We are too late to help those people, but
    everyone who rides a motorcycle should be enthusiastic to support this HIPPA
    Bill and get it successfully passed into law..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 26, 2004
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