Here's to YA!

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I hope everyone has a safe Halloween out there!

    Getting ready for Halloween this weekend, I started getting a theme
    going. I decided on a wizard type thing. In the process, I painted my
    nails with a black base and moons on that. It turned out really cool

    As I was in a gas station putting gas in the motorcycle today, some
    redneck was on the other pump from me. When I pulled off my gloves, he
    made a comment about my nails and how "gay" it looked. Being the
    diplomat that I am, I looked him square in the eyes and told him that
    it would really suck for him to have his ass kicked in a gas station
    by a dude wearing nail polish. I was talking it up with my wife and
    made a comment that I should leave it on until after the election and
    Bush is gone. Knowing my luck though, and the way it's shaping
    up...the election might drag on for quite some time with all the
    recounts and challenges that are gearing up....and I'm afraid this
    polish just won't hold up to it.

    But, going through the neighborhoods tonite we used the new headlight
    to the bicycle. Since I blew out the bulb in my 14 volt flashlight,
    this was the next best thing. As we walked around out there, we
    noticed how everyone was following us and how bright the paths were
    lit. It was a nice birthday gift to myself...even though I had to wait
    a couple weeks for it to come in.

    Moral of the story: be safe and don't get your ass kicked by a dude
    wearing nail polish...'cause then, who ya gonna brag to? :)
    Brian Walker, Nov 1, 2004
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