Here's One Especially for Iggy and Albert Nurick

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    1st bike and more than 50 years ago? how can that be? he's posted many
    times in the past about how he started riding 20 years ago. the whole
    thing about wiping out every 5 years is based on it being 4 drops in 20
    years. how could he have been riding and actually OWN a bike 50 years
    ago, yet at the same time only been riding over the past 20 years?
    surely he's not contradicting himself. right?
    Bownse, Jun 19, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Iggy Guest

    Yeah, funny, like gutless SOB
    Iggy, Jun 19, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Instead of all the usenet challenges, piano building and snot slinging..
    there's only a few minutes separating us. You or me could make the trip..
    LOL.. I'd be delighted, and have offered many times.. Let's do it..

    hmmm... I'm leaving about the 22nd of this month to Arizona.. You just
    might learn something and you'd certainly have the opportunity to associate
    with some of the characters that I talk about.. hehehe.. There will probably
    be a Masonic Lodge or two involved.. Who could ask for more ? No foo foo
    and rally/run nonsense.. no usenet posturing .. No piano building .. Just me
    and you, until we get to El Paso..

    There's no challenge involved here, Johnson..this is an opportunity for you
    to clear up all the questions I've raised about your character.. And .. you
    should be delighted to finally assure one and all, on usenet.. that Bill
    Walker is not what he represents.. What a deal.. huh ? If the notice is
    short, that's ok.. How about this.. In August .. there will be another
    little reunion take place in Guadalajara.. The exact dates will be decided
    in Arizona.. Since you are such an outstanding and noted long distance
    rider, whew.. no one could ask for a better opportunity than that.. There
    will also be some Masonic Lodges involved in that little trip of 1,100
    miles.. Bikers and Masons..

    The only drawbacks that I could see, would be that there won't be a lot of
    phony congratulations and awards for doing some things that have been done
    years and years ago, with no acclamations and posturing.. No challenge
    involved, Johnson.. Just Bikers and Masons.. Hell.. chances are, I might
    just be so embarrassed, I'd just never have the audacity to participate in
    any newsgroup on usenet, ever again.. Damn.. dude.. you'd be world famous..
    hmmmm.. Looks like the "hope" that some old fat boy in Virginia isn't going
    to get the job done.. <evil grin> He's already crawfishing and stalling..
    It's up to you .. Johnson..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO... I sure didn't know the boy had all those problems..
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    What's that, Flake ? Are you actually making an anonymous challenge, here..
    LOL.. What's your real name, bad boy ? You got the guts to post your
    juvenile bullshit, you should have the guts to sign it with your real name..
    Iggy doesn't cut it as a demonstration of all that backbone.. Itchy is much
    more indicative of the character posting such nonsense.. hmmm.. Can't blame
    you much though.. if I were posting such foolishness, I sure wouldn't want
    anyone to recognize me, either.. Damn sure wouldn't want anyone to get any
    idea about where I am..
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Y'know, somebody with as dim a memory as you have really should tread
    a little more lightly when dealing with people. If you're going to go
    around shouting insults at everyone who comes along, it would be
    fitting to remember the people you are being rude and uncivil toward.
    In your case, I think it would be safe to assume that you've shouted
    insults and expletives toward just about everybody you've ever met,
    and haven't apologized for a single instance. Bad karma, pard.

    Al Brennan - owl tuna at hot mail dot com

    Web page bruised and battered from transferring
    jpegs and gifs via ASCII ftp. In recovery.

    Road Glide and Tiger safe and sound on the Snake.

    Eastern European agitators under observation.
    Kitchen Man, Jun 19, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well now, Al.. seems like you've joined this little party.. OK.. First of
    all.. I'll point out that shouting is difficult on usenet and usenet is the
    ONLY place that anyone in this small group has EVER been engaged with me..

    You furthur demonstrated that you should be considered as one of the few..
    by the outright lie that you just posted.. I've apologized to you for a
    couple of misdirected responses to someone else .. Without calling you a
    damned liar, I'll simply allow you the consideration of "bad memory".. with
    all due respect..

    Your comment about me "shouting insults with everyone who comes along"
    however is another matter.. That is absolutely a damned lie and a purposeful
    one, at that.. So that makes you a Damned Liar, doesn't it.? It is true
    that I've exchanged insults and bad lanuage with a few... There are also
    MANY that have had respectful exchanges with me, even when they were not
    very respectful.. I include you in those exchanges.. You can certainly
    change those exchanges and this one is a perfect example of the start.. Your
    choice, Al..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoops.. Keep up.. his latest is that he's not going to make it until the
    13th, 14th or 15th.. Works out well for me, though.. I don't have to rush my
    trip to get back by the 3rd.. That's a relief.. Works out well
    for my visit to Breckenridge and the Possum Kingdom area on the 15th.. I
    don't expect the riding lessons and riding circles around me will take
    long.. LMAO...
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The crew from Austin and San Antonio are more than pissed.. Some of those
    guys had made arrangements to call in sick and take time off from work ..
    just so they could watch all those riding lessons and riding circles around
    The closest I could get on a precise date was like I said earlier.. 13th,
    14th or 15th.. whatever that means..Damn.. I've only got one spare bedroom,
    guess I'll just have to put some of them on the patio and a few of them on
    that front porch.. hmmm Yep.. I agree.. Tim Morrow is inconsiderate as

    I'd hate to think we'll be stood up
    Actually.. he'd been led to believe there would be no problem.. He was
    getting all that encouragement and high fiving from a crew that don't have
    his best interests at heart.. For example.. Mark Johnson and John Moran were
    both offering to buy poor ol' Tim barbecue and drinks, etc. until we
    suggested they'd be close enough to take his back .. They got real quiet and
    absent, about that time.. I even offered to help Morrow with his cross
    country trip expenses, by paying that bounty on John Moran in my driveway..
    Things seem to be changing a lot. here lately.. Maybe .. Tim realized that
    he'd been suckered.. I don't know.. Anyway.. that sort of makes him a
    "victim" huh ?
    Never mind the barbecue.. we can donate it.. <grin> I'll enjoy some of that
    good catfish around the lake, up there.. hmmm.. I don't know what to tell
    you about permits and Karate stuff.. It'll all fall into place, though.. I'm
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2005
  10. Heh, heh, heh. Noticed Bill is not able to explain the contradiction,
    huh? He's made up so many stories and now he's boxed himself into a
    corner with his own words.

    The Walkers get real excited and evasive when it comes to someone
    questioning their make-believe stories. They should be more careful.
    Some real HA members in their area may eventually get wind of the
    phony stories they're spreading. Or someone (who really knows Sonny)
    might contact him and tell him about the association Bill brags about
    having with him.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jun 19, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... Don't like my stories, huh.. Showboat ? Ah well... Wouldn't expect
    some gut with the shit slung out of it to appreciate anything much.. Must be
    all that dodgin' and swervin' and reloadin' that does that to a guy.. <evil
    grin> Could be the conscience is working on you, too.. Nah..that's not
    it.. Anyone that threatens to burn someone's house down, can't be bothered
    with such a thing as conscience, can they ?

    Killing a man in a fist fight isn't really what I'd call bragging rights,
    either.. but then . all that is just usenet fun.. huh ? Kinda strange how
    running into some lady on an isolated highway turned into a tragedy for you,
    instead of her.. Bet you really get scared on the highway, now.. If you were
    terrified of that lady, out there.. one can only imagine how you'd shit your
    pants if one of her brothers or some other family member caught your stringy
    looking ass, out in the open.. huh ?

    Dumb son of a bitch tried to run a Harley cruiser up a muddy road like a
    dirt bike and broke your own wifes leg and ribs.. That's really skillful
    mortorcycle handling and expertise..Boxcar load of common sense too.. taking
    a two up with you . Hey Snowflake.. I love it.. keep on posting..
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2005
  12. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    You apologized for mixing me up with Stan, but you never apologized
    for your profane tirades against *me*. That's what I am talking
    Well, there you go again, calling me names, with no provocation. See
    how you are?

    Al Brennan - owl tuna at hot mail dot com

    Web page bruised and battered from transferring
    jpegs and gifs via ASCII ftp. In recovery.

    Road Glide and Tiger safe and sound on the Snake.

    Eastern European agitators under observation.
    Kitchen Man, Jun 20, 2005
  13. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yep... You invited yourself into an argument .. You told a lie and pursued
    it .. You didn't have to do that..You deliberately lied .. I called you on
    it.. Maybe you should refresh you own memory, or pursue it furthur.. Your
    choice.. "Without provocation" .. you decide..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 20, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    Like I said before, your memory is so weak that you really ought to be
    careful about what you say to people.

    Al Brennan - owl tuna at hot mail dot com

    Web page bruised and battered from transferring
    jpegs and gifs via ASCII ftp. In recovery.

    Road Glide and Tiger safe and sound on the Snake.

    Eastern European agitators under observation.
    Kitchen Man, Jun 20, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I say to people exactly what is on my mind.. We could very well have had an
    unpleasant exchange.. If comments would have been in response to
    yours. I've never addressed a post to Kitchen Man, but I've responded to
    anyone who has participated in one of my own posts..

    You are indicating that I've gone after you with no provocation .. "Tirade"
    is the way you put it.. I contend that I've gone after ones that I've named
    ... I don't remember .. ever.. naming Kitchen Man.. or Al Brennan.. I don't
    believe that you do, either..

    Irregardless .. I have no sentiments about Al Brennan or Kitchen Man, and
    have seen nothing in any of our exchanges to warrant this obvious claim that
    you are making.. So.. spit it out.. what is your real purpose for this
    accusation and attack.. Take it where you like..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 20, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    I don't know why you should. It weren't you.
    Kitchen Man, Jun 21, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    Kitchen Man Guest

    You've addressed my point quite well. You say what's on your mind,
    and a lot of the time that's some nasty, mean stuff. You are easily
    frustrated, and easily moved to profanity. You don't remember a lot
    of it, and yet you keep doing it. My point to you is that you should
    take a minute when responding to people, and try not to take things
    personally right away, and start throwing cuss words about.

    When you keep your mind civil and on topic, a lot of what you have to
    say is interesting and noteworthy. But as soon as something happens
    that appears to offend you, you start in with the insults, and it is
    obvious that you have a hard time remembering that you've done it.
    All I'm saying is that you should lay off the baiting and sniping,
    because it just makes you look like a fool who should know better, and
    makes enemies of people who would just as soon be neutral.
    Kitchen Man, Jun 21, 2005
  18. KM, these are classic symptoms of a psychosis. if you watch him, it
    happens cyclically over a period of weeks. recognize with bill that you
    are dealing with a real nutcase and move on. he's been slowly getting
    worse over the past couple of years, you can see it in his posts. any
    sort of conflict sends him ballistic, he's not rational. his blurring of
    reality with his fantasy is where it gets really odd, because he
    believes the fantasy in his head is real.
    another viewer, Jun 21, 2005
  19. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Evidently.. "weren't you" either.. Why are you responding to Brian instead
    of me ? Since you insist on inviting yourself into the flaming horseshit,
    responding to "weren't you" .. where's all those the posts that you have
    referred to ?

    Since you haven't produced them ( I didn't even ask for them ) it's just
    like I said.. you lied to get involved in this ridiculous mess.. You are
    right, Brennan "weren't you".. LOL..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 21, 2005
  20. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    whoops.. Reads a whole different than that other post where you claimed I
    had attacked you unprovoked, don't it ? <grin> You are right, though.. I
    get hotter'n a two dollar pistol .. with some of the usenet clowns that are
    posturing on these two newsgroups..

    Wouldn't deny any part of that and I've been known to use some very hard
    language when I'm addressing them.. No lie, there.. No surprise that you and
    others are sometimes amazed at what I'm stirred up and talking about..
    There's no reason you should.. Best to sit tight and find out, before you
    start choosing up sides to take on the old man from Texas.. There's usually
    a reason.. FWIW..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 21, 2005
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