Here's Another

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Tijuana .. 1988.. I'd rented an apartment in the border town for convenience
    for my frequent visits ..

    Every Sunday morning, a small group would gather on Revolution Blvd. and
    Seventh St. A little patio type cafe was on that corner and it was a
    perfect place for us to eat breakfast, drink gallons of coffee and visit,
    while we "people watched"..

    One of the border buses pulled alongside the curb and unloaded.. Amongst the
    tourists getting off, there were four young fellows, obviously enjoying a
    weekend pass from their military base..

    They ambled up and down the street, looking for something interesting, and
    then settled in on one of the dance cabarets across the street from us.. The
    dance hall was on the second floor with shops underneath.. The walls were
    mostly open ..

    They were in there for a few short minutes when all hell broke loose..
    chairs flying everywhere and the sounds of crashing tables could be heard
    with all the cussing and screaming going on..

    Police cars came from both directions .. Looked like a battalion of those
    cops charged up those stairs..

    Shortly, the guys that caused all the commotion came tumbling down the
    stairs and were gathered up by the policemen who were waiting for them..

    After they'd got everyone sorted out, the four miscreants lined up agains
    the wall.. those policemen were questioning them, one of the guys hollered
    something about his civil rights were being violated..

    Clear as a bell, we could hear one of those cops explain to that guy.. "You
    left your civil rights at my border, when you crossed it".. As he said this,
    he cracked that guy up side the head with a nightstick that looked more like
    a baseball bat.. knocking him to his knees..

    Those fellows were loaded into the back seat of one patrol car and carted
    away.. presumably to the Tijuana calaboose..
    Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    wrote another interesting Meh'e'co tale.
    ~One of the border buses pulled alongside the curb and unloaded..
    Amongst the tourists getting off, there were four young fellows,
    obviously enjoying a weekend pass from their military base..
    They ambled up and down the street, looking for something interesting,
    and then settled in on one of the dance cabarets across the street from
    us.. The dance hall was on the second floor with shops underneath.. The
    walls were mostly open ..
    They were in there for a few short minutes when all hell broke loose..
    chairs flying everywhere and the sounds of crashing tables could be
    heard with all the cussing and screaming going on..
    Police cars came from both directions .. Looked like a battalion of
    cops charged up those stairs..
    Shortly, the guys that caused all the commotion came tumbling down the
    stairs and were gathered up by the policemen who were waiting for them..
    After they'd got everyone sorted out, the four miscreants lined up
    agains the wall.. those policemen were questioning them, one of the guys
    hollered something about his civil rights were being violated..
    Clear as a bell, we could hear one of those cops explain to that guy..
    "You left your civil rights at my border, when you crossed it".. As he
    said this, he cracked that guy up side the head with a nightstick that
    looked more like a baseball bat.. knocking him to his knees..
    Those fellows were loaded into the back seat of one patrol car and
    carted away.. presumably to the Tijuana calaboose..

    I 'm not sure this is good evidence to support the defense's case,
    either, but, on the other hand it does represent how tuff those
    Meh'e'can Policios are, and how quick they can assemble to take care of
    folks that disturb the piece. So, it might help.
    But, I will say this, I can see why, Wakko, and Mr. Kane are not the
    least bit worried about being in Harms way, while in Mexico with you.
    You are a great Tour Guide, because of your many experiences in that
    Country. (grin) _bjay_
    BJayKana, Apr 28, 2006
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Still harping on the juvenile "case" horseshit, huh .. Waco, Morgan Kane nor
    me have described that country in the terms that your cyber friendly has
    been trying to palm off on this newsgroup.. Your asinine attempts to involve
    them in this infantile crap is ridiculous.. Mexico is a place with it's own
    warts.. it sure don't need any of the warts that you nor Jerry could inflict
    on it.. I've seen those warts, first hand and sure don't need to surf the
    internet for information about that country.. The usenet "facts" that Jerry
    is trying to use for persuasion to discredit the ride reports that we
    brought back with us is a load of shit.. The facts are on the ground in that
    country.. Want to find out what they are.. then get off your ass and go take
    a look.. You don't have to take my word for anything.. Neither do you have
    to accept the "facts" that are being blown at you by your cyber friendly..
    That damned fool would be laughed out of Mexico..
    Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006

  4. Jesus Christ. Just because YOU don't come to harm in your travels
    thru Mexico doesn't mean that OTHER folks don't occasionally.
    Statistics of crimes against foreign visitors collected by state
    agencies - both U.S. AND Mexican - are not "usenet shit," they are
    simply facts. That they don't describe YOUR experiences in Mexico
    doesn't discredit them. Hell, your own descriptions of other American
    visitors constantly getting into trouble with Mexican authorities or
    bandits posing as Mexican authorities, or the fact that one of your own
    party carried a weapon into the country and might very well - without
    your own intervention - have suffered difficulties as a result of it,
    supports the contention that it takes more knowledge of the country,
    its language, and its culture to consistently traverse it safely
    outside the well worn paths of the known Tourist areas. You yourself
    talk about spending 50 years traveling in that country. That alone
    makes you vastly more prepared than any normal U.S. tourist. Not to
    mention the fact that you have family in that country to teach you how
    to interact with the locals.

    Shit, given the statistics gathered, and the known difficulties
    American visitors to that country encounter (numerous instances of
    which have been supplied by none other than yourself) you really ought
    to consider setting up a motorcycle touring company and leading rides
    down there. You could continue to enjoy the country, make a little
    money on the side, and educate American motorcyclists who are intrigued
    by the country but who are reluctant (or even downright scared) to
    travel off the beaten path on their own. Plus, think of the goodwill
    that would be generated on both sides of the border. Talk about your
    "win-win" situations!
    cratchitspast, Apr 28, 2006
  5. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Bjay,Still harping on the juvenile "case" horseshit, huh .. Waco, Morgan
    Kane nor me have described that country in the terms that your cyber
    friendly has been trying to palm off on this newsgroup.. Your asinine
    attempts to involve them in this infantile crap is ridiculous.. Mexico
    is a place with it's own warts.. it sure don't need any of the warts
    that you nor Jerry could inflict on it.. I've seen those warts, first
    hand and sure don't need to surf the internet for information about that
    country.. The usenet "facts" that Jerry is trying to use for persuasion
    to discredit the ride reports that we brought back with us is a load of
    shit.. The facts are on the ground in that country.. Want to find out
    what they are.. then get off your ass and go take a look.. You don't
    have to take my word for anything.. Neither do you have to accept the
    "facts" that are being blown at you by your cyber friendly.. That damned
    fool would be laughed out of Mexico..

    I am not taking sides, if you don't know that, then you havent read all
    my responses to Jerry, or: You forgot the content of those responses.
    Also, you seem to have forgotten how I agreed with some of your Mexico
    stuff, two weeks back.
    You also may not remember what I've said about ''taking a trip'' to that
    Reminder: I have no interest in traveling that far south, (grin).
    I read Wakkos Mexico trip report, and it was interesting and very
    positive, you may not remember me posting to it either.
    Same to what Mr. Kane said about yall's fun time, down there, and some
    of the incidents that happended, and stuff.
    You may not remember this, either.
    BJayKana, Apr 28, 2006
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... What you are seeing on this newsgroup is a clash of personalities
    that go much deeper than any ride report that has generated these

    You are absolutely right.. many Americans go into that country without being
    prepared to have an enjoyable and pleasant experience, there.. They take
    prejudices and some perceived arrogance with them.. That is a surefire
    formula for disaster..

    Certainly there are some unfavorable statistics .. many have merit.. some
    are nothing more than people who'd go to a foreign country and conduct
    themselves in a manner which they'd never do, in their own communties.. When
    they are called down for that conduct, the additional problems are quickly
    brought to bear..

    Mexico is a foreign country.. that border is the line that separates us..
    When we cross that border, we are tcitly agreeing to abide by their laws,
    customs and rules.. If we do not, those infractions will be handled by the
    Mexicans and not always according to our own standards..

    My consistent conclusions and comments have been to the effect that there
    are many things wrong in that country.. I stand by that.. That also is no
    excuse for some of the conduct that I've seen, by American tourists.. I will
    expand on the horrors that I've personally witnessed.. I can also expand on
    the appealing experiences that I've had in that country.. Since 1951, my
    first visit to Mexico.. I have seen many things.. good and bad.. The good
    things, far outweigh the bad..

    All that being said... LOL.. I have no desire to be the goodwill ambassador
    to Mexico.. The ride reports that were posted were not intended to make
    statements to that effect, either.. Those ride reports were interpreted that
    way, by one anonymous poster on this newsgroup and he used those ride
    reports as a springboard to launch a ridiculous and incredible attack
    against that country.. I challenged the "facts" that he presented, as his
    evidence, asked about his own experiences in Mexico and the race has been
    on, ever since..

    I have no desire to become a "tour guide" to that country, nor do I believe
    that I acted in that capacity.. We organized a good ride and my familiarity
    with Mexico and knowing a number of people down there, I was privileged to
    enjoy the company of these guys and ladies . It should also be known that
    everyone on that ride could make any choice he wanted to see or ride
    anywhere that struck his fancy.. Choices were made, which included the
    return trip.. not dictated by me or anyone else..

    The gun thing was a clear violation of their law.. and involved severe
    penalties.. My "intervention" was mostly my ability to speak the language
    well enough to convince those authorities that we were no threat to anyone
    in Mexico.. The infraction against their law was not with the intent to
    injure or damage.. That's all .. Each man and woman in that group was
    scrutinized by those authorities and if any one of us gave the impression
    that we were somehow not good people.. we would have been locked up, quick..
    That isn't exactly "intervention" for my part.. that is only a desire not to
    get locked up in Mexico.. myself..

    I posted an announcement on this newsgroup.. of my intention to make that
    trip.. Others on this newsgroup were interested in going.. Some were unable
    to follow up, for various reasons.. Four of us finally made the run.. The
    ensuing ride reports made by two of that party and responses by me, are what
    has triggered this over extended discussion..

    I'll be making another trip in July.. Based on some of the responses in
    these discussions, I'd hesitate to offer anyone I don't know, to go with
    me.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 29, 2006
  7. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Now that is a well thought out post. I enjoyed reading it.

    I wouldn't think anyone could disagree that it might take some
    preparation, care, awareness, and self reliance to successfully travel
    through Mexico. Experience always helps.
    Wakko, Apr 29, 2006
  8. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest write like a certain person I know. Have we met, sir?
    Wakko, Apr 29, 2006
  9. Entirely possible. In my riding career, I've met lots of great
    folks.... you could very well be one of them, especially if you "get

    cratchitspast, Apr 29, 2006
  10. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Well, if we have, I'm sure it was over BBQ.
    Wakko, Apr 29, 2006
  11. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Bjay,The usenet "facts" that Jerry is trying to use for persuasion to
    discredit the ride reports that we brought back with us is a load of
    shit.. The facts are on the ground in that country.. Want to find out
    what they are.. then get off your ass and go take a look.. You don't
    have to take my word for anything.. Neither do you have to accept the
    "facts" that are being blown at you by your cyber friendly.. That damned
    fool would be laughed out of Mexico..

    TC responds:
    Bill, Jesus Christ.   Just because YOU don't come to harm in your
    travels thru Mexico doesn't mean that OTHER folks don't occasionally.
    Statistics of crimes against foreign visitors collected by state
    agencies - both U.S. AND Mexican - are not "usenet shit," they are
    simply facts. ~That they don't describe YOUR experiences in Mexico
    doesn't discredit them. _Hell_, your own descriptions of other American
    visitors constantly getting into trouble with Mexican authorities or
    bandits posing as Mexican authorities, or the fact that one of your own
    party carried a weapon into the country and might very well - without
    your own intervention - have ~~suffered difficulties as a result of it,
    supports the contention that it takes more knowledge of the country, its
    language, and its culture to consistently traverse it safely outside the
    well worn paths of the known Tourist areas. You yourself talk about
    spending 50 years traveling in that country. That alone makes you vastly
    more prepared than any normal U.S. tourist. Not to mention the fact that
    you have family in that country to teach you how to interact with the
    ~~Shit, given the statistics gathered, and the known difficulties
    American visitors to that country encounter (numerous instances of which
    have been supplied by none other than yourself) you really ought to
    consider setting up a motorcycle touring company and leading rides down
    ~~You could continue to enjoy the country, make a little money on the
    side, and educate American motorcyclists who are intrigued by the
    country but who are reluctant (or even downright scared) to travel off
    the beaten path on their own.   Plus, think of the goodwill that would
    be generated on both sides of the border. Talk about your "win-win"

    WOW TC, buddy you really got excited with this response(!)
    Apparantly, TC, you lost your
    abitilty to read & refrain (usually), and pass this stuff by, this
    If I rode a Bike down there, I'd hire Bill, and Brian, now that would be
    double for your money.
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2006
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