Tijuana .. 1988.. I'd rented an apartment in the border town for convenience for my frequent visits .. Every Sunday morning, a small group would gather on Revolution Blvd. and Seventh St. A little patio type cafe was on that corner and it was a perfect place for us to eat breakfast, drink gallons of coffee and visit, while we "people watched".. One of the border buses pulled alongside the curb and unloaded.. Amongst the tourists getting off, there were four young fellows, obviously enjoying a weekend pass from their military base.. They ambled up and down the street, looking for something interesting, and then settled in on one of the dance cabarets across the street from us.. The dance hall was on the second floor with shops underneath.. The walls were mostly open .. They were in there for a few short minutes when all hell broke loose.. chairs flying everywhere and the sounds of crashing tables could be heard with all the cussing and screaming going on.. Police cars came from both directions .. Looked like a battalion of those cops charged up those stairs.. Shortly, the guys that caused all the commotion came tumbling down the stairs and were gathered up by the policemen who were waiting for them.. After they'd got everyone sorted out, the four miscreants lined up agains the wall.. those policemen were questioning them, one of the guys hollered something about his civil rights were being violated.. Clear as a bell, we could hear one of those cops explain to that guy.. "You left your civil rights at my border, when you crossed it".. As he said this, he cracked that guy up side the head with a nightstick that looked more like a baseball bat.. knocking him to his knees.. Those fellows were loaded into the back seat of one patrol car and carted away.. presumably to the Tijuana calaboose..