Yesterday.. I posted my experience in the VA hospital in Dallas.. Today.. I'd like to explore another little exercise in our crucial election year.. The time to cast those ballots is here and now.. It's time to VOTE.. We can all agree that something is broken in our system.. Otherwise, our beloved nation wouldn't be facing the crisis that we seem to be engaged in.. There's no need to rehash all the problems we've been confronted with for several years.. We "must" admit that our country is divided like never before.. There are record numbers of our people who are in need ..Everywhere we look, we all must feel the pinch.. Little as anyone thinks of it, and as unfair as our system of government is, we have a two party system that has run amok.. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights was carefully planned and crafted to afford us the best possible opportunity to preserve and protect our freedom and liberty..Each of us have the responsibility to serve and protect those freedoms and liberties.. Every four years we have the opportunity to vote and elect our leadership.. That is a serious responsibility in itself.. Many Americans don't vote.. Many do not even know who their representatives in government are..All they are aware of, is that "things" are either going well for them, or things are not so good.. Issues which affect the interest of individuals become specific.. Gun control .. freedom to move about.. taxes.. gay marriage.. energy costs.. healthcare.. insurance costs, etc.. etc..Too many individuals choose one issue and base their decision for their vote, on one or two of these important issues.. Then, we support, endorse and cast our ballot for the politician that is most suitably representing that interest.. Whatever else that politician represents isn't important.. Every four years .. the "Independents" emerge and commence their campaigns to be elected.. Some of them are credible and deserving.. Some of them are plain and simple "whackos", who would be total disasters, if elected to office.. Some of them "might" make good leaders, if they were to be elected.. All of these candidates have a following, no matter how minute.. Few have the recognition to become credible candidates to win a national election.. The importance of this crucial election is unmistakeable.. The policies that have been imposed by the current administration has become a tragic and critical burden to all of us.. The "perfect" candidate to lead this nation has not presented himself ..There is no such man.. Each candidate has his own flaws, after all.. we are all just ordinary men, regardless of our academic credentials and backgrounds.. How many of us have confronted our leadership representatives and expressed our concerns to him.??. How many of us have challenged their decisions in legislating the policies and laws that govern us ?? How many of us have actually met with those elected representatives and demanded better and more honest performance from them ? Our election process is made available to us, every four years.. I'm here to tell you, it isn't a process that can afford to be neglected and ignored for three out of that four years.. Our political system is designed for every citizen to participate in..We associate the phrase "Advise and Consent" to higher levels of our government.. Nothing is furthur from the truth.. Advise and Consent should be the responsibility of each one of us.. Meet with those representatives who are serving us.. Make your concerns and criticisms known to them.. Consent to the legislation that they endorse.. Advise them, as to the issues that are relevant to the best interests of their constituents.. The constituents are the ones who elected them, after all..Demand quality of performance in their representation.. of their own constituents... Independents who seek office, must realize that until they gain the credibility and recognition, their contribution to the political system in our nation cannot be taken seriously.. Without that credibility and recognition, they will be considered "spoilers" who will offset the system and cause our government to be handed to corrupt individuals who will ruthlessly abort our system, to their own interests.. The 2004 election is much too crucial for this to be allowed.. If that serious Independent candidate is the real article, he should be working day and night.. 365 days a year .. year in and out.. to establish that credibility and recognition.. Not just appear on the scene for a few short weeks or months, every four years and only during crucial elections.. We've got some good Independents in office.. They serve their constituents well and enthusiastically.. They CAN win elections.. They deserve the support of their constituents.. I urge all Americans to vote.. the percentage of our people who do not exercise their right to vote, is a national disgrace. I urge all Americans to inform themselves and participate in our system.. Accepting dishonesty and corruption in our leaders has led to many of the crisis and disasters which we have been experiencing .. Your friend in Irving Bill Walker