Help with camera OM10

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by SteveH, Dec 25, 2003.

  1. SteveH

    SteveH Guest

    It's amazing what you can find on Google using the search 'Olympus OM10
    Manual Download' ;-)
    SteveH, Dec 25, 2003
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  2. SteveH

    marina Guest

    12 years ago, I realised that I never used my Pentax SLR camera
    because it took so long to set up a shot and I was always buying
    disposables instead, so I chopped the SLR in for a compact, not being
    able to afford to buy without the part exchange. Now, I love the Canon
    compact and use it often, but I always felt sad at the loss of the
    SLR, which had had filters, zoom lens, big flashgun and a **** off
    ally case.

    For Christmas, Owen bought me a (secondhand) Olympus OM10 SLR camera
    and Miranda 35-128mm lens (it already had the standard 50 mm lens).
    Great! good camera, good lens. Even had a daylight filter on it. Only
    fly? No book. It's been so long since I used such a beastie, I can't
    remember how to work it. So, has anyone out there got a manual for an
    Olympus OM10 camera that could photocopy it and send it to me? Or even
    scan it and send it to me?

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    XV535 (sold), GPZ500S (promised), SR250 (in bits). BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2.
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Dec 25, 2003
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  3. Apart from the downloadable copy (see posting by another), it's maybe /just/
    possible that there are still the odd few printed copies in a dark cupboard
    somewhere. Try 0207-7253-2772, ask for camera sales and say "pretty, pretty
    please". No guarantees, but worth a try.

    Rick - Nothing to do with Olympus, goodness me no ;-)
    Richard Sterry, Dec 25, 2003
  4. Oh bollocks, that should read 0207-253-2772.

    Richard Sterry, Dec 25, 2003
  5. SteveH

    marina Guest

    Coo ta, it never even occurred to me that there might be a manual for
    an old camera like this online. :)

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    XV535 (sold), GPZ500S (promised), SR250 (in bits). BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2.
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Dec 26, 2003
  6. SteveH

    marina Guest

    I'll try that too, thanks. (New number noted.)

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    XV535 (sold), GPZ500S (promised), SR250 (in bits). BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2.
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world:
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Dec 26, 2003
  7. It's a long shot, but nothing ventured... I think a lot of stuff got slung
    out last time they refurbished the building, but there's always a demand for
    old manuals.

    Richard Sterry, Dec 26, 2003
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