help wanted from the RD/LC mafia

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by Bob Scott, Aug 5, 2007.

  1. Bob Scott

    Bob Scott Guest

    I'm trying to clear the shed a bit by ebaying odds n sods of LC & YPVS
    as I find them...

    Problem is, I've no idea what this bit is or what it's from (29L,
    whatever that is - RZ350?). box.jpg

    And does anyone know what brand of fork brace this is? I always assumed
    it was a homemade one until I found a number (7554) stamped on the
    underside - it was on the LC when I got it but it wasn't a brilliant
    fit, the fork legs had a couple of layers of insulting tape around them
    to get it to seat properly...

    I've also noticed that the powervalve engine in the shed has a 31k top
    end on a set of cases with a 1WT number...

    Might end up selling that engine in bits rather than trying to write an
    honest description for it.
    Bob Scott, Aug 5, 2007
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  2. Bob Scott

    Mike Buckley Guest

    Horrible fork brace. The leccy bit on the left looks like a CDI unit,
    possibly 31K from the connectors, no idea on the part on the right -
    doesn't ring any bells from either early or later RD350 electrics so
    could easily be RD/RZ250 (which is what 29L is).
    Nothing wrong with putting 31K barrels on 1WT cases, allegedly that's
    the best combination. Complete engines go for good money on ebay.
    Mike Buckley, Aug 5, 2007
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  3. Bob Scott

    Bob Scott Guest

    Ah, that's the same thing as on the left but the other way up -
    should've said that & I must edit the picture so it looks less like 2
    items next each other. Otherwise some ebay numpt will be expecting 2 cdi
    Guess I'll list it as a suspected RZ250 CDI then...
    Oh well, that'll bear some more investigation. Anyone got any views on
    how best to get engines to purchasers? I'm in central Scotland so "buyer
    collects" tends to put people off...

    Cheers for the help Mike.
    Bob Scott, Aug 5, 2007
  4. Bob Scott

    Mike Buckley Guest

    heh, I never noticed that.

    How much do you want for it? I could do with a spare, also in a
    position to test it in a week or so if you're not sure it works - see my
    other thread.
    Mike Buckley, Aug 5, 2007
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