Help please

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Diogenes, May 27, 2011.

  1. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    That's a lie.
    I used the name Peter. I need your permission to post as Peter?
    Get real. Your signature? What signature? You think you own :p ???
    That's no signature, it's a toungie... Anyone can poke a toungie.
    It had already previously been published in Usenet. Grow up. You had
    no problems in either group when my name was splattered about with gay
    abandon. In fact you appeared to be enjoying it.
    "at risk" ??? You're getting a bit melodramatic and precious aren't
    you, Peter?
    A five year old's response. How characteristic...
    What's your agenda?


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, May 28, 2011
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  2. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    Nice misrepresention. I said "the problem over there." We can
    dsicuss it further back in your own sandpit if you like.

    As for your quiz, not here, old chap. Post it over in your own
    sandpit and we'll go play there.



    Onya bike

    Diogenes, May 28, 2011
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  3. Diogenes

    Nigel Allen Guest

    Gee George - that's helpful.

    Nigel Allen, May 28, 2011
  4. Diogenes

    David Robley Guest

    I'd just mention here that posting in this group does not automatically make
    the poster a friend of any other person posting here. Depending on the
    circumstances, the opposite may apply.

    David Robley, May 28, 2011
  5. Diogenes

    Peter Guest

    You are right.
    Apologies Betty.
    Peter, May 28, 2011
  6. Diogenes

    Nev.. Guest

    What dumb shits. I thought it was pretty clear to them that you
    ostracises yourself from this group many years ago without any external

    Nev.., May 28, 2011
  7. Diogenes

    Jet Jockey Guest

    That's a bit rich coming from you.
    The only thing that stinks in here is you, and all your lies.
    So...It's OK for you to carry out these practices, but you condem
    anyone doing the same.
    YOU warned the group .Just WHO the **** do you think you are. Let me
    remind you, Gerry. You rose to the dizzy heights of PRIVATE during
    your military career, yet you are acting as a General in the FS group.
    Oh! I forgot, since then you have acquired The Walter Mitty syndrome!
    Here we go again. Walter Mitty laying down HIS rules for all the
    newsgroup to follow.
    Translated from Walter Mitty language.........

    I impersonated Dallas in the flight sim group.
    Translated from Walter Mitty language.........

    It's OK for me, Walter Mitty, to impersonate someone.
    Translated from Walter Mitty language.........

    I tried to stay 'legal' but failed. However, I achieved my goal by
    causing as much confusion as possible in that group.
    You are the Ace at misrepresenting facts, but just let us tell it as
    it is, shall we. You are a LIAR. The trouble with you, Gerry, is your
    half brain cannot compute anymore, you THINK you are telling the
    truth, you are convinced you are telling the truth, but in reality,
    sadly, most of your facts are lies. You are the ONLY ONE who cannot
    see this, all the others, in both groups can see the evidence before
    their own eyes.


    They have not helped you Gerry, because they can see the TRUTH, which
    sadlly evades your eyes.
    Well Gerry, you are living up to your Walter Mitty image without any
    problems at all.

    Jet Jockey

    Seek Ale
    Jet Jockey, May 28, 2011
  8. Diogenes

    Jet Jockey Guest

    You've got a big mouth but only half a brain, prove it or STFU.
    Assumption, wild guess! Does running around like a headless chicken
    provoke any memories from your half brain, Gerry?

    That's one funny lie Gerry.

    "He's famous for getting things wrong" You are talking about YOURSELF
    here, Your half brain has confused Mike with Walt.


    Seek Ale
    Jet Jockey, May 28, 2011
  9. Diogenes

    Jet Jockey Guest

    You FAILED the quiz Gerry, by not attempting it.


    Go on Gerry, give it your best shot. I'll tell you what! Because you
    only have half a brain functioing properly, if you get half the quiz
    correct you will get max points. :)

    Jet Jockey

    Seek Ale
    Jet Jockey, May 28, 2011
  10. Diogenes

    Dallas Guest

    Have you tried the Lord of the Internet?

    (...oh, never mind, I forgot you're an atheist.)
    Dallas, May 29, 2011
  11. Diogenes

    Dallas Guest

    I don't know who put a 5.56 mm round in Bin Laden's face, but I'm pretty
    much fine about that too.
    Dallas, May 29, 2011
  12. Diogenes

    Copter Six Guest

    My God ..... more insults. You really are insane. When I first read
    your posts I had a suspicion that you were lying about being in
    Vietnam. You're lower than low asshole. I'm still waiting for my
    apologies, 3 of em' now.
    Copter Six, Jun 3, 2011
  13. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    You should know, arsewipe. You were the one who started the cycle of
    abuse between you and I (I defer to the archives), and ever since then
    you've been relentlessly abusive. So your constant complaints about
    my abuse are a bit of a joke, fuckchop.
    More abuse. Quelle surprise.
    And you were wrong. And you still are.
    No, I am not lower than you.
    You have no grounds for demanding any apologies. Anything you
    complain about has been preceded your own crap. You don't smack a guy
    in the face and then complain when he slaps you back. Only a fool or
    a Yank would be that silly. and you're both, so I guess I should not
    be surprised.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jun 3, 2011
  14. Diogenes

    Peter Guest

    Peter, Jun 3, 2011
  15. Diogenes

    Diogenes Guest

    And what's your self-righteous, supercillious brain having "cool" mean
    this week, Peter?


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Jun 3, 2011
  16. Diogenes

    Dallas Guest

    Yes you do... That's exactly what you've been doing in the Flight Sim
    group for the last 24 hours.

    So which are you, a fool or a yank?
    Dallas, Jun 3, 2011
  17. Diogenes

    Nev.. Guest

    Show a bit of respect mate. Gerry died in Vietnam you know.

    Nev.., Jun 3, 2011
  18. Diogenes

    Peter Guest

    I am waiting for you to tell me?!?
    Peter, Jun 3, 2011

  19. More insults. What have I ever done to you?


    boB Copter Six
    Central Texas KGRK
    DCA 1720 QB Norfolk
    Bob - Copter Six, Jun 4, 2011
  20. Diogenes

    Copter Six Guest

    You are SO predictable.
    Copter Six, Jun 6, 2011
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