Helmets and spectacles

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Steve, Feb 11, 2006.

  1. <Punch>
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 12, 2006
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  2. Steve

    Lozzo Guest

    Fr Jack said...
    Don't talk soft, ya big fuckin' Jessie. What lid have you got at the
    moment? If you want a light helmet then expect to pay quite a bit more
    over the cost of a heavier one. That's just the way it is with helmets
    and weight. There's a 30 quid difference in cost between our 1250g model
    and our 1540g one, I can't tell the difference when I'm riding with
    either, even though the 1250g one feels much lighter when I pick it up.
    I have excessive wear and tear on my neck, so I'm told after having an
    MRI scan last year, but never have neck problems on the bike.
    Lozzo, Feb 12, 2006
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  3. The message <>
    I never use varifocals for driving/riding now at all.

    You can be totally deceived if you look out of the sides of them, so I
    use a pair of ordinary ones to compensate for short-sight, and the
    varifocals will be worn again for everyday use when the borked
    memory-metal frames are fixed.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 12, 2006
  4. Good move as far as I was concerned. Adjusted (more or less) to them in
    a couple of hours, and they've been a real boon.

    I've one eye much more short-sighted than the other, and using normal
    glasses I can't read a book/screen with them on because I have to view
    from several feet. Middle-distance and distance are OK, so I used to
    remove my glasses for reading, but because of the imbalance, in vision,
    this wasn't ideal, and even middle distance was blurry.

    As I age, the short-sightedness is getting less, though, but ||
    fortunately, both seem to be changing proportionally.
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 12, 2006
  5. The message <>
    Bit of (in)judicious crossposting mayhap?
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 12, 2006
  6. Ah - that may be the answer.
    I tend to be hairy in place you shouldn't be hairy - or summat like that.
    ^..^ Lone Wolf, Feb 12, 2006
  7. Steve

    ogden Guest

    From experience, any AGV, any Arai and any FM. I'd be surprised if I
    really found a lid that wouldn't let me put specs on afterwards.

    The only exception being if you've got memory wire frames. They're
    designed to be flexible, so difficult to push inside the lid. But that's
    a problem with the specs, not with the lid.
    ogden, Feb 12, 2006
  8. Steve

    muddy Guest

    Is there such a thing?

    The closest thing I found was a static-cling reading lens so I can see
    the radio and GPS displays.
    muddy, Feb 12, 2006
  9. Steve

    raden Guest

    I must have missed them too

    Yeah, I end up taking mine off to read anything close up
    raden, Feb 12, 2006
  10. Steve

    Owen Guest

    I tried some memory metal frames and could get the buggers on with my
    helmet on, they bent and twisted all over the place...
    Owen, Feb 12, 2006
  11. Steve

    gomez Guest

    The pikey ones maybe. I have Nikon lenses in Porsche frames and a big
    hole in my bank balance ;)

    Took me a week or so to get used to them, even got a headache for the
    first few days. Going downstairs and tying your shoe laces is tricky
    to start with until you learn to move your head more than your your
    gomez, Feb 12, 2006
  12. Ay say you cheps, how about a brace of monocles?
    Rusty Hinge 2, Feb 12, 2006
  13. Steve

    Fr Jack Guest

    610V, which is 110g lighter than the Caberg I had and has made a huge
    Unfortunately, I do....

    Fr Jack
    B12S (The Red Mist), CB450DX (The Moped)
    Red death, to set you free
    Fr Jack, Feb 12, 2006
  14. Steve

    gomez Guest

    Actually, that put me to thinking of those prescription goggles that
    that footy player wears ... Can't remember his name for the moment
    .... short fellah with a short fuse .... Dutch, I think.

    Edgar Davids ?
    gomez, Feb 12, 2006
  15. Rusty Hinge 2 wrote
    No thanks.
    steve auvache, Feb 12, 2006
  16. Rusty Hinge 2 wrote
    If ever I buy varifocals again they will be the reverse of what I have
    at the moment and they will be optimised for outdoors with a pair of
    single focus for staring at square screens.

    Although I am tempted to try sticking me fingers in me eyes like other
    people do but I know where my fingers have been.
    steve auvache, Feb 12, 2006
  17. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Ah that's my problem then , all my specs have thinnish arms.
    At least a new helmet will be cheaper than new specs...

    Steve, Feb 12, 2006
  18. Steve

    platypus Guest

    Laura was once asked this, when she was about 2 or 3. Completely
    unprompted, she came out with "Abracadabra!"
    platypus, Feb 12, 2006
  19. Steve

    platypus Guest

    platypus, Feb 12, 2006
  20. Steve

    'Hog Guest

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