Helmet ID please

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by John Littler, Jan 2, 2005.

  1. John Littler

    John Littler Guest

    Hey guys

    Anyone know what brand the helmet with the red flowers on the side is
    (hibiscus I'm told) ?


    John Littler, Jan 2, 2005
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  2. John Littler

    atec Guest

    atec, Jan 2, 2005
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  3. John Littler

    c0r Guest

    c0r, Jan 2, 2005
  4. John Littler

    John Littler Guest

    John Littler, Jan 2, 2005
  5. John Littler

    John Littler Guest

    John Littler, Jan 2, 2005
  6. John Littler

    atec Guest

    point is the libs did get back in , I gather you didn't ?
    so why bother until things are a little closer to the next labor loss .
    atec, Jan 2, 2005
  7. Shark RSF2 Olivier Jacque Replica?

    Postman Pat
    Pat Heslewood, Jan 2, 2005
  8. John Littler

    John Littler Guest

    Indeed they did, next subject the bleeding obvious, I heard the Allies
    won WW2 as well in other late breaking news.

    You obviously have difficulties comprehending the sig file don't you ?
    Try reading it again, it implicitly acknowledges the above fact. But
    subtlety is lost on rocket scientists like you, hey ?
    I wasn't up for election. Why ? Did you think I was ?
    <shrug> I'm still waiting for you to make a point. Whether Labor wins or
    loses has little relevance to the fact our Prime Minister and some of
    his cabinet are lying weasels. It's a fact,documented on the website. I
    just find it a bit sad that the electorate doesn't care. <shrug> Whatever.

    (I guess reminding you that your hero is a weasel is a bit uncomfortable
    Atec ?)
    John Littler, Jan 2, 2005
  9. John Littler

    John Littler Guest

    Postman Pat delivers again !!

    Thanks mate.

    John Littler, Jan 2, 2005
  10. John Littler

    atec Guest

    so your in the Egyptian river then ?
    \ accepted practice is poly's lie , I remind you of : NO Child shall
    live in poverty
    so tell me again as an aspiring polly how few lies you will tell when
    the party barks ?
    I don't give a Shiite... the financial look acceptable which is
    something the bodgie and pigboy never did.
    atec, Jan 2, 2005
  11. John Littler

    John Littler Guest

    No it's not, under the westminster system, pollies caught lying (used
    to) get their arses booted out of parliament - the brits still manage to
    do it, only in Oz have we managed to subvert it (and democratic places
    like Zimbabwe)
    Uhuh, and why do you think he thought it might be a good idea to retire
    around that time frame, but even given that he pulled out, there's a big
    difference between a dumb unachievable hyperbolic promise and flat out
    deliberately misleading the Australian public.
    What the **** drugs are you on (or not on that you should be on) ? I am
    not an aspiring politician on an version of reality that I've visited.
    The most politicised I've ever been has been in the last few years since
    I turned from being a dyed in the wool Liberal voter into a vociferous
    opponent of the current government, like many of my political stripe,
    (hint, think Fraser) since we've been disenfranchised by the Liberal party.

    There isn't enough money in Oz, to make me consider running for
    parliament, besides the fact that I've been way too frank, under my real
    name, on usenet to have a hope in hell of being successfully elected.

    I'll have left the country to go to rack and ruin under morons like you
    before '06 is done, let the fools who voted liberal reap their rewards,
    I'll take the message being sent loud and clear and look after myself first.

    What fools like you don't understand is, I'm one of the ones who are
    better off financially under this lying cheating govt and I still don't
    like their practise, it's called morality and ethics, something people
    like you don't understand. You'd put your mother on ebay if you thought
    someone would pay for her, wouldn't you ?
    Given I am not, and have never been, a member of ANY political party in
    my entire life (although, god help me, I almost joined the Young
    Nationals as a teenager), you need to start retaking those drugs you've
    obviously stopped ingesting.
    13 pieces of silver my good man, your soul comes cheap doesn't it ?

    (by the way, if you had the foggiest clue you'd realise the economic
    structural changes that brought our economy forward were primarily
    bought in under the Hawke and Keating Govt's)
    John Littler, Jan 2, 2005
  12. John Littler

    Shells Guest

    Ill give ya tree fitty and a kick in the nuts for her.
    Shells, Jan 2, 2005
  13. John Littler

    atec Guest

    goodness me sunshine ,main spring wound to tight eh ...
    atec, Jan 2, 2005
  14. John Littler

    John Littler Guest

    John Littler, Jan 2, 2005
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