Helmet headphones

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Zob, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. Zob

    Zob Guest


    Does anyone have any experience with helmet headphones? I get buckets of
    wind noise when riding and have not found any headphones that can be heard
    at 80mph through ear plugs. Is there an ear plug / headphone combo that
    does the trick?

    Zob, Apr 22, 2004
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  2. Zob said:
    Sony headphones, stripped from the mounts and mounted inside the helmet.
    I can happily hear the CD/Minidisc/Radio at 100+.
    Simon Atkinson, Apr 22, 2004
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  3. Zob

    flashgorman Guest

    Koss Plugs. They have ear plugs attached to them and a little tube that goes
    thru the earplug and transmits the sound. Good Bass. The earplugs are
    replaceable and I would replace the standard ones straight away with some
    decent ones. Screwfix also do a cheapo version but I've not tried them.
    flashgorman, Apr 22, 2004
  4. Zob

    Molly Guest

    I use Autocom ones that fit inside the helmet with Velcro.


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    Molly, Apr 22, 2004
  5. Zob

    Eddie Guest

    Hmmm... anyone know how these compare to those Sony Fontopias(sp?) that
    were mentioned a week or two ago?
    Eddie, Apr 22, 2004
  6. Zob

    HooDooWitch Guest

    <fx: thumbs up from me too>
    HooDooWitch, Apr 22, 2004
  7. Zob

    RJO Guest



    I have the ones made to measure with the holes for 'Walkman' type
    headphones. They're great. I had some that they do with thier own (microbud)
    headphones and earplugs combined, generic rather than specific for my ear.
    They were'nt half as good and the sound reproduction was poor given the

    RJO, Apr 22, 2004
  8. Zob

    Zob Guest

    Looks like just the job! Thanks, RO.

    Zob, Apr 25, 2004
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