Helmet Bill Amendment

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmmm Better be extra careful in that cold climate, up there.. pard.. The
    past coupla years now, I've experienced a slight shrinkage situation during
    exposure to temps below about 40 degrees.. I'd sure not like to see that
    complex of yours become a traumatic and permanent condition...

    Yeah Bjay.. I'll miss my good friend when he takes off.. you bet'cha..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 18, 2004
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  2. Well you've argued against every issue presented here. How about telling us
    what you think the issues are that you believe in. We already know its not
    insurance, equal access, or the helmet law.
    You would think, but then that's not what's happening. Only recently again,
    did we get the dps to agree that if a person has a sticker that they should
    not be pulled over. Again TMRA2 intervention is needed to educate dps upper
    levels that the law states that the sticker assumes compliance. It may not
    be rocket science, but for some reason it winds up being that way. Each time
    a new department head comes in at the state level for dps we have a whole
    new batch of problems. Not only that but there is harrassment going on in
    various cities (San Angelo) and it doesn't matter about the sticker or not.
    So if it comes down to understanding, removing the law entirely should be a
    lot easier for each new administration to understand.
    Elmer McKeegan, Nov 18, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    With all due respect, Elmer..It would seem that Albert Nurick is dedicated
    to the proposition of opposing anything that he might perceive as a
    Democratic position or a Democratic personality.. He seems especially
    disposed to creating opposition to any supportive position assumed by anyone
    named Walker.. LOL.. regardless of the subject ..

    Doubtful that Albert can respond to your question with clarity..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 18, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn Beemer .. you didn't "had" white hair.. you "still" got white hair..
    sheesh.. And one other thing.. you just look like some kind of desperado and
    that is "probable cause" for any cop to pull you over.. As if that gucci BMW
    you ride, isn't enough..

    He had no business
    On a serious note.. I wasn't there and not involved with that ticket, in any
    way, but.. I would have still been fighting them in all the jurisdictions in
    Texas, over that one.. That was one ticket that would have been laying on
    the AG's desk, before I turned it loose.. DPS command would have frowned on
    the way that ticket was issued and handled..
    I agree with Sputnik entirely.. The decision to pay that one was yours and
    not mine or anyone else's, but that was a conclusive report on the
    consistency of efficiency in the traffic enforcement justice system in

    I can also write my
    Riders should be responsible.. no question..

    At a minimum mandatory motorcycle training for new riders
    Whups.. careful where you go with all the "mandating" business.. When all
    the "mandating" is directed at the pocketbooks of anyone and mandates a
    profit for anyone.. such as the insurance companies.. let's be very careful
    that "mandating" isn't merely a tool against riders and consumers.. We've
    been victims of that trap, before and it's been used effectively against
    us..When I hear the word "mandate" my hackles commence to rise..

    I believe in training for new riders

    That is your belief and you are entitled to it.. I'm not sure that I totally
    agree.. Depends on a lot of factors that deserve to be considered..
    Perhaps.. he will.. We won't know that until we actually see what is written
    in the Bill that he is considering..

    but maybe that is a card he is holding to
    With support behind him and enough of the dedicated motorcyclists attending,
    Sputnik should present our case effectively.. I plan to participate without
    question or reservation.. I'm also expecting you to be there with your
    support, as well..

    Clearly we cannot have
    Yep.. but.. remember the AG is a product of a system that isn't geared to
    favor consumer's interests.. He clearly favors and is supported by an
    industry that has intentions to disadvantage consumers and enhance their own
    bottom line profit margin.. The AG's ruling will lean toward the hand that
    feeds him.. Just as his predecessor's ruling did..

    There are going to be
    IMO .. that is the reason the decision was made to address this issue, at
    this time, by all who attended the DA's meeting in Elgin..
    Dammit. Beemer.. If I could just influence you into voting for some good
    democratic candidates for office, we'd be entirely on the same page.. hmmm..
    except for that old gucci BMW, of course.. LOL

    I do not represent anyone here in San Antonio and
    Have a good one, pard.. See you soon..Lord's willing..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 18, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I think Elmer expressed it as diplomatically as possible.. Albert Nurick is
    opposed to most everything, especially if it originates from TMRA II, or the
    Walkers... ROTFL.. There is an upside to Albert's opposition, though.. All
    his opposition is mostly declarations that "feel good" to him and is
    completely limited to usenet.. Wild horses couldn't drag Albert to any kind
    of "real" contact confrontation with anyone, no matter how strong his
    conviction would be..That being said.. we can all relax and not indulge in
    any concerns that Albert Nurick will make a difference to any issue..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 18, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Nurick+Ass believes strongly that a law on the books is good...no
    matter what. He believes if our legislators made a law, then they must
    know what they're doing and know what's best for Nurick+Ass...and all
    of us. He believes that there's some sort of twist within the law
    where he can see a benefit...no matter which law.

    On the other hand, he knows nothing about the process which it takes
    to make a law go from a concept into a law...or how that law might
    change or be used after it's a law.

    Asking someone like this what he thinks are issues to believe in might
    be "risky".
    Elmer, he doesn't understand. He believes the law doesn't affect him
    and so it shouldn't matter.

    One would hope that opinions like Nurick+Ass has would be in a
    minority. Unfortunately, until the motorcyclists are hit in the face
    with the problems in the law, this is what will be encountered. They
    see the clause for the MSF course. They see the clause for insurance.
    They see the clause for a small fee to receive a sticker. They see
    these little things and think "ah, that's a good thing...it shows
    we're responsible people...I want to show that...I want to be
    responsible". What they don't see is the other side where the law is
    being used in an irresponsible way against the "responsible" people.

    Look how many bills we have up this January where "education and all
    other purposes" is listed. Who wants to vote against "education"? Look
    how many times that "no child left behind" has been thrown out? Yet,
    then at re-election the opposition will say "he voted against
    education". What the democrats need to do...and starting NOW...is to
    start getting on television and radio and pointing out the problems in
    the laws being proposed and show these people the reasons why they are
    voting the way they are...BEFORE THEY VOTE! Don't wait until election
    time to defend the position...get on an offensive stance and start
    voicing what they're doing. Let the people see what the laws are doing
    and how they're being used.

    People like Nurick+Ass just don't get it. The mindset is "the liberals
    are taking away from us". Look how many times you see and hear people
    complaining about liberals taking guns. Look how many times you hear
    people complaining about liberals taking "God" out of the pledge of
    allegiance. Look how many times you hear people complaining about
    liberals taking from children. They (people like Nurick+Ass) believe
    they have to show they're responsible at any costs while defending
    themselves against liberals who take away from them. If we're to get
    through this session coming up and go beyond that to correct some of
    these things, we have to understand how these people think and
    understand how to get around them...even to get them turned around.
    Brian Walker, Nov 18, 2004
  7. Of course fullstate'll be checking in on us, because he, no doubt, have
    one of those $3,000 Lap Tops, all CEOs have em'..

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 18, 2004
  8. Definetly we differ here, me not because of the law, but because its not
    being properly handled by the dps.
    Although not all, some do offer lower premiums and others require you to
    sign an agreement that you are always wearing a helmet when riding.
    Although I agree with rider training. I have a problem with graduated
    licensing. Mainly at this point I would want to see where it actually works
    or how to properly implement it. After all hitting a wall at 80+ mph has
    little difference between a 250 or a 1340. Now something for those under 18
    might be reasonable.
    We oppose a lot of laws that put restrictions on riders. Some of those laws
    restricted riders from HOV lanes, public parks, hospitals, and even
    interstate travel. So we do primarily oppose laws that put restrictions on
    riders and I believe we've really helped the entire industry. If most of
    those restrictions we allowed to survive we wouldn't be able to ride in a
    lot of places.
    That's not true, I don't know where you've even come up with that idea. You
    must be assuming because it wouldn't be from attending any meeting.
    Go back and google if you wish, but you'll find that we've always stated to
    take the safety course over going out and getting insurance. We're also the
    ones that added the rider safety instead of insurance on the bill when we
    had to compromise.
    Unforunately it doesn't seem to end. Education doesn't seem to stick.
    Bad behavior is not good for anyone. However if the behavior is observed on
    the road then the officers should put a stop to it. However if these rallies
    are on private property and are not harming anyone else then the behavior
    doesn't matter. No laws are being violated and no one should be harrassed
    for laws they didn't break.
    Elmer McKeegan, Nov 18, 2004
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Good job Elmer. Several years ago.. you and a couple other District Advisors
    for TMRA II, asked me to commence representing TMRA II.. including Sputnik,
    if I recall .. When I spoke in public, some of you guys encouraged me to
    speak on behalf of TMRA II.. If you recall, I was hesitant to do so.. My
    reasoning for that hesitancy was very simple as I explained it to you and
    the others..

    Bill Walker is controversial and I would not enjoy being the subject that
    could be instrumental in any discredit to TMRA II..

    During the re-districting public hearings, as you recall, I addressed many
    groups in different forums.. I never spoke as a representative of TMRA II or
    any other organization that could have been held accountable for my
    viewpoints.. While we were in Houston, this year, I was finally persuaded to
    actively advocate for TMRA II.. Even though I supported TMRA II and
    recommended support for them by others.. I always voiced my opinions,
    independently.. Since we went to Houston, I've commenced speaking for and
    about TMRA II.. I have felt that I was doing so, with the endorsement of
    many of the brothers of that organization..

    Albert Nurick and a few others on this newsgroup forum, were very opposed to
    my viewpoints, even before Houston.. Since that time, a few of these people
    have used my association with TMRA II as a focus of discredit to both me and
    the organization.. With all due respect.. the opposition from particularly
    Albert Nurick is directed moreso at Bill Walker, than at TMRA II.. I've
    noticed that just a handful of others.. not more than two or three of them
    have assumed the same posture..

    That being the case.. it should be known that I don't have to be a discredit
    to anyone or any organization.. My personal viewpoints have not changed,
    although some of my postings have become slightly mellowed and tempered with
    a little less fire and brimstone.. Albert Nurick and the few that seem to be
    obsessed in their opposition to Bill Walker, were exactly the ones that I
    cautioned about the controversial posture of Bill Walker..

    When TMRA II decides that Bill Walker is more of a liability than an asset,
    please be certain that I will clearly understand and will no longer make any
    representation to the organization.. I will continue to endorse and support
    TMRA II in any capacity that is appropriate..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 18, 2004
  10. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    You have to be real careful with that one. It could easily turn into
    a mandated safety gear law. And the stickers that everyone complains
    about? Let's gear up the machine to have PACs lobbying for gear to
    meet certain spec to get an approval and then require that the gear be
    swapped out every three years to maintain that approval.

    No thanks.... If the insurance companies offered it freely, that
    might be another thing. But the terms "free" and "insurance" rarely
    go together.
    Now this I DO agree with. But I think it's a bit naive to think it
    would eliminate folks killing themselves on sportbikes or even
    cruisers. Morons will be morons after all. ;-)
    I don't always agree with the TMRA2, but I am fairly opposed to
    crating laws and having the Govt. putting restrictions on us.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 18, 2004
  11. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    Leave it to me to debate this one with you. ;-)
    I haven't read anywhere that ABS aides in normal riding conditions in
    any way shape or form. I'll grant you that it is a lifesaver in
    emergency conditions, but for the expense of it I can't see how it's
    appropriate to tell someone to spend the extra cash on it.

    I've been riding for years, and fortunately I have never been in a
    situation where a "bigger bike" and ABS would have made a difference.
    Riders are far more intimidated by a larger machine than they are a
    smaller machine. The more calm and relaxed a rider is, the more
    likely they are going to absorb and learn from the experience as
    opposed to be terrified to the point where they can't concentrate.
    I do not recommend modern 600cc sport bikes to any new rider just for
    the reasons mentioned above. My favorite suggestion is the GS500E for
    size, weight, and lack of HP. It will get up to highway speeds no
    problem, but it won't get out from underneath you should you
    accidentally grab too much throttle, either.

    As for the bag thing, who is to say the hard bags wouldn't have thrown
    him off balance anyway?

    I can't count how many times I have seen some big cruiser rider on a
    behemoth that was learning to ride and I thought "they are going to
    kill themselves" because they can't control the weight and torque of
    the bike and they don't have a CLUE how out of control they are.
    I think I know where you are coming from so I won't say I outright
    disagree, but many of the cruisers are more adaptive to lower seat
    heights, not the sport bikes.
    Exactly why I say not to have a bike like that on the first try. You
    are going to drop it and you probably are going to realize what you
    really want out of a bike after riding for a little while. So, buy
    something used and cheap the first time around and if you ding it, who
    cares? Once you ride for a while and get a feel for what you like and
    don't like, then start looking at nicer bikes.
    A beginner rider shouldn't even HAVE a passenger on the back. And how
    much weight do you want to have this person trying to control? I bet
    most people can control a small, lightweight bike far easier than an
    800lbs bike with raked forks and fat tires on it.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 18, 2004
  12. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    Yeah, actually my laptop was close to that price tag. ;-) But it
    kicks ass.

    I am NOT a CEO.... unfortunately.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 18, 2004
  13. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    Well, that was why I said that it's unreasonable to expect people to
    not be morons or not die with this system.

    If you want a working example, though, I'd say look at Europe.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 19, 2004
  14. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    An entire point missed.
    Brian Walker, Nov 19, 2004
  15. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I believe Nurick+Ass just proved me right once again...
    Brian Walker, Nov 19, 2004
  16. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Someone might want to point out to Nurick+Ass that most of the
    sportbikes these kids are being killed on are the 600cc type
    sportbikes...not the 1100cc one's.

    Of course, with him not knowing anything about the motorcycle
    community he wouldn't know these little things. I guess that if it
    were up to him, he'd have everyone on mopeds until they met his
    guidelines to move up to something larger.

    These are the type of laws that Nurick+Ass would like to see in place?
    Insurance discounts for buying helmets? Restrictions on motor size
    until they meet his guidelines? Gimme a BREAK!
    Brian Walker, Nov 19, 2004
  17. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    The more Nurick+Ass says, the more he proves himself to be as stupid as he is.
    Brian Walker, Nov 19, 2004
  18. once,years ago, 4 or 5 of us, going on an Arkansas ride.....and one of
    the fellows had a father in law, that went and bought him a new
    Sportster, and the next morning we rode off. Well sir, the old feller
    learned the hard way.....ran off the road a few times, close calls, rode
    a ways with his kickStand down, but never got hurt...never ran into any
    of us.....he learned on a fair size bike, with fair size power....& was
    his very first motorcycle.
    <>actually<> I dont know why I mentioned this....has very little
    significance to some of whats been said......but the guy did learn to
    ride on a fairly large bike.....and as far as I remember, he kept it, &
    didnt get killed on it......GOL (grin out loud)

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 19, 2004
  19. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Yup, that's how I learned too. No classes back then. It was sink or swim.
    Wakko, Nov 19, 2004
  20. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Anyone who has ever ridden a motorcycle for any time at all will
    disagree with you. Then again, most people who rides motorcycles
    disagrees with anything you say.

    The best ideal ride to learn on, if you're not taking the MSF course
    and cheat a bit, will be a low-center mid-size bike with moderate
    power. Most will recommend a 500cc to a 800cc motorcycle for a first
    time rider. Certainly this would be closer to a Goldwing than some
    scooter that wouldn't even be comparable to a bicycle. I've known more
    first time riders to be on a Goldwing type touring bike within six
    months after sitting on their first motorcycle...and never have a
    problem. Some have been on the Voyager 1300cc and/or the Ultra
    Classic...which would hardly be as easy of a bike to handle as the

    It's not about "heavier"...and if you rode a motorcycle you'd know

    Your entire post should've read: "I've never ridden a motorcycle so I
    don't have a comment on that". At least then, more people might agree
    with you.
    Brian Walker, Nov 21, 2004
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