Heckuva Job

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Been watching all these developments lately concerning our latest two
    disasters, Katrina and Rita.. Several things come to mind.. One of the most
    inciteful that I can relate to is the day that George Bush made that comment
    "heckuva job Brownie".. A little furthur down I'll tie this one together ..

    Here's all those evacuees in the shelters and Reunion Arena .. No money, no
    bank account access and no jobs.. Most of them with only the clothes on
    their backs..

    Rita hits us and here's even more evacuees from Houston and that area.. The
    day has been saved..by the hourly appearances of George Bush and Rick
    Perry.. sleeves rolled up, gimme caps jammed on their heads.. Making
    speeches and reassuring one and all that they are on the job.. Gonna take
    care of everything.. We all breathed a sigh of relief .. The problem is

    Apartment complexes all over this metroplex have been plagued by high
    vacancies and advertise in any forum available.. Free this, Free that ..
    Free something else.. Corporate Property Management has been exerting
    enormous pressures on the complex management to fill those vacancies..
    Employee changeover is frequent and some of the leasing agents and assts.
    move from complex to complex.. Voila.. occupants for those vacant apartments
    are just waiting at Reunion Arena and the shelters.. Make a declaration of
    compassion for the victims, get right down there and scoop 'em up before
    someone beats you to it..

    Don't worry that those people don't have the means to live in the woods,
    much less pay rent and utilities.. Bush, Perry, and what's his name at FEMA
    will be taking care of all of us and everything .. especially if we are
    compassionately caring for the victims of these disasters.. Sheesh .. they
    been all over TV, talking about it for two weeks..

    Man.. those monthly reports look good.. 100% occupancy.. what a deal.. Then
    the corporate guy takes a look at the bank account.. uh oh.. Where's the
    money ? Well .. er.. ah.. Damn.. don't you watch TV ? Bush and Perry and
    that FEMA guy, or was it the bald headed dude at Homeland Security have been
    talking about taking care of these victims.. Wheres' the money ? corporate
    guy demands.. Complex manager, obviously squirming .. "We better get with
    FEMA, or Homeland Security and find out how to get paid, huh " Can't get
    through to any of them, says the little leasing agent .. WTF is going on
    here.. corporate guy roars.. Where's the freakin' money for those
    apartments.. Complex manager reports... We got on that compassion thing and
    just look we've got 100% occupancy, didn't have to advertise and just think,
    everybody thinks we are humanitarians.. Corporate guy bellows.. **** that,
    where's the money for those apartments... Call Bush and Perry.. tell 'em we
    gotta have our dough.. Complex manager squeeks, nobody has seen them for a
    while.. we just gotta fill out some papers and file them.. six months to
    five years we should have a check.. Corporate guy is really pissed, now..
    Get those freakin deadbeats out of those apartments or collect my money..
    Here we go.. What the hell did these people expect.. Bush, Perry and all
    their toadies prancing in front of cameras for two weeks.. Getting the "job"
    done .. promising whatever it takes to get those victims some relief.. Who
    the hells paying these bills ? You can bet your britches Bush and Perry
    don't freaking know, or care.. They got TV coverage.. I'll tie this one into
    a comparison type follow up, in another post..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 29, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Redshad Guest

    there DEBIT cards to the front office and tried to pay there rent. Maybe the
    complex doesnt take debit cards or they forgot there PIN number or maybe
    there card didnt have enough cash left on it becuase they had to buy booze
    and loto tickets. A man has to celebrate and party down when you live threw
    such a ordeal as a hurricane.

    Redshad, Sep 29, 2005
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