Head shake

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by Scott, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. :) I remember years ago when I was in High School and working at the local
    burger joint. One day we had a wreck come rolling through the drive thru
    filled with Mexicans that was -literally- pouring oil out of the engine, and
    I mean
    you could see the trail of oil following along after it. Our manager was
    worried that it wouldn't make it out of the drive thru before seizing. We
    had to shut down the drive thru for 15 minutes after it went through in
    order to go
    out and put down cat litter to sop up the oil.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jun 8, 2006
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  2. Good advice.
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 18, 2006
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  3. I finally pulled apart, greased and reassembled the steering head
    on mine. Even though the bearing appeared to be well lubed before I
    touched it, I got much more of an improvement than I would have
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Jun 19, 2006
  4. Scott

    yamadawg Guest

    I have a 1982 750 Maxim. I get the head shakes at low speed. Actually
    the bike does, not me. Just like one of the other commentors stated,
    just a finger on the handle bar will calm it down. As the thing handles
    exceptionally well I am not too concerned with the low speed shakes. It
    does not shake at all at higher speeds (70 -90) so I know it is not
    wheel balance or worn tires. Actually the tires only have around 1500
    miles on them and show no wear. I always keep them properly inflated.
    What I have been reading, slow speed shakes are common, o what is the
    synopsis - no real concern?
    yamadawg, Jun 21, 2006
  5. Scott

    Scott Guest

    That's up to you. If you feel that your bike's handling characteristics are
    not a hazard, then it's of no real concern. Another rider may or may not
    agree, but it's your carcass on the line. Manage your own risks.

    My bike has had the same head shaking behavior since the day I bought it
    (31,000 miles ago). I don't consider it a hazard. It is an annoyance, and
    I would fix it if I could, but it's nothing that would keep me from riding.
    The shake never manifests as long as I take the simple precaution of keeping
    a hand on the bars -- and that's a damn good idea anyway. So, no, no real
    concern for me.

    Scott, Jun 21, 2006
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