
Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mike Alvey, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. Mike Alvey

    Mike Alvey Guest

    Bill, hdrider is a District Advisor in the Waco area. That's why his
    posts have Sputs name in them. He is Greg Bodovsky and you met him in
    Houston at the campground. He's the guy on the trike that camped with
    Mike Alvey, Jun 28, 2004
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  2. Mike Alvey

    Bill Walker Guest

    You must be talking about the ruthless, unshaven and very rude ruffian, who
    discussed some issues with Elmer.. That's no "trike".. That vehicle is a
    Gucci Harley with a sidecar attached to it.. Damn.. who'd ever have thought
    it ?

    Hmmmm... if I remember correctly.. he also took a ride with me in a
    "rickshaw".. No details.. please.. My reputation is bad enough, as it is..
    Soon as ol' Greg gets his softtail fixed, he and I are going to have to get
    together and discuss this "hdrider" business..LOL.. Thanks Michael.. The
    secret is safe with me.. (for a little while, at least)

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 28, 2004
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