[QUOTE="Dr Ivan D. Reid"] I fold. Don't think I've ever seen one of them, though I have vague memories of a full crown (and of course 50-cents after decimilisation). I _think_ farthings were still legal tender when I was born, ha'pennies certainly were.[/QUOTE] I recall the excitement of pocket money on a Saturday morning, opening the piggy bank and sorting the various coins: farthings (I remember them because they had a wren on the reverse (they weren't legal tender by then ... just)) tanners, bobs and florins (some were two-shilling pieces, but the real ones had florin on them somewhere) but the best of the lot was the octagonal thruppenny bit. I recall clearly being given a half-crown for my fifth birthday - that was the most money I'd seen in one piece at that point. Two an' six, 12 anna half new pence now. How values have changed, and not for the better imho.