Harley spark plugs

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Cobra, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. Cobra

    Cobra Guest

    I stopped in the Harley Shop in Allen to get plugs for my wife's sportster -
    the girl rang up 25 dollars and some odd change-after I had calmed down the
    parts guy said I thought you wanted the gold paladiums, we got these others
    that are a buck cheaper each.
    I went to the local auto parts and bought my 2 plugs for 3 bucks-
    I'm finding the whole Harley scene obscene at best - corporate greed,
    merchandising, the whole shtick -chaps, fingerless gloves, 12 dollar spark
    plugs, yuppies trailering bikes -it ain't my dad's harley shop anymore, it
    ain't even mine
    Cobra, Oct 3, 2006
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  2. Cobra

    Redshad Guest

    All I can think of is LOL
    Redshad, Oct 3, 2006
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  3. Cobra

    BJayKana Guest

    I stopped in the Harley Shop in Allen to get plugs for my wife's
    sportster - the girl rang up 25 dollars and some odd change-after I had
    calmed down the parts guy said I thought you wanted the gold paladiums,
    we got these others that are a buck cheaper each.
    I went to the local auto parts and bought my 2 plugs for 3 bucks- I'm
    finding the whole Harley scene obscene at best - corporate greed,
    merchandising, the whole shtick -chaps, fingerless gloves, 12 dollar
    spark plugs, yuppies trailering bikes -it ain't my dad's harley shop
    anymore, it ain't even mine

    That's what I hear. I still like the first commercial Honda did, when
    Hondas arrived here in the USA (around '60 something?) (went something
    like this) ''You meet the nicest people on Hondas''.
    That goes further in my town, our Honda folks try their best, all away
    round' . If you buy from them you get a discount on stuff, from then
    BJayKana, Oct 3, 2006
  4. Cobra

    Richard Guest

    Been shopping and looking for a bike, been away for over 15 years.
    I have just about decided on a HD cause My buddies say I already have the
    number one selling HD accessory.

    yep got me one of them FORD Pickups..........

    HD has just about priced it's self out of the working mans driveway........

    Natty Flatt USA


    Always remember before you can become old and wise you must be young and
    I'm stuck somewhere in between.
    Richard, Oct 3, 2006
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