Halfway house putty roadhouse fire

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Mister Biggus, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. Don't align myself with any camp as you put it Nev, I am fully insured with
    my properties.
    but, the post up there said that some bushfire victims were underinsured
    You said that you wish your house burned down then you would be rolling in
    I am in the middle of the bushfire victims and I see what has happened with
    the people and houses, some or most of them were underinsured for total
    then you come along and with what you say, you infer that everyone who's
    house got burned down would be rolling in cash
    I totally disagree with you on that
    Maybe because you would be rolling in cash , are you saying that you are
    If so, then you are taking your chances with the insurance companies
    as I said, they only pay out on things that they can't get out of not paying
    and if they look into your file and see that you are overinsured, they will
    pay out only for the insurance value that they put on it,
    not what you put on it.
    They might even look into your file and claim you are trying to defraud
    if so, then you will have a hell of a time trying to get anything out of
    I am not sticking up for either camp, I see every day the effects the fires
    have had on both the insured the underinsured and the non insured and your
    statement that you would be rolling in cash, in my eyes is spiteful that
    people who have had their house burned down are getting a new house through
    Obviously, you have not given the slightest thought of the family treasures
    lost, photos, mementos and such.
    Maybe you are one who doesn't give a shit about family stuff
    George W Frost, Aug 9, 2009
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  2. Mister Biggus

    G-S Guest

    Yah, about that.

    Well yes our house burnt down in the Vic bushfires but...

    1. It was rented out and we weren't living in it so we didn't get any of
    the first lot of money.
    2. It was insured so we didn't get any of the 2nd lot of money.
    3. Because we were somewhat under insured (but still insured see 2) we
    decided to sell and not rebuild so we missed out on the 3rd lot of money.

    They did pay to remove our burnt down house and sheds but that was
    actually covered in our insurance (although again we were somewhat under
    insured) so that saved our insurance company some money and it did save
    us the clean up shortfall.

    Balancing that though is we'll be out almost a year of rental income
    before this is all over which pretty much balances out the clean up

    We'll probably come out about even (which is fine), but it makes me
    wonder where all the $200 million plus actually went...

    G-S, Aug 10, 2009
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  3. Mister Biggus

    CrazyCam Guest

    G-S wrote:

    A very good question, Geoff.

    I'll bet you thruppence that the general public will never see where the
    money actually went to.

    CrazyCam, Aug 10, 2009
  4. Mister Biggus

    Nev.. Guest

    Blah blah blah gee you can go on a bit can't you. You make assumptions
    and draw conclusions which miss their marks by such huge margins i
    almost thought it was Gerry replying to me. Try to limit your responses
    to a short paragraph or two. I don't bother reading much more dribble
    than that in a single post.

    '08 DL1000K8
    Nev.., Aug 10, 2009
  5. I'll meet them there and they can give me all their money.
    and you give them their lives, pets, friends and posessions back, Im
    sure they will oblige.
    Mister Biggus, Aug 10, 2009
  6. I actually thought that you were having a studious and good conversation
    with me Nev, but then I realised that I was expecting too much of you.
    You are and always will be a dickhead
    George W Frost, Aug 10, 2009
  7. Nev,
    I was talking to the bloke who lost a couple of cars and a few bikes in the
    fires, along with his house and entire contents.
    I told him of your posts and your attitude toward the people getting "free
    house and rolling in cash"
    and he would like to know
    if you would be so kind as to forward on your full name and address,
    because he said he would like to pay you a social visit
    maybe catch up with a few things with a beer or five thrown in
    George W Frost, Aug 11, 2009
  8. Mister Biggus

    Nev.. Guest

    i would never bother with a studious and good conversation with
    someone who resorts to name calling at the earliest available
    opportunity. It is indicative of a certain level of intelligence.
    Right up there with Gerry and Smee :)

    Nev.., Aug 11, 2009
  9. i would never bother with a studious and good conversation with
    someone who resorts to name calling at the earliest available
    opportunity. It is indicative of a certain level of intelligence.
    Right up there with Gerry and Smee :)


    You are placing me with smee ??

    damn, now what did I do to deserve that ?

    Gerry I can handle, but smee...........
    ****, what is the world coming to ?
    George W Frost, Aug 11, 2009
  10. Mister Biggus

    Nev.. Guest

    Sounds great. His shout I presume.

    You seem to have some trouble distinguishing the difference between "i
    wish my house burned down" and "I wish someone elses house burned down".
    Maybe you can ask a primary school teacher -actually a primary schhol
    student would probably suffice- to explain the difference to you.

    If you ever get that sorted out, go back to your bloke and ask him where
    my fucking beer is.

    '08 DL1000K8
    Nev.., Aug 11, 2009
  11. Looking back at what you actually said:

    you are inferring that anyone who had their house burned down would be
    rolling in cash and have a new house
    I can't see an y problem with distinquishing what you actually mean
    no matter what you say to try to weasel out of it and attempt to turn the
    tables toward someone else
    It is your attitude and not anyone elses

    "" Try to limit your responses to a
    Do you have attention deficienty and cannot comprehend anything past one
    Is this why you don't read past a short paragraph??
    come off it Nev, you think you are far better than that...........
    George W Frost, Aug 11, 2009
  12. Mister Biggus

    Nev.. Guest

    Not at all. According to the media reports, about 50% of the people who
    lost houses had no insurance, or were grossly underinsured. I am not
    inferring that they would have anything. I stated what I stated.
    Anything you read further into that is in your own head, like your war
    exploits, apparently.

    '08 DL1000K8
    Nev.., Aug 11, 2009
  13. You said what you said Nev and don't try to get out of it
    you will not, no matter how hard you try

    also, what my "war exploits" have to do with this is anyones guess
    I said the dates when I was overseas and at the time, there was no war

    Pity there is not more in your head than emptiness
    George W Frost, Aug 11, 2009
  14. Mister Biggus

    Marts Guest

    Nev.. wrote...
    Yeah, well I know a few people in this exact same boat. Some are having hassles
    with the insurers, mainly procrastinating, but I think that they're mostly
    playing ball.

    What annoys me are those without insurance who are getting a freebie. I just
    hope that none of them are owners of investment properties or holiday houses.
    Marts, Aug 12, 2009

  15. Unfortunately Marts, there are some who will try to rip off the system
    In the area which I know a fair bit about regarding houses burned down,
    people losing everything etc.
    the are five that I know of who do have other properties in the city and the
    ones which burnt, were either holiday houses or investment properties.
    The rest are genuine losses for the families
    I don't like the ones who are ripping the system, but when the Government
    announce their plans to give away millions, these germs jump at the chance
    to make more money and because it has been legislated, it is therefore

    At the local football ground just after the fires, I was there assisting the
    Salvos and the local council groups and I witnessed a woman begging and
    crying that she had lost everything during the fires, because I thought she
    was telling porkies because she was dressed a little bit more classy than
    the rest of the people there, I did a check on her house and property to see
    how much damage was done to the fences, sheds house etc.
    I arrived outside the house where she had given her address and it was
    untouched, the house, fences and sheds were pristine and to look at it, you
    would never believe that a fire had ever been anywhere near there at all.
    But, the upshot is that she did get assistance because of the legislation
    allowed it because she was in the fire area, even though her property wasn't
    damaged in any way.

    The reason I posted what I did against what Nev said, is the bloke I
    mentioned, has still not got his house replaced, although they have just
    started to survey the property for his new house
    6 months is a long time to live in the caravan park waiting to see your
    house started.
    George W Frost, Aug 12, 2009
  16. Mister Biggus

    Nev.. Guest

    Having a go at me because someone else lives in a caravan.
    What a rocket scientist you are to draw such logical parallels.
    Big fucking deal if he lives in a caravan. Kick the dog and get over

    Nev.., Aug 13, 2009
  17. Come on Nev. That's a bit harsh even for harsh week. I lost two
    friends in the recent fire. And going back 26 years, I was in
    Melbourne when Ash Wednesday hit. My cousin lost her house in Mt
    Macedon. If you haven't been through a big disruption in your life
    like that I don't think you quite understand what effect it has on
    you. It's all well to say "Get tough and get over it", but even my
    divorce 7 years ago has left me in severe depression since; which I'm
    not really totally over.

    I've had to start my life over again, and at this age it ain't fun.
    You see me posting stuff about the bright side. You don't see the dark
    side that comes in frequently (thankfully less frequently). Trust me,
    you don't want to go there.
    Kevin Gleeson, Aug 13, 2009
  18. Mister Biggus

    Diogenes Guest



    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Aug 13, 2009
  19. Having a go at me because someone else lives in a caravan.
    What a rocket scientist you are to draw such logical parallels.
    Big fucking deal if he lives in a caravan. Kick the dog and get over



    Well, Nev, this is the reply I expected to see from you
    I am not "having a go at you" because someone has to live in a caravan,
    plenty of people live in caravans and they like it.
    I was having a go at you because you are a fucking idiot and have got no
    fucking idea what you are talking about.
    You made a large inference that anyone who got burned out would be rolling
    in cash with a new house to boot.
    Read the fucking post properly Nev or if you can't read properly, then I
    will come up and teach you word for word.
    You made a statement, then when you got caught out on it, you backpedal
    faster than an Eyetalian tank during WW2
    Then you come up with the magic words for the day
    "Kick the dog and get over it"
    What a cop-out
    placing the blame onto someone or something else for your fucking stupid
    Its time you got over it Nev
    Admit you were wrong in what you said
    maybe you could have said it a bit differently then it may have been taken
    as an aside
    maybe you meant it as a joke....who knows?
    only you
    If it was only meant as a joke saying, then admit it and get then you can
    over it
    George W Frost, Aug 13, 2009
  20. Mister Biggus

    Nev.. Guest

    My comments had nothing to do with anything that anyone else has
    suffered through. If you want to dispute my initial assertion that if
    my house was burned down I would have got a new house and a bucket load
    of cash than go for it, but its people like George and now yourself who
    have been bringing this down with inferences about other peoples
    suffering. I never made any such inferences or statements. I don't
    think they're in any way relevant. Why introduce them?

    '08 DL1000K8
    Nev.., Aug 13, 2009
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