Looks like I won't be getting the Guzzi back together this weekend after all. Since the seizure it's been one problem after another. They don't do the same pistons/barrels any more, so I had to accept a substitute part number. This meant that I had to take the other barrel off to match up the piston. In doing this, in a moment of sheer bloody fuckwittery, I damaged the small-end bush when drifting the gudgeon pin out. This was not such a big deal because I had to order more circlips anyway, which weren't in stock: more delay. Then I found I had to both drill oil holes and ream the bush; they come part-machined. Fine, did that last week, though it was a nerve-wracking experience. Fits perfectly. I rock. First thing I found today was that Guzzi have changed the bloody circlip design: they now have tangs that stick out sideways, not curled inwards. So after a phone call to Spares GB I agreed that there wasn't anything to be done as far as replacement went and snipped the tangs off and ground the ends. Next problem: I ordered a new gasket set for the new barrel but didn't bother ordering any more gaskets for the other one because I bought two a couple of years ago in a spares-buying binge. This afternoon I found as I tried to fit one that they're the wrong bloody sort; they're for the older round-barreled engines with the single oil hole and a different stud spacing. Gah! So if any Shite Old Guzzi owners want a pair of slightly oily but otherwise brand new head gaskets, let me know. After all this I still have to do a bit of diagnostic work to be sure that the bike won't do it again.