GSX-R Fuel Injection Worries

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Daniel Holder, Apr 2, 2004.

  1. Hi all,
    My GSX-R750 has developed an annoying habit of not initializing its
    fuel injection system. When I turn the ignition key it makes a few
    whirry noises as usual, but not all of them. I'm guessing the fuel pump
    isn't doing much on these occaisons. Its only happened a couple of
    times, but starting up before coming home from work today required
    turning the ignition on and off 3 times...

    When it happens the temp guage displays 'FI' and the lamp on the
    'tacho flashes. According to the manual this means there is summat
    wrong with the FI and I should visit my nearest Suzuki dealer and hand
    over large amounts of cash.

    Just wondering if anyone else has had similar problems?

    For what its worth, its a 2003 (k3) model.
    Daniel Holder, Apr 2, 2004
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  2. Daniel Holder

    Molly Guest

    I get hte same on my Gixxer, sadly it's not very well at all now.
    Molly, Apr 2, 2004
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  3. Daniel Holder

    Sorby Guest

    This used to happen on my 2000 model (the first of the new shape -

    I never got it sorted as it happened so infrequently.
    Still you ought to get yours checked out as it'll be under warranty, surely?
    Sorby, Apr 2, 2004
  4. Daniel Holder

    Ben Guest

    That's still under warranty, go shout at them.
    Ben, Apr 2, 2004
  5. Daniel Holder

    Molly Guest

    I wish mine was still under warranty :-(. The dealer reckon I abuse
    Molly, Apr 2, 2004
  6. Daniel Holder

    Ben Guest

    Mine is for another 10 days.
    He's probably right.
    Ben, Apr 2, 2004
  7. Daniel Holder

    WavyDavy Guest

    WavyDavy, Apr 2, 2004
  8. Daniel Holder

    WavyDavy Guest

    My 'Y' model did the same occasionally, normally when the alarm was set to
    'ping' mode....

    It never caused a problem and I assumed was just a wiring thing......

    But if your bike is under warranty take the fecker back. Whatever the niggle
    *take_it_back*" You paid money for something that works so if it don't then
    they owe you. Full stop.

    WavyDavy, Apr 2, 2004
  9. Daniel Holder

    Molly Guest

    TBH, they should be able to take that abuse, I do bounce it off the
    rev limiter quite frequently though. Perhaps that's not so good.
    Molly, Apr 2, 2004
  10. Daniel Holder

    Porl Guest

    It's cos your legs are too small to reach the gear lever. Should be easier
    with platform heels and will ease the strain on first gear.
    Porl, Apr 2, 2004
  11. Daniel Holder

    Ben Guest

    I was joking, they should take that abuse.

    I actually hit the rev limiter on mine the other day in 2nd. The
    speed I was going fair shocked me.

    Shocked the bloke in the Porsche as well.
    Ben, Apr 2, 2004
  12. Daniel Holder

    Molly Guest

    When I was doing a FOF I hit the rev limiter in 5th. Darsy and co had
    turned off at the next junction and I just blasted ahead. They had to
    wait for me to get back.
    Molly, Apr 2, 2004
  13. Daniel Holder

    Molly Guest

    I'll remember that. Come to think of it I don't like platforms.
    Molly, Apr 2, 2004
  14. Daniel Holder

    Porl Guest

    You're so fast, you're slow.
    Porl, Apr 2, 2004
  15. Daniel Holder

    deadmail Guest

    But oddly reticent to state whether faster than Bear or not.
    deadmail, Apr 2, 2004
  16. Daniel Holder

    Porl Guest

    Only one way to be sure: A game of chicken from one end of the M1 to the
    Porl, Apr 3, 2004
  17. Daniel Holder

    Molly Guest

    I know. But..
    Molly, Apr 3, 2004
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