Group is starting to suck

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by fullstate, Dec 18, 2003.

  1. The Astrodome used to let bikes enter and park right up next to the dome
    for free. It was great, get in free and get out while the rest of the
    traffic gridlocked. notice the use of past tense now that we have
    Reliant Stadium <gag, choke>. I'm sick of sports palaces that "won't
    cost any tax payer money". riiiiiiiiight, you betcha.....


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    Iron Butt Assoc, WATR 3X, EIEIO, AEIOU etc blah blah
    another viewer, Dec 20, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  2. there's an interesting point.

    what do you think of ppl using handicapped spaces when the handicapped
    person isn't in the vehicle, being dropped off, or picked up? Sure the
    vehicle is licensed for that use, but isn't it a bit cheesey to take
    advantage of it when it's not needed at that time?


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    Iron Butt Assoc, WATR 3X, EIEIO, AEIOU etc blah blah
    another viewer, Dec 20, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. fullstate

    Oma Guest

    I think Brian's valid point is missed here. How do you tell just by
    looking who "has a problem" and who doesn't?
    I once parked at a local establishment. Some kid pulls into the only
    handicapped parking spot (no permit showing) and runs into the store.
    Inside the store, I yielded to a moment of real tackiness and told
    him, "Ya' know, I hope you never need a handicapped space. But if you
    do, I hope you can't a vacant one."

    Not all the handicapped start off that way.


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 20, 2003
  4. fullstate

    Oma Guest

    Which model Magna would that be?
    Ever see this: ?


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 20, 2003
  5. fullstate

    Oma Guest

    How is it we keep falling for these deals?


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 20, 2003
  6. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    Steve is on here somewhere and he can correct me if I am wrong, but
    it's illegal to park in a handicap spot with a permit if that person
    is not the person to whom the permit was issued.

    There was a big bust in Ft. Worth not too far back where people were
    getting nailed for using handicapped tags to park close to the
    courthouse. Of course, these people weren't the people to whom the
    tags were issued and they got nailed for it.

    fullstate, Dec 20, 2003
  7. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    Let's keep in mind that just because we can't see the disability does
    not mean that it does not exist. I know people that look like they
    can walk just fine, but the reality is that they have other medical
    conditions that prevent them from parking too far away.

    fullstate, Dec 20, 2003
  8. How is it we keep falling for these deals?


    "the new stadium is going to generate revenue and pay for other things,
    bring urban revitalization, fix neighborhood blight and cure cancer, all
    without raising taxes"

    Harris county is still paying off the changes to the astrodome that bud
    adams demanded before he split town for memphis then to nashville
    anyway. then enron was behind the push for the new baseball park here
    because they owned land in the area. such good corporate citizens,
    thinking only of our best interests.

    I don't know about any of y'all, but i've never seen an area around a
    sports stadium that was saved or rehabilitated because there was a
    stadium built. usually it's the opposite. yet they still use the same
    old lines to fool the public tho'... "why we *neeeed* this stadium,
    look at how awful the old one is, why it's got to be twenty five years
    old, it's out of date....."

    as always, follow the money and learn from history.


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    Iron Butt Assoc, WATR 3X, EIEIO, AEIOU etc blah blah
    another viewer, Dec 20, 2003
  9. fullstate

    IceMan Guest

    This is very true fullstate I have seen many people get cited for it.
    I have also seen some stuck with a felony because of thier misuse of the
    endorsment. although it may just be a state jail felony I would have to look
    on nexis lexus or in the penal code to find out for sure and I just dont feel
    like getting up right now.

    IceMan, Dec 21, 2003
  10. fullstate

    IceMan Guest

    I have seen some charge with either misuse of a govenment record or fraud it
    is a higher charge that I want to say was a felony. I believe there were
    getting those charges when the person the placard was issued to was not around
    but the driver chose to stop in the handicap space. I have been up sice 3:00
    this morning after going to bed around midnight so I am having a Hell of a
    time even thinking straight much less trying to figure out the penal code and

    IceMan, Dec 21, 2003
  11. if this is the same lift, change the bolts our for higher strength sets.
    this was discussed a few months back over in rmh and those things really
    are dangerous, a bolt will let go with no warning. it's the shear
    strength that's in question.

    "only 600 lbs" is a mess if it falls on top of you while you're working.
    bolts are cheap insurance.


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    Iron Butt Assoc, WATR 3X, EIEIO, AEIOU etc blah blah
    another viewer, Dec 21, 2003
  12. that's good. do you now if they are charging bikes for entry? they
    used not to, that would be cool if that was still the case.


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    Iron Butt Assoc, WATR 3X, EIEIO, AEIOU etc blah blah
    another viewer, Dec 21, 2003
  13. fullstate

    Brian Walker Guest

    Actually, the permit IS for the person and not a vehicle.

    And for anyone's business, the placard I have is for ME. I could get
    one for my motorcycle too, but with the flack I get for driving my van
    and parking in spaces, I don't really feel like kicking the shit out
    of some redneck fat bastard for his ignorance and saying/doing
    something to my motorcycle.
    Brian Walker, Dec 21, 2003
  14. fullstate

    Brian Walker Guest

    What's funny about this discussion is that I've found many of the same
    people who complain about people parking in handicapped spaces
    wouldn't even qualify for it. On top of that, they are the one's who
    use handicap spaces for shopping cart parking and/or park broadside in
    front of two spaces.

    I've had people threaten me, knock on my window when I park and tell
    me I need to move (even though my placard/plates is in plain view),
    and even had one guy pull a gun on me. Even still today, I go to a
    shopping center and I see the handicap spaces full of shopping carts
    where the person who's disabled has to get out and move the carts to
    park...not to mention the person who left the carts there walked
    across two aisles of parking to get to the spaces and would've been
    closer to just go to the cart recepticle.

    Think about it.
    Brian Walker, Dec 21, 2003
  15. fullstate

    Brian Walker Guest

    And for all the "I want to make sure you qualify" folks out's also illegal to prevent or restrict a qualified person
    from parking in the space.

    I would have to say from my own experience that if someone parking in
    the spot doesn't affect you, then don't worry about it and go on with
    your life. I've known several people to get into more trouble than it
    was worth for them by being a "busy body" and challenging people
    parking in those spaces.
    Brian Walker, Dec 21, 2003
  16. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    I didn't know that was illegal, but it does not surprise me. It
    doesn't really surprise me that people would "challenge" other people
    like that, either. We never seem to mind our own business.

    I've seen people without permits, stickers, plates, whatever park in
    handicapped spots on many occasions. It really ticks me off.....but
    whose to say there aren't other circumstances that I am not aware of?
    I try to keep that in mind.

    But when the jerk-off in the new beemer parks in a handicapped space,
    leaves the car running and RUNS inside to get a cup of coffee.......

    fullstate, Dec 21, 2003
  17. fullstate

    Oma Guest

    "the new stadium is going to generate revenue and pay for other things,
    bring urban revitalization, fix neighborhood blight and cure cancer, all
    without raising taxes"

    Harris county is still paying off the changes to the astrodome that bud
    adams demanded before he split town for memphis then to nashville
    anyway. then enron was behind the push for the new baseball park here
    because they owned land in the area. such good corporate citizens,
    thinking only of our best interests.

    I don't know about any of y'all, but i've never seen an area around a
    sports stadium that was saved or rehabilitated because there was a
    stadium built. usually it's the opposite. yet they still use the same
    old lines to fool the public tho'... "why we *neeeed* this stadium,
    look at how awful the old one is, why it's got to be twenty five years
    old, it's out of date....."

    as always, follow the money and learn from history.[/QUOTE]

    "Now, With Bill Moyers" just aired a piece on Walmart. They told how
    Cathedral City, California made a deal with WM that had the city
    refunding taxes to them for 10 years. The city would get the checks
    fom the State and then just sign 'em over to WM.

    Guess what happened in the tenth year. The city council reads in the
    paper that WM is closing that store and opening 3 more down the road.

    The piece had other "revelations" about WM practices. One former
    manager said part of the problem is that people coming out of WM just
    look at the bottom line on their receipt. They never see the other
    costs they are paying and therefore just keep going back.


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 21, 2003
  18. ....take the opportunity to move his car for him, then leave. <VBG>


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    Iron Butt Assoc, WATR 3X, EIEIO, AEIOU etc blah blah
    another viewer, Dec 21, 2003
  19. fullstate

    Brian Walker Guest

    "the new stadium is going to generate revenue and pay for other things,
    bring urban revitalization, fix neighborhood blight and cure cancer, all
    without raising taxes"

    Harris county is still paying off the changes to the astrodome that bud
    adams demanded before he split town for memphis then to nashville
    anyway. then enron was behind the push for the new baseball park here
    because they owned land in the area. such good corporate citizens,
    thinking only of our best interests.

    I don't know about any of y'all, but i've never seen an area around a
    sports stadium that was saved or rehabilitated because there was a
    stadium built. usually it's the opposite. yet they still use the same
    old lines to fool the public tho'... "why we *neeeed* this stadium,
    look at how awful the old one is, why it's got to be twenty five years
    old, it's out of date....."

    as always, follow the money and learn from history.[/QUOTE]

    Sounds quite a bit like the deal going on with Texas Stadium and
    Irving right now. Jerry Jones is trying to get this new "high tech"
    stadium built or he'll leave town. He's talking about all the horrible
    things with this stadium now, my question is that if he can't fill the
    stadium now, what's a water fountain in front and a retractable roof
    going to do? Maybe it just me, but if there's something people want to
    see bad enough, they'll pack themselves into an out-house to see it.
    I'm not saying Texas Stadium is an out-house, but it surely isn't
    packed either.

    Another thing, they keep talking about all this "new revenue"
    generated in the city...but I haven't received a single call from some
    guy saying "I'm in town from Phoenix to watch the Cowboys play this
    weekend and need a network installed". No roofs being repaired,
    plumbing repairs, lawns mowed, tires sold, accounting done, haircuts,
    cars washed...or anyting. Where's this "revenue"? Hotels? They have
    their own services in-house. Upkeep on the stadium property? That
    falls to the city...which is taken from tax dollars gained from
    property taxes and sales taxes. Rental cars? There's not that many
    people to see games during a normal season and still, the rental car
    companies also do everything in-house.

    Is there something I'm missing?
    Brian Walker, Dec 22, 2003
  20. i dunno, but it seems to me that so far the only ppl who've come close
    to getting it correct is Los Angeles.

    "no we are not building a new stadium, we have the Coliseum and the Rose
    Bowl. besides, we have more than enough interesting things to do without
    paying for a football team to reside here"

    follow the money......


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    Iron Butt Assoc, WATR 3X, EIEIO, AEIOU etc blah blah
    another viewer, Dec 22, 2003
    1. Advertisements

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