[QUOTE="Zobo"] Fuck! And you got a fixed penalty?[/QUOTE] I fessed up t it being me by post today. I don't *know* what I'm going to get, but the girl on the phone says I won't have to go to court - which to me means that I'm not going to get banned. She didn't use the words "Fixed Penalty", though. She used a synonym, but I can't remember what it was. [QUOTE] I thought (presumably incorrectly) that 30+mph over the limit and that was it, your ticket was toast.[/QUOTE] Someone else told me that today. [QUOTE] Fixed penalty means 3 points and whatever fine they care to chuck at you no?[/QUOTE] Fixed penalties can be more points than that, can't they? [QUOTE] You lucky bastard! I've just poured out a pint of Old Speckled Hen, I shall drink it to your luck sir and hope that some of it rubs off on me when next I need it :-)[/QUOTE] Well, quite! [QUOTE] OIC... OK, as you were then... didn't realise that (never had one meself see).[/QUOTE] I didn't know that until I phoned the pigs.