GPS -> Slovenia

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by tazmic, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. tazmic

    tazmic Guest


    I'm planning a trip to Slovenia in august.

    Going france, germany, austria, slovenia (1000 miles, friday to

    Staying a week, then a week for slovenia, italy, switzerland
    and france to come home (to england.)

    BUT, I'm really god at getting lost! And have been thinking
    about gps.

    Prolly can't afford the works with autocom noise reduction etc.
    but prolly don't need voice - I do like navigating.. Something
    to ensure I can find where I am on a map would be helpfull or a
    good back up.

    Anybody have cheapish solutions they are happy with? I was
    thinking palm pc with simple gps unit and software might be
    the way as it's multy use (the pc bit.)

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    If any have tips for these countries they will be welcome too!

    tazmic, Jun 22, 2005
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  2. tazmic

    dwb Guest

    I prefer the other one...
    Did you enjoy it then?
    dwb, Jun 22, 2005
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  3. Ah, I'm off there in July, was going to take the bike down. Then
    realised that Easyjet are doing it for sixty quid, which wouldn't even
    pay for a third of my fuel, let alone ferry, hostel, fiddling with the
    old international cover etc.....

    Stan Stannard - Grimsby, UK

    "Statto's evil twin"

    Kawazaki ZZR1100D
    "And now you know what's wrong with the curry!"
    Stan Stannard, Jun 22, 2005
  4. tazmic

    dwb Guest

    Having just been there on EasyJet I'm intending to go back on the bike....
    dwb, Jun 23, 2005
  5. tazmic

    CT Guest

    Zlatorog (green label)?
    Very much so. I'd like to see more of the country such as the
    mountains & Adriatic coast rather than just Ljubljana & Bled.
    There's a market for a taxi firm around Bled though - walking
    from Lesce-Bled station to the lake and back in 30C temperatures
    was not good!

    This time I went with a mate, but and I'd like to go back again
    with my SO. There's no way she'd go on a bike though so it would
    be EasyJet again.
    CT, Jun 23, 2005
  6. tazmic

    dwb Guest

    We did mountains, missed the coast unfortunately - and the whole eastern
    part of the country.
    Especially the bit where the path disappears :) Did you go down what
    logically seems to be a walking path but just ends up at a pile of rubble
    and the river?
    Indeed. I presume you would have seen the bikes whizzing through Bled
    heading out towards the mountains? Lovely road just outside town - very fast
    looking but also very pretty.

    Except for the bit where a landslide has closed one lane.
    dwb, Jun 23, 2005
  7. tazmic

    CT Guest

    They looked impressive from a distance.
    Yes :eek:) I think it's the start of a cycle path that they
    haven't finished yet. And we went down the bit just by the bridge
    where there was a 'pedestrian' sign[1] but that just went into the
    middle of nowhere too.
    That's it. We were there all Sunday afternoon - lovely scenery[2],
    good food, cold beer, all against the back drop of the sound of dozens
    of bikes that you could hear starting to give some beans as they got
    of town.
    Oh dear.

    [1] As the Armco barrier started, on the RHS of the road there was
    a track next to a sign (white circle, red border, person walking)
    so we thought it might be a track to cut off the hill & corner
    which we could see that was where the road went. It wasn't.
    [2] Both the mountains & the good looking Slovenian women.
    CT, Jun 23, 2005
  8. tazmic

    Ace Guest

    This always puzzles me - is the temperature of the beer the most
    important thing about it? I mean, I can understand the merkins going
    on about "Ice-cold beer" because their stuff is so shite you wouldn't
    want to taste it, but in the UK you (we) should really know better.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2
    Ace, Jun 23, 2005
  9. tazmic

    CT Guest

    I agree - to an extent.

    IMO, taste is the most important, but on a hot day it needs to
    be refreshing too. And a cold beer does this better than a 'warm'

    [1] Even real ale should be served cool (around 11-12C I think).
    It's a misconception put about by foreigners that in Britain we
    drink warm beer.
    CT, Jun 23, 2005
  10. tazmic

    dwb Guest

    Er.. that was a NO pedestrian sign.

    There was a road towards a Pension on the LHS that did cut off the hill and
    corner (well not cut off, but avoid the traffic).

    dwb, Jun 23, 2005
  11. tazmic

    CT Guest

    Ah, seems obvious now! Still, since we weren't driving at all while
    we were there, we didn't bother learning the Slovenian Highway code.
    We saw that, but that could have been a third unwanted detour
    so carried on by the road-side. There was a steep embankment
    a bit further on on the RHS that we went over to cut a bit off though.
    CT, Jun 23, 2005
  12. tazmic

    Ace Guest

    Yeah, but a good beer always tastes better than a bad beer. The local
    brew here in Basel (Warteck) is pretty piss poor stuff, but there's a
    pretty decent microbrewery here too. I'd rather have a slightly
    off-cold example of the laater than any amount or tempertature of the
    And in more news...

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2
    Ace, Jun 23, 2005
  13. tazmic

    dwb Guest

    I found Union a bit too yeasty/gassy.

    Mind you I bought a couple of cans back so I will compare again at some

    CHeap as chips in the Merkator :)
    dwb, Jun 24, 2005
  14. tazmic

    Alex Ferrier Guest

    Taken out of context, I found that quite an amusing phrase.

    BMW R1150GS
    Windy's "little soldier"
    Alex Ferrier, Jun 24, 2005
  15. tazmic

    dwb Guest

    Is it a good thing that I've been whooshed? :)
    dwb, Jun 24, 2005
  16. By far the cheapest is to forget expensive mapping GPS's, and their
    very expensive maps, and to get a cheap non-mapping GPS which you'll
    use in conjunction with paper maps. You can still make up routes, sets
    of useful waypoints & landmarks, etc., using free PC software and (or
    cheap) public maps which you can then load into your GPS. Much cheaper
    and more flexible than having to rely on the maps which your GPS
    vendor can provide, which in the case of countries like Slovenia may
    not be of the best quality anyway.

    Take a look at the Garmin Geko 201 or Garmin Yellow eTrex models. For
    motorcycle use (e.g. attached to handlebars) you'll probably need to
    squish the batteries in with some thin foam in order to stop the
    vibration causing intermittent contact and consequent switch off.
    Chris Malcolm, Jun 24, 2005
  17. tazmic

    tazmic Guest

    Hey thanks.

    I'm looking into it. Maybe I'll spend some of the save
    on some nice braided hoses ;O)

    tazmic, Jun 27, 2005
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