Goverment protest

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Redshad, Sep 24, 2005.

  1. Redshad

    Redshad Guest

    Anyone watching C-SPAN?? Theres a big war protest on now.

    Redshad, Sep 24, 2005
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  2. Redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yup.. gotta keep those priorities in order, huh ? <evil grin> Bush and
    Rove are fund raising in Colorado Springs today... Cindy Sheehan has
    followed him home to Pennsylvania Av. and Bush is somewhere else, as usual..
    hehehe.. I understand he'll be back in Texas tomorrow to take his bows for
    the outstanding performance of the Houston evacuation.. LOL.. <chuckle> Bet
    all those folks that sat in their out of gas cars for two days to make that
    five hour trip from Houston are going to be real receptive.. huh ?

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 24, 2005
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  3. Redshad

    Bill Walker Guest

    'Bout the same in the metroplex.. Bush and Perry were sure busy little
    beavers, though .. weren't they ? LOL.. Damn.. I thought for a while there,
    that both of them had gotten their own shows.. I especially enjoyed watching
    both of them with their sleeves rolled up .. uuuhh... uhhh.. The funky
    little giveaway cap that Perry was wearing in that one photo op.. you know
    the one (he was single handedly pulling people out of water and stuff) I
    tell you.. I was impressed

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 27, 2005
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