One of the Buds' and I were talking and trying to figure out a good ride.. Everyone is hot to trot and ready to make a pretty nice little run, but all of us are a little bit financially strap- ped at this time.. What with all the new motorcycles, repairs, modifications and trip to Arizona.. money is short for us all.. The thing is.. we just don't have much money to turn loose of, for gas, food and motels.. etc. While we talked, an idea hit me and after running it by my pard, we agreed it was a good idea.. Here's the deal.. we'll get Morgan Kane and Jerry up from Houston.. Big Ed and Brian from Mesquite.. RedShad and Louie from over Ft.Worth way and myself.. head east on IH-30 .. All of us can meet in Mt.Pleasant or someplace, have us a real nice ride into Texarkana and go out to Bjay's house for the weekend.. Big Ed is partial to brisket, I can make do with a good pot of Pintos and all of us can make do with Baptist pallets.. If Bjay can just come up with a little cash to account for gas money, we should all do just fine and have a great weekend of fellow- ship in Pleasant Grove, Bowie County.. Of course, the field is wide open and anyone wishing to join in for a fun filled weekend at Bjays' Casa is welcome and I'm sure there wouldn't be any problem.. I know that Wakko loves brisket and beans, as much as Big Ed and me, so that would pretty well round out a crew, if him and Mouse could go.. Can we get a vote on this idea before the middle of the week.. I'm sure Bjay will need a day or two, to make necessary plans to provide for all of us at his house.. If he'd agree to do all the cooking, his wife shouldn't be put out with a lot of extra work.. We could all finish a great weekend at the Baptist Church in Redwater, as their services are the best in the area.. Some- times there is all day singing and dinner on the grounds, after the morning services are finished.. Now, don't that read like the best idea to come up, in a long time.. Bill Walker Irving