Gotta get a Ride up

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    One of the Buds' and I were talking and trying to figure out
    a good ride.. Everyone is hot to trot and ready to make a
    pretty nice little run, but all of us are a little bit financially strap-
    ped at this time.. What with all the new motorcycles, repairs,
    modifications and trip to Arizona.. money is short for us all..

    The thing is.. we just don't have much money to turn loose of,
    for gas, food and motels.. etc. While we talked, an idea hit
    me and after running it by my pard, we agreed it was a good
    idea.. Here's the deal.. we'll get Morgan Kane and Jerry up
    from Houston.. Big Ed and Brian from Mesquite.. RedShad
    and Louie from over Ft.Worth way and myself.. head east
    on IH-30 .. All of us can meet in Mt.Pleasant or someplace,
    have us a real nice ride into Texarkana and go out to Bjay's
    house for the weekend..

    Big Ed is partial to brisket, I can make do with a good pot of
    Pintos and all of us can make do with Baptist pallets.. If Bjay
    can just come up with a little cash to account for gas money,
    we should all do just fine and have a great weekend of fellow-
    ship in Pleasant Grove, Bowie County..

    Of course, the field is wide open and anyone wishing to join
    in for a fun filled weekend at Bjays' Casa is welcome and I'm
    sure there wouldn't be any problem.. I know that Wakko loves
    brisket and beans, as much as Big Ed and me, so that would
    pretty well round out a crew, if him and Mouse could go..

    Can we get a vote on this idea before the middle of the week..
    I'm sure Bjay will need a day or two, to make necessary plans
    to provide for all of us at his house.. If he'd agree to do all the
    cooking, his wife shouldn't be put out with a lot of extra work..

    We could all finish a great weekend at the Baptist Church in
    Redwater, as their services are the best in the area.. Some-
    times there is all day singing and dinner on the grounds, after
    the morning services are finished..

    Now, don't that read like the best idea to come up, in a long

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 11, 2007
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  2. Bill Walker

    Nannie Guest

    In your dreams Bill, in your dreams!!!!

    Nannie, Jun 11, 2007
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well hell.. hmmm.. The drawing board isn't near about full, yet..
    No doubt in my mind that Bjay is delighted to host as many as
    wants to run over to Bowie County to enjoy his hospitality..

    Who's "nannie" ?

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 11, 2007
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    That's exactly what I was thinking.. I don't know how many bedrooms he's
    got in that big ole house, but.. I'm sure he could sleep about fifteen of
    He might have to go to the bank to feed us and come up with the gas
    money, but.. hell, he's got a ton of credit ..

    Seems like the best idea anyone has come up with in a long time.. Glad to
    know that you are on board.. Should be quite a few more checking in, soon..
    Bill Walker, Jun 11, 2007
  5. Bill Walker

    redshad Guest

    That's exactly what I was thinking.. I don't know how many bedrooms he's
    Count me in. Free room and board, food and gas money...I am there. I
    think I can get my sleeping bag tied onto this Goldwing somewhere.
    What day and time are we heading out? Maybe BJ can feed us over at
    BJ's Hotlink stand one night.

    redshad, Jun 11, 2007
  6. Bill Walker

    redshad Guest

    BJ must be out buying grocerys and getting that smoker fired up to
    cook his therapist Big Ed some brisket and beans.

    redshad, Jun 11, 2007
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The more I think on it. the more I like the idea of a good brisket.. Jeez,
    don't want to spend all of Bjays' credit money.. But, btw. those hotlinks
    not bad, either.. hmmm.. Maybe we better wait and get some more opinions
    on that.. Wakko is big on brisket.. his little two up don't eat much,
    Morgan Kane is another matter, entirely.. I'm sure he'll be going for the
    et deal.. Of course.. Louie and I just eat what's put on the table.. We'll
    it up to majority vote, however and Bjay can just provide..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 11, 2007
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'm satisfied that is what he's doing.. hmmm.. Do you s'pose Bjay can
    cook a brisket, the way Big Ed likes it ?

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 11, 2007
  9. Bill Walker

    Nannie Guest

    Well, since you put it that way, count me in too! ;0
    Nannie, Jun 11, 2007
  10. Bill Walker

    redshad Guest

    I'm satisfied that is what he's doing.. hmmm.. Do you s'pose Bjay can
    Speaking of BJay, anyone seem him lately? Seems all this talk has
    skeered him back under the pourch or something..any ideas??

    redshad, Jun 11, 2007
  11. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    ''In your dreams Bill, in your dreams!!!!''

    Nannie, you took the words right out of me mouth. Who are you, could you
    be a ''kin'' somehow. Like, maybe a Nannie, that I havent seen in a long
    Thanks for your support.
    You been out here,have ya, you know this trailer aint big enough for
    them big ole' boys. Especially big Old Ed. <g>

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 11, 2007
  12. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    BillWalker tells Jerry: ''Bjay might have to go to the bank to feed us
    and come up with the ==gas money==, but.. hell, he's got a ton of credit

    Okay I spot a flaw in the cause. ‘‘Gas Money’’, so yall can't
    buy no gas, being broke, and all, and I aint doing that
    counterfits the big idea.'' <g>

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 11, 2007
  13. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Redshad chimes in, as usual:
    ''Maybe BJ can feed us over at BJ's Hotlink stand one night.
    Redshad )

    Damn ass crap, Redshad, you have got the best shitten ass memory, I
    know of.
    BJs Hotlink stand.....that chaps my ass, anyone remembering stuff like
    that on folks. Boy, you something. <g>

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 11, 2007
  14. Bill Walker

    BiffB Guest

    Come Sunday, you might be willing to come up with that gas money to get
    rid of 'em all. You'ld think they'ld at least volunteer to bring some
    potato salad or somethin.

    I'ld bring my famous cream cheese jalepenos if i was coming, but it's my
    weekend with the kids, and they don't fit on the bike, without major
    mods to the hard bags. Plus i wouldn't want you people to corrupt em.
    BiffB, Jun 12, 2007
  15. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Don't know who "nannie" is, Bjay.. And, obviously "nannie" doesn't want to
    talk about it.. Anyway, "nannie" is in on the ride to your casa.. hmmm.. btw
    that better be a big ole' brisket and a big ole pot of pintos.. We're

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 12, 2007
  16. Bill Walker

    Nannie Guest

    BillWalker tells Jerry: ''Bjay might have to go to the bank to feed us
    and come up with the ==gas money==, but.. hell, he's got a ton of credit

    Okay I spot a flaw in the cause. ''Gas Money'', so yall can't
    buy no gas, being broke, and all, and I aint doing that
    counterfits the big idea.'' <g>

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)

    LOL I hope you haven't given them your real address!

    Nannie, Jun 12, 2007
  17. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    BillWalker tells Jerry: ''Bjay might have to go to the bank to feed us
    and come up with the ==gas money==, but.. hell, he's got a ton of credit

    Okay I spot a flaw in the cause. ''Gas Money'', so yall can't
    buy no gas, being broke, and all, and I aint doing that
    counterfits the big idea.'' <g>

    I think this ride is a done deal, already.. Gotta count on you
    for something.. Sure can't have any confidence in you as the
    "Ratings Monitor" for

    Get your ass over to the bank, float a loan.. Stop by the groc-
    ery store on your way home and sit tight.. Some of us may stay
    for several days past the weekend.. Hell, if you act right, some
    of us may just move in permanent.. hmmm.. I'm thinking that
    Jerry needs to get out of Houston, anyway..

    Bill Walker

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    Bill Walker, Jun 12, 2007
  18. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    We've got the goods on Bjay and if you'll notice, when we all move in, he's
    got to put up or shut up.. lol.. Gotta feed 'em and give 'em all a place to
    a nap.. A few will certainly need to take a bath, also..
    Well dang.. load those kids up and hit it.. They won't get corrupted to
    I'd offer to help with that pot of beans, but.. I'm sure Bjay can handle
    Bill Walker, Jun 12, 2007
  19. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    There is at least five GPS dealies that are locked in on Bjay..
    Not much room to escape.. Hell.. he can't even try to get outta
    town.. He needs to be there to defend his property.. right ?

    Besides all the GPS doo-hickies.. I grew up around there.. lol

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 12, 2007
  20. Bill Walker

    Louie Guest

    Yeah, we got him, either place. That Country Bastard has shunned us enough,
    now we gonna make him like us!

    I ain't sleeping or eating so's to take full advantage of his upcoming

    Louie, Jun 12, 2007
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