Good Times

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Sep 18, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    A group of Bikers from all over Texas had a little "get-together" just a
    couple of weeks ago.. El Paso.. Big Springs.. Lubbock.. Austin... Houston
    and the DFW metroplex..

    They came from all over Texas.. They rode in on Hondas, Suzukis..
    Kawasakis.. BMWs...Harleys.. I think there were a couple of Yamahas there
    also.. feel free to correct me if I'm wrong..

    The bikers were wearing a variety of clothing .. jeans, boots.. vests ..
    jackets.. raingear.. (it rained like hell that day) Some wore helmets,
    others wore baseball type caps and still others wore doo rags.. Some even
    came in there bare headed.. (Heavens forbid).. Yeah .. they did, all right..

    There were some touring bikes, sports touring bikes, cruisers and some sport
    bikes.. Hell.. there was a custom trike and a rig with a sidecar..This was a
    motley crew, no doubt..

    They came to this place and met for a single purpose and goal..They came
    here in all this diversity, as a unit .. All were welcomed and respected..
    All were heard and made their concerns felt by the others.. Republicans and
    Democrats.. even a couple of Independents.. The Fellowship and Brotherhood
    was like an electric current.. Even the brothers who were not members, felt
    it.. It is alive and it is REAL..

    In spite of all that diversity.. you could sink your teeth in the Fellowship
    and brotherhood.. Guess what .. some of the fine Sisters were there, also..

    There are a few on this newsgroup who know that feeling.. They KNOW.. what
    this post is about and the Fellowship and Brotherhood that I am addressing..
    There are many who don't have a clue..

    Those brothers and sisters from all over Texas were attending a TMRA II
    State Advisors meeting in Elgin, Tx. Many of us had never even heard of the
    place until that meeting was announced.. We came together for the purpose of
    determining our directions for the next twelve months.. There was no party,
    no drinking or carousing and nothing but the business of Bikers was on
    anyone's mind..

    Every man or woman who rides a motorcycle in this State, have these men and
    women to thank for many things that affect your lives everytime you mount
    your motorcycle.. You can thank them for the respect that a police officer
    affords you when you come in contact with one of them.. You can thank these
    men and women for any respect you get from other vehicles who share that
    street or highway with you.. There are so many hidden benefits that you
    enjoy, that these men and women have contributed to you, as a motorcycle

    These men and women are not anonymous or covert, their presence is felt in
    our State's Capitol building.. Their influence is known while our
    legislators do our business in that Capitol.. They hold meetings in their
    own districts each month.. Those meetings are open to all..and ALL are
    welcome to be heard and respected, regardless of your political
    affiliation.. Feel free to dispute or correct me for any mistake or
    mis-information .. Contradict me, if I have made any error..

    Those men and women have been tireless in their efforts throughout our
    State.. They've made a difference.. They also deserve your respect..
    Whatever your reason for not supporting them.. that respect and gratitude is
    a debt.. if you ride a motorcycle..

    TMRA II.. is an organization that serves a worthy purpose.. It is comprised
    of men and women who have courage and the convictions to stand up for all of
    us.. It is not any one individual .. TMRA II has a life of it's own..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 18, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I appreciate the good words.. The post seems appropriate at this time..
    Thank the other Warriors and Patriots for their good words and work, also..
    Every one is important and every one is needed..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 20, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Louie Guest

    What's this Six Sigma or something!! .... I believe the keyboard must offer
    some glimpse of the character of the operator, and based on many other posts
    I've noted here, I feel many here at would not consider
    joining tmraII. I've watched enough TV to know if the disrespect and
    negativity on display here happened face to face it might
    Louie, Sep 20, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... Yep.. that's the main drawback with tx.motorcycle newsgroup.. Sure
    got a bunch of wannabes' .. posers .. and welfare riders.. just like you
    "Screwy Louie"..

    You guys are all the same.. you want to talk the talk, but when it's time to
    walk the walk, there's nothing there.. Stick with the posers "Screwy
    Louie".. You can't cut it..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Sep 20, 2004
  5. speaking of can't cut it:

    From: "Bill Walker" <>
    References: <dXH7c.3930$>
    Subject: Re: Watch Bill Run Away!
    Lines: 24
    X-Priority: 3
    X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
    X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2720.3000
    X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2727.1300
    Message-ID: <IMH8c.4335$>
    Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 21:01:28 GMT
    NNTP-Posting-Time: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 21:54:32 -0500 (CDT)
    X-Trace: 1080248488 (Thu, 25 Mar 2004
    16:01:28 EST)
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 16:01:28 EST

    Absolutely NO..
    another viewer, Sep 20, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Perfect example of "one who doesn't get it"..
    Bill Walker, Sep 20, 2004
  7. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    How about 547 miles is the BEST you've done thus far...And to top it
    off, I believe they just mentioned you just because you paid $200 and
    you whined about how tough the ride was...

    and you got wet!

    You cry baby bastard.
    Brian Walker, Sep 20, 2004
  8. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Someone been pissin' in your yard again, louie?
    Brian Walker, Sep 20, 2004
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You might want to scroll down and just have a "little read" of my post
    today.. "WTF.. "Nuff said".. LOL... I've made the same "face to face"
    comment on this group to quite a few of the crew that you seem to fancy..

    I've also posted my itineraries and home address quite a few times.. hmmm..
    The address has been confirmed by none other than ol' Mark Johnson,
    himself.. I'm sure you've seen that address, before..

    So far.. newsgroup posturing has been the only reaction.. LMAO.. Mostly..
    responses like.. "hmpfff... my husband is meaner than your wife.".. or some
    such bullshit..

    You guys in that crew, do more posturing than anything else.. Long as you
    succeed in impressing each other, I suppose that counts, impressing anyone
    else, who does "have a clue", just ain't working.. There you go .. sport..
    Bill Walker, Sep 20, 2004
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Good to see you Superfly.. Damn.. I was beginning to think that computer got
    the best of you.. This dude is a bit confusing, isn't he ?
    Bill Walker, Sep 21, 2004
  11. Bill Walker

    Louie Guest

    OK,... Let me offer as an excuse; when throwing out a post here, and
    expecting to strike home, (or hitting the target) with everyone is
    fruitless, account the poster, although he thinks (and he might) he
    knows the audience, others that he did not consider the audience will
    read the post. I have the same problem with many of the posts I read, so
    it happens to most likely all.

    6 sig - someone commented in a positive manner to one of Walker's post.
    The concept of praise, warm stuff, and turning a blind eye to the two
    zillion negative, attacking posts.

    A little of the poster character is in poster's post - uh huh

    TV - I can't say enough about TV

    Usenet - different than face to face.... usenet, some say it is the
    modern day version of alcohol, which as might may know, helps people to
    act bigger, cuter, smarter, and richer than they are. I'm hopeful what
    is said here stays here. We're nuts, and button pushers should know that.

    ....see what I mean .....louie
    Louie, Sep 21, 2004
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    THAT'S what I'm talkin'.. Been saying that for years..LOL
    Me too..
    Yeah.. I been saying THAT too..

    I'm hopeful what
    hmmm.. I guess everybody is NUTS in their own way.. Some are nuts and not
    acceptable to most decent folks, although they'd sure like to be.. Sheesh..
    if I didn't know where you are coming from, it would seem like we're on the
    same page.. We both know better than that, though, don't we ? LOL..
    Bill Walker, Sep 21, 2004
  13. louie says:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ~~Usenet - different than face to face.... usenet, some say it is the
    modern day version of alcohol, which as might may know, helps people to
    act bigger, cuter, smarter, and richer than they are. I'm hopeful what
    is said here stays here. We're nuts, and button pushers should know
    ...see what I mean .....louie
    Thats so True, above.....I have really learned that none of us, are
    entirely demostrating who we truly are, me included. It's one thing to
    verbally state one's opinion, but when typing an opinion or makeing a don't always READ the way we intended it to sound.
    Like, I have emailed my sonNLaw, and he has read it, and didn't get what
    I really meant..etc......and got his feelings hurt a couple of
    times......does this make sense?
    When typing phrases, we tend to wanna be an author, or columnist, or
    yes, a comedy writer!!....<grin> Now in here, we tend to elaborate most
    every word or phrase to impress......not always
    being truthful....(like the whole truth) or like embellishing the truth
    about our selves.......I am pretty much (90%) being my self in Here,
    typing with a bunch of entertaining posters, and commentaters.
    and yes, the lurkers! <>bjay<>9.22.04@1215p.
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 22, 2004
  14. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Don't get too carried away there, bjay.. I can't speak for everyone, but..
    I've been told that I talk about the same way on this newsgroup, that I
    sound person.. On the other hand, I met a young man, not too long ago..
    After we introduced ourselves and shook hands, he made a comment to the
    effect "you're not as cranky in person, as you are on that newsgroup"..

    Just a little contradictory, but not really.. What you see is what you
    get.At my stage of life, I don't need or have to impress anyone, either on a
    newsgroup or in person.. I enjoy that..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 22, 2004
  15. BW says)
    Don't get too carried away there, bjay.. I can't speak for everyone,
    but.. I've been told that I talk about the same way on this newsgroup,
    that I sound person.. On the other hand, I met a young man, not too
    long ago.. After we introduced ourselves and shook hands, he made a
    comment to the effect "you're not as cranky in person, as you are on
    that newsgroup"..
    Just a little contradictory, but not really.. What you see is what you
    get.At my stage of life, I don't need or have to impress anyone, either
    on a newsgroup or in person.. I enjoy that..
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    The only person I try to impress, is my lovely wife.......heehee...I
    thrive on contriversy.....I like a good argument...
    but I think I am a fair person...and I will listen to your side....but
    that don't mean I agree.......I consider myself an
    independent....period.......If I'm wrong..I'll admit it...but I expect
    the same from others........hmmmm? why did I say all that.........I
    guess it's my age......
    BW, In my opinion, you are a pretty good commontater, and pretty good
    at comedy writin’ have furnished me with some laffs, and quite
    a few Frowns....keep it up,
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Sep 23, 2004
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