Good news

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David Thomas, Jul 17, 2004.

  1. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Looks like the "pink" bike is sold.

    A friend of mine wants it, he has his DAS on the 24th July and if he passes
    (fingers crossed) he will pick it up the following weekend.

    So this gives me 2 weeks to find a suitable replacement (maybe 4 weeks if he

    Wandered past a Honda dealers yesterday and sat on a CB500 (already sold)
    felt very comfy and light... so come on, give me the 100 reasons why I
    should rule the bugger out ;-)

    David Thomas, Jul 17, 2004
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  2. David Thomas

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I had one. I liked it.

    As it's a topical point, have you thought about a Yamaha XV535 Virago?
    Nice and light, low to the ground, and good (if you like that sort of
    Ben Blaney, Jul 17, 2004
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