Goldwing Brakes

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by Ed Hamilton, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. Ed Hamilton

    Ed Hamilton Guest

    I have a 1995 Goldwing SE that has excessive travel of the brake pedal,
    almost to the point where it would stop anyway if a open hydraulic line
    (almost but not quite, and the brakes do work). I have checked the pads,
    rear and left front and both are almost new (about 5k miles, but are very
    thick, like new). I also bled the system rear and LF until only clear DOT4
    was coming out of the speedbleeder and no bubbles in the line. Neither has
    helped the travel. I am beginning to think that the seals in the master
    cylinder are leaking internally and that I should rebuild the master

    Anyone have any similiar problems? Any issues in the master cylinder

    Ed in AZ
    Ed Hamilton, Mar 5, 2005
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  2. Ed Hamilton

    Paul Cassel Guest

    Leaky seals in the master would do what you describe. The only shorter
    remedy I can think of trying is to 'bleed' the system with a vacuum unit
    like a MityVac which in those difficult linked systems, works better
    than speed bleeders.
    Paul Cassel, Mar 6, 2005
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  3. Ed Hamilton

    SAMMMMM Guest

    is this always loose or is it only loose after runnung the bike?
    (looking at front wheel bearing)
    also, bleeding may still not getting all the air out.
    is it spongy or does it harden up after pumping up the pedal?
    also, if you step on the brake and back off the pressure a little, does
    the pedal go down after a few moments?
    this is characteristic of a bad master cylinder.
    good luck, sammm '99 GW trike.
    SAMMMMM, Mar 6, 2005
  4. Ed Hamilton

    Bruce Farley Guest

    Try bleeding the front brake that is linked to the brake pedal. This
    will probably fix it.
    Bruce Farley, Mar 7, 2005
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