Golan Heights ?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by isaac_the_blind, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. isaac_the_blind

    Damien Guest

    Since Hezbollah is dedicated to wiping Israel off the face of the
    planet, and since Hezbollah is directly supported by Iran (who
    actually set them up), and since Iran has also stated a desire to wipe
    Israel off the face of the planet...I can't really see getting hold of
    a patch of dirt as helping change their minds any time soon.

    Not only that, but returning the Golan Heights will only further aid
    Syria/Iran/Hezbollah in achieving their goals. It will do absolutely
    **** all to bring peace to the region. At the moment, Israeli
    possession of the Golan is doing a lot more for peace (on account of
    making it harder for Syria to launch yet another war against Israel,
    or to shell Israeli farmers/settlements) than Syrian possession would
    ever do.

    It would be nice to see the day arrive when Israel could hand it back.
    But that wont happen - and should NOT happen - until Israel can be
    assured that Syria wont use it to attempt, yet again, to wipe them
    out. After all, would you hand a baseball bat over to some guy who you
    knew was just going to bash you senseless with it straight away? No, I
    didn't think you would.

    GPX250 -> CBR600 -> F650/R1200GS (when the $$$ are there!)
    Damien, Aug 9, 2006
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