goddamn deer again

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by another viewer, Apr 9, 2006.

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    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: <struck for privacy>
    Date: Apr 9, 2006 10:08 AM
    Subject: [VStrom2] Bad, bad news...Rider down

    I just got a phone call from a friend who co-teaches riding with Larry
    Grodsky, author of the "Stayin' Safe" series in Rider magazine. My
    friend told me that Grodsky was killed last night in Texas, riding a
    bike back from California that he had bought. He evidently hit a deer.


    More evidence that even the most knowledgeable and experienced riders
    can be taken out by those hooved vermin. I've seen them jump out of
    nowhere and land in front of riders on loud HDs (so much for the loud
    pipes saves lives argument) and some here have had all too close
    encounters with the disease carrying forest rats... and to think some
    places actually want to protect the vermin; the bag limit needs to be
    upped substantially as the deer population is out of control. save a
    life, go deer hunting this fall. be attentive when riding in known deer
    areas, which is most of texas.
    another viewer, Apr 9, 2006
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  2. another viewer

    RL Guest

    Sorry to hear that AV. You're right about the over population of deer.
    Last week, one got hit right on the main street of town here. Hopefully a
    big vehicle took it out and not a biker. The deer are everywhere and not
    just in a few select areas.

    Joe and I have bagged our limit. I now have to watch for them everywhere,
    even in town.
    RL, Apr 9, 2006
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  3. that's insane and shows just how bad it is. deer can mess over a car and
    injure or kill the occupants too. they're overpopulated vermin and
    need to be treated as such. kill bambi.
    another viewer, Apr 9, 2006
  4. ---------------------------------------^^^^^^^ that is a new one, I have
    heard of wharf rats and sewer rats but not forest rats. Are they any kin to

    well, they are definitely known to come out on a full moon....
    another viewer, Apr 9, 2006
  5. another viewer

    RL Guest

    I was just talking to someone this evening, that lives in a real nice
    neighborhood in town and they said that someone just hit a deer a block from
    the elementary school.

    Oh, I forgot to mention hogs too. Lots of those around. I could use some
    deer/hog sausage.
    RL, Apr 10, 2006
  6. on the Waltz a few years back a rider was taken out by one in the middle
    of the night south of Halletsville. it charged into the left side of
    his Glide, and broke the shifter off into the riders ankle. there was
    no sign of the hog afterwards, i think it won that round cleanly. big
    javelina will weigh as much as a full sized bike and have a matching
    attitude and some smarts. sooooooeeeeeee hawg !

    i hate deer more tho'...... stupidest damn animal
    another viewer, Apr 10, 2006
  7. Sorry about the loss. I've had a couple of scary encounters with deer, both
    in a car and with a motorcycle. I've never had to take any radical action to
    avoid one. Well except for the one that chased me down the road. Guess he
    (it was a he) didn't like my red 64 dodge at the time. He acted like he was
    seriously going to charge me a couple times and I decided put some distance
    between me and him. Bad enough dogs come barking out and chasing cars. I
    think the country as a whole needs to cut down on the deer population.
    Several states have extended their hunting season and even couraged hunters
    to go out and bag another if they've got one on the first couple of days.
    You know its a problem when a state gives anything away for free.
    Just a word of warning should you be traveling thru Utah or Nevada. Both
    those states have open ranges. So on cooler nights the cattle come up on the
    roads to stay warm. Makes for some pretty nasty accidents. I stopped at the
    next town after my third heart pounding encounter. I hated to shut down at
    8pm at night but the thought of playing chicken with some unsuspecting cow
    just didn't sit well with me.
    Elmer McKeegan, Apr 10, 2006
  8. another viewer

    RL Guest

    Yeeouch! I heard of one taking out the underside of a caddy, not long ago
    but so far no hogs vs. Hogs.

    There's a big ol' boar that thinks our pasture is his personal rooting area.
    I was walking near the back fence, when I saw something large and dark in
    the tall, hip high grass. This dark object began to move and make grunting
    noises. I beat a quiet, hasty backpedaling retreat without taking my eyes
    off it. That sucker was huge! I've heard they will kill and eat a human,
    if they can catch one unaware and I am not planning to find out if this is
    true. Now when I go out to the back of our place, I take a rifle.
    You won't get any arguments from me there. If you recall, one committed
    suicide, by running into my leg and then one threw herself in front of Joe
    and his bike cut her in half. I'm hoping to one day have that screw removed
    from my leg. It is a constant reminder of how stupid those critters really
    RL, Apr 10, 2006
  9. cattle may be standing or walking there, but at least cattle will
    generally shy away and dont' jump out of nowhere into your path like
    deer will. motoring open range at night is definitely high risk. years
    ago crossing eastern oregon at night my pal and i were dodging deer and
    all sorts of creatures, the highlight of which was a frikkin' porcupine
    in the middle of the road; we straddled that thing on either side,
    missing it. that would not be something to roll over.

    i remember coming from the bat cave state park south of Fredericksburg
    and heading back into town after dusk with just enough light to see what
    seemed like a hundred deer in the pastures on either side of the road.
    cars and trucks were upset i wasn't going faster, but i was happy to let
    them clear way. that was the same night the buck ran in front of my pal
    on his FLHS on our way back into Hunt, close enough to where i couldn't
    tell if it went in front or behind him; he said he could hear the hooves
    clawing for traction on the pavement as it ran. it really is dangerous
    to ride after dark in parts of the state, much less on a full moon night
    when they are particularly active. big driving lights help, somewhat.
    properly applied .243 does even better.
    another viewer, Apr 10, 2006

  10. ya'lls place is ripe for a hawg to be happy. on the one hand, it's
    pretty cool to have the wildlife around there. on the other, it's a big
    ham, and bacon on the hoof, with easter coming up... a little honey and
    pineapple baking and off ya go!

    and y'all are two of the too many who have been slapped by those vermin.
    hopefully the hardware is less bothersome in the warmer months and the
    bones fully mend finally to get it taken out. i know it would make you
    another viewer, Apr 10, 2006
  11. another viewer

    RL Guest

    A smaller hog for roasting, maybe.
    The bone mended quite some time ago but the doc told me the screw could stay
    in indefinetly. I don't think he counted on it trying to work it's way out.
    I might go get it removed this winter, because I'll have to take it easy for
    a while after it's removed. There'll be a hole in the bone, all the way
    through. I have too much to do right now, so I'll just deal with it.
    RL, Apr 10, 2006
  12. another viewer

    RL Guest

    I've seen that. Yes, it's scary, especially after having seen Joe all
    bloody, right after he hit a deer. It was mostly Joe's blood.
    I sincerely hope that turtle is the only close call you ever have.

    As for deer whistles, don't waste your money. A friend of ours took out 2
    deer, with the bumper of his truck. He had deer whistles mounted on each
    side of the front bumper. It tore his truck up but the whistles stayed put.
    If a loud muffler and headlights won't deter deer from jumping in front of,
    or into you, something you can't hear, isn't going to do diddly squat.
    RL, Apr 10, 2006
  13. trains hit deer; emergency vehicles in full lights and siren response
    mode hit deer; why would someone think a tiny whistle is gonna change
    anything* ?

    kill bambi and all his stupid disease carrying relatives.

    *they do seem to work on rhinocerous and tigers, as reports of
    rhinocerous and tiger strikes seem to be statistically negligible in
    another viewer, Apr 10, 2006
  14. another viewer

    RL Guest

    Yes, they do carry diseases. My little pooch came down sick within a week
    of receiving him. We nearly lost him due to him walking where the deer had
    crapped in our yard, then licking his paws. Luckily he survived and I'm now
    very careful of where he walks. I found out that deer carry all sorts of
    internal parasites, bacteria and such, in their guts.
    Same for bears but not lions. ;)
    RL, Apr 10, 2006
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