God, I love watching cyclists collide

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TOG@Toil, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. TOG@Toil

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Twatty One decided that he'd sail through the red light at the
    crossing, junction of Clapham Road and Union Road.

    Twatty Two was zooming along the pavement (presumably to avoid the
    traffic) and decided to rejoin the road at the crossing.


    Two cyclists sprawled on the tarmac berating each other. Trouble is,
    one day, one of these Twattys is going to skittle me... Still, hope it
    hurt. Shame they weren't going faster, really.

    Actually, I've noticed Plod nicking a fair few of these suicide
    jockeys recently, both south of the river and in the City. Excellent.

    Hmf. Should have x-posted this to the pedal-pushers ng. Oh well.
    TOG@Toil, Jun 14, 2010
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  2. TOG@Toil

    JB Guest

    Niiiice. I had one run into the back of the trike last year. "I thought you
    were going on through the light" says he. This was the light which was
    _well_ red by the time I got there. Pity he wasn't going much quicker.
    Do they actually get charged with something which affects their driving
    licence? Bloody ought to.
    Don't fret. Someone will probably do it for you.

    JB, Jun 14, 2010
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  3. TOG@Toil

    rick Guest

    I had the dubious privilige of seeing two couriers collide when I was
    despatching. Both nipped out from behind cars to filter and hit each other
    more or less head on. Luckily it was at low speed but they did fall in an
    undignified heap.
    rick, Jun 14, 2010
  4. TOG@Toil

    Ace Guest

    Heh. Trouble is, uk.rec.cycling is even more full of trolls and their
    bait[1] than ever, and urcm doesn't allow x-posts.

    [1] Waht am I saying? Fill yer boots, old man.
    Ace, Jun 14, 2010
  5. TOG@Toil

    davethedave Guest

    TRolls you say?
    davethedave, Jun 14, 2010
  6. I posted onto aus.moto a little while back when I had a cycle jock
    nearly skittle me when I was crossing the road in Sydney CBD. He
    yelled at me then continued fucking flat out into the intersection
    about 100m up the road and knocked himself and two pedestrians to the
    ground. Stupid twat was going too fast for the conditions. I had a
    clear road when I decided to cross mid-block and it was not a SMIDSY.
    He was totally out of order as the two other people found a few
    seconds later...
    Kevin Gleeson, Jun 17, 2010
  7. TOG@Toil

    platypus Guest

    The obvious rejoinder to this is, "I'm not a cyclist."
    platypus, Jun 17, 2010
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