Global Warming

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by flashgorman, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. flashgorman

    Hog Guest

    All of which pales to insignificance against one decent volcanic eruption.
    IMHO HS has very little effect on the weather. We do rather well on
    desertification though which should be the priority.
    Hog, Jan 7, 2004
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  2. flashgorman

    sweller Guest

    I'd imagine battery technology would have moved on from today in X [1]
    years time, especially in the final 5 years when the realisation dawns
    that oil *is* going to run out...

    [1] Include the 'Champ factor' of oil having more than 30 years, say 50,
    and that a cheap, synthetic low impact fuel hasn't been found.
    sweller, Jan 8, 2004
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  3. flashgorman

    sweller Guest

    I find this a rather facile argument.

    It has the conviction of a smug 13 year old who's discovered an algebraic
    equation to prove 2+2 do in fact make 5. But is wrong.
    sweller, Jan 8, 2004
  4. flashgorman

    sweller Guest

    The principle contained within the argument I don't have a problem with
    as such. Its the clever, clever "its weather" method of putting the case
    over. It seems to have an under lying sneer to it.

    The whole issue of global warming and carbon emissions is so clouded by
    self serving agendas and money that it will always be difficult to get a
    clear and an undistorted picture.

    There is so much power and influence at stake in fossils fuels, (see the
    extent the western world will go to ensure they still have influence over
    the suppliers of oil), that any threat to them will be vigorously

    "...For without fuel they were nothing. They had built a house of
    sweller, Jan 8, 2004
  5. flashgorman

    Ginge Guest


    There's always an average temperature, it just may not have been
    recorded accurately enough to work with.
    Ginge, Jan 8, 2004
  6. flashgorman

    Ginge Guest

    He's me, when I was 20. so obviously he's the right height. So I'm
    correct, and don't you forget it.

    Also I'm not convinced as to the average height of a 20 yr old man in
    the UK.
    Ginge, Jan 9, 2004
  7. flashgorman

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    I think I was about 11, or maybe 12 when I hit 5'8"
    Yus I was an uber tall git when I was that age.
    All well and good, 'cept that my family has a habit of stopping growing when
    we hit about 14.
    So not short now, but not terribly tall, 'bout 6'1"
    It's definitely changed in my lifetime (I'm 35 BTW).

    Tell you though... weirdness of all weirdness... spent a lot of time with
    both Dutch and Afrikaans dudes... feck sake, average height prolly no
    different than ours, but variation of a theme? Ho yus! Loads of minature
    little teeny dudes, about 5'4" with the wind behind them, but feck feck
    feck, they have *loads* of uber tall dudes too. Have you *ever* met somebody
    who not only stands about 7'4" but is also: built like a brick shithouse on
    body building day; utterly without an ounce of excess fat upon his body; and
    is still only 23yo? I have... feck feck feck! TF he's a top bloke,
    thoroughly gentle giant; tell you now, I'm not a small geezer, it's
    extremely unlikely that anyone reading this could *easily* lift me off the
    floor (given that I weigh about 20 stone) but this giant of a South African
    dude grabbed hold of me with one arm and swung me about in the air like I
    was a rag doll![1] Talk about a weird experience! Fortunately we can bless
    his cottons cos he's sweeter than than a sweet thing on sweet day. Phew!

    [1] OK, so I don't blame him, I had just grabbed him and lofted him into the
    air and dangled him around at a party[2]
    [2] Which made me stagger under his weight[3]
    [3] And I ain't no weakling[4]
    [4] Not that he seemed to have any trouble at all repaying the compliment!

    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 9, 2004
  8. flashgorman

    CT Guest

    Talking of which, and I've nicked this from the letters page
    of today's Metro[1]:

    Why does the Guinness Book of Records not have an entry for
    the tallest dwarf or the shortest giant?

    [1] Train[2] into work on account of beers in Town tonight.
    [2] Actually, bus, train, tube and train[3]
    [3] And they wonder why people use their own transport[4]
    [4] Sorry Paul C., this isn't meant to start an argument :eek:)
    CT, Jan 9, 2004
  9. You flatterer. I shall practise my "underlying sneer".
    Perhaps it will make me look like Humphrey Bogart!

    What's wrong with posting a conclusion rather than the analysis?
    The Old Fogey, Jan 9, 2004
  10. flashgorman

    tallbloke Guest

    "CT" <> spouted the following in $8m780$

    <fx: Ducks>
    tallbloke, Jan 9, 2004
  11. flashgorman

    tallbloke Guest

    (The Old Fogey) spouted the following in

    Heh, safe bet, for now.

    I wonder if the report that if the current trend in the weather
    continues for 50 years or so, that about a third of the current species
    on the planet will be heading for extinction is true.

    It seems to me that the arguments put forward that the net effect of all
    the carbon release caused by human activity is a small amount compared
    with the natural carbon cycle don't take account of the fact that
    systems can be tipped into catastrophic change by relatively small
    additional quanta.

    Interesting to note that young growing forests absorb lots more CO2 than
    mature forests. Natural forest fires followed by regeneration aren't too
    much of a problem then. However, when the forests are burned down and
    the land cleared for Mclivestock, It's all a loss to the lungs of the

    When I look at the vested interests and those who deny the reality of
    global warming, I find myself thinking that I wouldn't really really
    want to be seen agreeing with a bunch of cunts like them. Hats off to
    HMG for taking their obligations under Kyoto seriously. Roll on clean
    power, but I hope electric bikes have come on a bit by the time they
    outlaw my current oil powered steeds!
    tallbloke, Jan 9, 2004
  12. Of course it's true that if the temperature increases by so many degrees
    per year then nasty things will happen.

    Have you noticed that all reporting of global warming assumes a rapid
    rate of temperature increase, and quite logically infers some
    consequences therefrom?

    However, that assumption is far from proven.....
    Old Fart at Play, Jan 9, 2004
  13. flashgorman

    Hog Guest

    As about 2/3 of them are nasty little fuckers that's just fine.
    Hog, Jan 10, 2004
  14. flashgorman

    tallbloke Guest

    Old Fart at Play <> spouted the following in

    Sure. There does seem to be quite a large body of scientific opinion
    tending towards it though. The Merkins are in denial however.

    The counter opinion that human caused increases in CO2 emmissions don't
    matter in the great scheme of things is far from proven too....
    tallbloke, Jan 10, 2004
  15. flashgorman

    tallbloke Guest

    "Hog" <> spouted the following in

    Heh, "Bitey Things"
    tallbloke, Jan 10, 2004
  16. flashgorman

    tallbloke Guest

    Simian <> spouted the following in

    Some of the scientists are even considering the facts rather than the
    funding too.
    tallbloke, Jan 10, 2004
  17. flashgorman

    tallbloke Guest

    Ask TOG.
    tallbloke, Jan 10, 2004
  18. flashgorman

    Hog Guest

    I watched the thing about parasitic worms....
    Hog, Jan 10, 2004
  19. flashgorman

    tallbloke Guest

    There's no chance of them dying out unless their hosts do...
    tallbloke, Jan 10, 2004
  20. flashgorman

    Hog Guest

    " "
    Hog, Jan 10, 2004
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