Lots of discussion here about it: http://www.gl1800riders.com/forums/ Varies with tire brand, wear, road type, etc.. (no real correlation though). Mostly noticeable when taking the hands off the handlebars and between 30-40mph deceleration. I fixed mine about 95% by installing tapered steering head bearings (All Balls) and torquing as recommended then re-torq after about 5000 miles. Worked GREAT!
I'd have brought the Hurricane, but I still haven't finished everything in repairing the damage done by Mike the Junk Dealer! I got the side panel repaired and now just need to replace the tires from the dry rot and replace the battery. Then I'll have it 100% again. I took the Hurricane out for a short ride around the block after getting it put back together. Then I climbed on the Blackbird and DAMN there's a big difference in those bikes! I got used to the Hurricane and hit the throttle on the Bird at the same rate I did to the Hurricane. The Blackbird pulled so hard that it blew my sunglasses off. Had these been cheap ones, I would've just kept going and not worried about it. With them being as expensive as they were, I went back for them. What I found was small pieces of lens scattered on the pavement. Then I saw the frames still in tact. I pulled over and went to go get the frames....then some jackass drove by and ran right over them. I'd hate to be him, because as he drove by I saw Karma grab his bumper and get carried away with him. Man, that Blackbird pulls too freakin' hard! I guess the next time I get by the Pro Shop I'll get another pair of glasses.... BTW, there's a BUNCH OF MOTORCYCLES out here!!! Looks like a freakin' rally!!!
BrianWalker wrote in part earlier: ''bjay,I'd have brought the Hurricane, but I still haven't finished everything in repairing the damage done by Mike the Junk Dealer! Brian, I just got to thankin'. hmmm. Instead of me getting the notion to try to find a 250Ninja, I should buy your Hurricane, hummmh. But I aint saying I will, mind you, like Ole' Chris, what's his handle, kept lying about. <evilgrin> Just a thought. I bet the BB did give you the ''Gs'' feeling. After ''toying'' around on the Hurrican'? How would you have ''brought'' the Hurricane, had it been repaired 100%? Wherever you be at? Trailer? B. Jay Kana-- NETexas 02 Valkyrie Cruiser-- ( happy trails to you all)
Nah, the only time I plan to trailer a bike is when it's broke....broke like Mike the Junk Dealer broke it, after being paid to "maintain" it. Also, I had to step up and scam Redshad out of that trailer so I could be one of the many strategically placed trailers ready to be borrowed if any riders are on the east side of Dallas. We tried to get Ed, but since I had the reputation of "making a living by scamming others" I had to be the one to scam Redshad. Ed just wasn't as good at it as I seem to be. I paid Redshad exactly what he was asking, and he didn't even see it coming! He thought he would ask a bunch of money and have room to drop his price....and then I just slapped the full amount of money on him and he couldn't believe how quick I scammed him. To make it worse, I even paid him in cash! Man, I'm getting good at this "making a living scamming others"! I'll tell you the same as I told Chris, and even told Mike the Junk Dealer....get the sack of cash and come get the bike! I was talking to a friend of mine about the motorcycle. He was saying "I wish I had a motorcycle, and you have three". I was just about to tell him that if he'd buy a good helmet, jacket, gloves, boots and successfully pass the MSF course I'd just give him the Hurricane. That's when his mother heard what was being said and she came over and said to him "you don't need a motorcycle". Ended that! I'm certainly not going to get between a kid and his mother with a motorcycle....especially if he gets into a wreck.