Gixer thou servicing

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Monz, Apr 15, 2005.

  1. Monz

    Monz Guest

    Ok so it's second service is past due and it seems I have a warranty claim
    to make [1]

    Got in touch with the shop I got it from and they want £100 + parts to
    service it. Is this about the going rate?

    [1] On the way home from the BOSM started to get some serious juddering from
    the front end under hard braking and pulsing through the brake lever...
    Seems I have warped disk/s (to match the SOH I suppose)
    Monz, Apr 15, 2005
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  2. Monz

    dwb Guest

    Sounds cheap to me.
    Good luck - warped discs seems a real 50/50 on whether or not the warranty
    will pay.
    dwb, Apr 15, 2005
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  3. Monz

    Kiran Guest

    Parts? Does that mean, oil, filter etc etc? If so, final price will be
    nearer £150. I called a few places for a 4k mile service on mine.
    £150 seemed average for a main dealer all in.

    Then found the ex-service manager of MLS Bikesmart has a small
    independent garage near me (Ealing). He's doing the whole service for
    £105, including oil, filter etc. And he assures me he'll do a thorough
    check over the bike, not just the minimum checks required by the

    Kiran, Apr 15, 2005
  4. Monz

    Monz Guest

    I suppose it makes it worth it then because they didn't bat an eyelid about
    the disks they just told me to post them the service book so they could get
    the disks ordered.
    Monz, Apr 15, 2005
  5. Monz

    Champ Guest

    Certainly doesn't sound over the top.
    Champ, Apr 15, 2005
  6. Monz

    Lozzo Guest

    Kiran says...
    Just as an aside. As i'm buying a gixer thou in the near future I was
    enquiring at a well respected Suzuki dealers about servicing and
    suchlike. The top mechanic there reckons that of all the many gixer
    series engines he services[1], there has only ever been two that have
    ever required shims changing. He says they just never need doing for
    some weird reason. Some of those bikes have upwards of 75,000 miles on

    The other nice thing is the gixer thou only needs them checking at
    15,000 miles. Why the hell can't Kawasakis be like that?

    [1] 600,750,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400.
    Lozzo, Apr 15, 2005
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