Getting one's knee down ?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Pipex Text, May 16, 2004.

  1. Pipex Text

    deadmail Guest

    Wasn't it who's who?
    deadmail, May 17, 2004
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  2. Pipex Text

    Molly Guest

    Actually the first one was for the camera as well. I could see the
    photographer pointing his camera and I just held it at Sears on
    Snetterton circuit. I was thinking to myself, hurry up I'm running out
    of bend.

    You are spot on about the second one but you make it sound like it's a
    bad thing. Why?
    Molly, May 17, 2004
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  3. Pipex Text

    Molly Guest

    If you're not in control you *will* crash.
    Molly, May 17, 2004
  4. Pipex Text

    ogden Guest

    You know that thread down there about airports where you said you
    were thinking of going for a whoosh? Make it two.
    ogden, May 17, 2004
  5. Pipex Text

    Monkey Guest

    Parental Avisory? Ho yuss. Something I'm extremely proud to be part of -
    even in a crap, falling off kind of way.
    Monkey, May 17, 2004
  6. Pipex Text

    YTC#1 Guest

    Its not big and its not clever
    YTC#1, May 17, 2004
  7. Pipex Text

    Christofire Guest

    It's fun and you can take the piss out of people that can't do it.

    Like you.
    Christofire, May 17, 2004
  8. Pipex Text

    Christofire Guest

    Babba wrote:

    <snip tale of dead friends, boo-hoo>

    So, if I read this right, your 8 mates all could get a knee on the deck
    but you couldn't do it for love nor money so you offed them all?

    Oh no, not *shame*! How can I go on riding bikes at all now you've
    cast shame on me. To think I've dragged the reputation of
    motorcyclists everywhere along the ground.

    Oh hang on, I don't think you'll be able to hear me up there on that
    incredibly tall horse.
    Christofire, May 17, 2004
  9. Pipex Text

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Quite right too. I'd love to be have made it onto the final cut.
    Sadly, I can't even fall off well enough.
    Ben Blaney, May 18, 2004
  10. You don't have to ride a tall horse to see what tossers GMKDers look.
    On the race track, great, but on public roads it's an invitation to join
    the statistics. Do it if you're infantile egos really think you must,
    but when you teach novices remember to tell them the snags too. What do
    they do about the diesel, manhole covers, pot holes, debris, gravel etc
    etc waiting to make them part company with their steeds? And what about
    the nice, wire crash barriers and other pretty street furniture waiting
    to break their back or decapitate them? And then there are the large,
    cumbersome objects, driven by large, sluggish drivers, waiting to gobble
    up small things sliding down the road and shit the bits out the back.
    And the spectators of this fun event aren't protected by barriers and
    piles of tyres, so you're just as likely to kill them as you are

    KDs push the bike, and the rider, to the limits. This is good practice
    for the dangers of the public road where everyone is out to get us - you
    also learn how to recover when the shit hits the fan. On the track
    everything else is going the same way, and they're no bigger than you,
    and prepared for this interesting manoeuvre, so will do their best not
    to collide with you. And if you do come adrift there are acres of grass
    to slide and bounce over, and hay bales and tyres to stop you going too
    far. Then there are the medical wallahs on hand to put the bits in a
    bag and ship them to a hospital in double quick order. And (for the
    most part) tracks don't have all the manhole covers, drains, ruts,
    gravel and other traps waiting to toss off the tossers on the public

    Dave Remove my gerbil for email replies.

    Bike's are bosh, PC's are pointless, and the 1990's are nuts!
    Bikes are great, PCs are super, and the 1990s are the time to be!
    Save the apostrophe! Get 'em right! If in doubt, leave 'em out!!
    Dave Swindell, May 18, 2004
  11. Pipex Text

    Babba Guest

    What an incredibly stupid & insensitive thing to say.
    So you're saying that you encourage inexperienced riders to challenge
    the limits of themselve's & their machines on public roads for no
    apparent reason other than to look cool?

    Are you medically trained and capable of dealing with the aftermath?

    Or would you barge through the crowd of onlookers for a closer view?
    Babba, May 18, 2004
  12. Pipex Text

    Pip Guest

    This is the world of usenet. Don't be so fucking soft.
    And why not, eh?
    Man with mobile and ability to press 9 three times. That's all you
    Of course. Got to get a good look at the blood, aintcha?

    Now go and sort out your POS post-mangling newsreader, eh? And learn
    to snip sigs while you're at it.
    Pip, May 18, 2004
  13. Pipex Text

    Ben Blaney Guest


    8 people died trying to get their knee-down?
    What bollocks. It's not hideous, at all. The worst that can be said
    about it, is that's it's *possibly* pointless.
    That's as maybe.

    FWIW, Adrian Holt of this parish can get his knee-down while going
    round in a tighter circle than I can do ride conventionally. Thus: he
    has far better machine control than I do.
    Ben Blaney, May 18, 2004
  14. Pipex Text

    Christofire Guest

    You're making huge leaps in your assumptions. Yes, I would engourage
    people to push themselves so they learn. At the same time I'd expect
    them to have the nouse not to push too hard, e.g. going into a corner
    at double their normal speed. I'm not enough of a pompous arse to say
    "oh, if you only want to look good then you're on your own".

    As for the "aftermath", what's there going to be from a 20mph slide?
    Some slightly scuffed pride? I'd better go and brush up my counselling
    skills to keep you happy.

    Again, with your third comment your ignorance shows through. Would you
    try a new trick in front of a big audience, or would you practise with
    a couple of mates watching out for you on a quiet street/car park/off
    road area with no one else around?

    Most people that I know who GTKD will only do it a) when there is good
    visibility of the road(s) ahead, b) no traffic and c) it's safe to do
    so in their judgement.

    If one of your mates bought it by doing it round a blind corner then
    running wide into an oncoming car don't assume everyone else will. One
    thing's for sure, a first-timer wouldn't be encouraged to do high-speed
    blind corner KD by anyone with an ounce of sense.
    Christofire, May 18, 2004
  15. Pipex Text

    Babba Guest

    I hate coming across like a safety Nazi, but peer pressure alone must
    account for a high % of the needless 'off's' currently plague'ing our
    How ALL OF US ride and the antics ALL OF US get up to are closely
    followed by all those onlookers and inexperienced riders. People who
    then jump on their nice n shiny plastic fantastics and think that riding
    in that style & manner is easy, couple that with a lack of appreciation
    of how little 'real world' protection those shiny helmets & leathers
    actually afford you during the 'big off'.

    Do your qualifications and experience of training people to GMKD extend
    to the first aid of their mistakes?

    Do you know your ABC, or at what point removing the helmet is advised,
    do you know how to stem the blood loss of a compound fracture, or would
    you just reach for the mobile then mingle with the crowd?

    I can remember when tyre sliding was all the rage, when all the talk at
    the bar was tall tales about how fat was the black line they'd just left
    at some corner, there were even articles on technique in the glossies
    c/w with lots n lots of piccy's for the illiterate, I remember the
    gullibles that actually tried it between kerbstones, on greasy tarmac
    with adverse camber and lots n lots of marbles. They dropped like flies
    .. . . .
    Babba, May 18, 2004
  16. Pipex Text

    Christofire Guest

    Have you ever heard the advice given to someone? Ever had Molly tell
    you what to do, where you're going wrong?

    Ever been there when I've been doing the above in front of such a large

    FWIW, where's this roundabout with the wire crash barrier? I've never
    seen one. As for pot holes, debris and other you change line. KD
    isn't a case of "I'm on this course until I pick my knee up, oh I do
    hope nothing bad is ahead".

    Find out what I actually do before you tar me with your brush. I
    thought you had more sense than that.
    This I'll take issue with as well. From the tyre wear there's plenty
    left to lean further, and you can pick the bike up and turn off while
    still hung off. Also, KD doesn't have to be done at speed. The real
    skill is doing it at walking pace.

    <doffs cap to monkey>
    Christofire, May 18, 2004
  17. Pipex Text

    Babba Guest

    You are on the very edge of control with small margin for error, if the
    unexpected happens you have very little left to deal with it.

    "Oh and some twat on a zx9r decided to pull out on me and then pass
    on the inside, obviously his knee down needs were more important than
    anyone elses. Or any kind of common sense safety."

    You will meet many twats, pratts, wankers & fukwits on todays roads,
    when you have 3 of them on the same island you are BEGGING for a few
    nights B&B courtesy of the local NHS.
    Babba, May 18, 2004
  18. Pipex Text

    Ben Blaney Guest

    He da man.
    Ben Blaney, May 18, 2004
  19. ^^^^^^^^^^^

    It's amazing how people use the word "unnaturally" to
    describe something they don't like.

    We evolved whilst running around killing mammoths, eating
    berries and living in caves.

    Riding motorbikes, toe-sucking, buying food from a
    supermarket, flying to Tenerife for holidays in a
    heavier than air craft; none of these are "natural".
    But they are done anyway! Shock!

    You don't like it. Let others have their fun.

    This is another of those irregular verbs, isn't it?

    I get my knee down to learn.
    He get's his knee down to look cool.
    They get their knee down because we told them to and are about to crash.
    William Grainger, May 18, 2004
  20. Pipex Text

    Christofire Guest

    And on Usenet.
    It's not an island, that's the bit in the middle. Come on - pedal a
    bit faster and you might get with it.

    HAng on - you're a Daily Mail journo looking for a story aren't you?
    Your ill-thought out ramblings certainly sound like that one-sided
    sensationalistic twaddle.

    Here's your headline:
    "Things I know nothing about might offend your idyllic world view if I
    can factor in Small Children Might Get Slightly Upset!"
    Christofire, May 18, 2004
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