Getting My Hornet Back On The Road

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by chumpster, Sep 20, 2006.

  1. chumpster

    chumpster Guest

    Hi there,

    I've just sent my Hornet off to Two Wheels Honda dealership in
    Edinburgh for a service. They've quoted me £130.

    They're also fitting two new tires (both of which I've supplied), for
    £30 each. Then they'll do an MOT.

    I've asked them to fit a new chain, and give the bike a general
    inspection for other bits and pieces that might've corroded/worn over
    the past year that it's sat in my garage.

    What sort of prices should I expect to be paying for the various bits
    and pieces, and most importantly... Labour.

    Thanks in advance,
    chumpster, Sep 20, 2006
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  2. chumpster

    darsy Guest

    for what?
    that seems excessive.
    darsy, Sep 20, 2006
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  3. chumpster

    Lozzo Guest

    darsy says...
    Seems reasonable to me. Labour is typically charged at 45 quid an hour,
    so taking the time to remove and refit the wheels as well as change the
    tyres - which they aren't supplying and not profiting from - it seems
    about right. I pay my local dealer about 15 quid to fit tyres I supply
    to loose wheels.
    Lozzo, Sep 20, 2006
  4. chumpster

    Hog Guest

    Utterly. They should be charging you £20 fitted and balanced for both.
    They always were cunts.
    Hog, Sep 20, 2006
  5. chumpster

    chumpster Guest

    Who? Two Wheels?

    Who should I be using in Edinburgh?
    chumpster, Sep 20, 2006
  6. chumpster

    chumpster Guest

    National Tyres say they're happy to fit motorcycle tyres for £10 a
    wheel, so long as they're loose. But I wasn't happy about giving my
    wheels to monkeys.
    chumpster, Sep 20, 2006
  7. chumpster

    Hog Guest

    I haven't lived there for over 16 years so I wouldn't know!
    Hog, Sep 20, 2006
  8. chumpster

    Lozzo Guest

    Hog says...
    A lot of things change in 16 years.
    Lozzo, Sep 20, 2006
  9. chumpster

    Hog Guest

    Oh yes <grin>
    Hog, Sep 20, 2006
  10. You're giving your entire bike to monkeys; what's to be worried about?
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Sep 20, 2006
  11. It depends. My initial reaction was total shock at the price. But on
    reflection when I remove my wheels to take in for a tyre to be fitted I
    will often have an impromtu copperslip session with brake fastenings
    and a quick clean round of the pistons. Doing that it might take me 3/4
    of an hour per wheel.

    On second thoughts bollocks. You can bet they do the bare minimum.
    Nearly an hour per wheel for their YTS lad to knock seven shades of
    shit out of rims is way OTT.
    toad_oftoadhall, Sep 20, 2006
  12. chumpster

    Donald Guest

    It's a Honda so use Two Wheels who are *the* Honda dealer.

    If it's a shite old Honda then you shouldn't be using a main dealer at all.

    For the tyres I would have purchased them from Two Wheels too, the
    savings are marginal. Since you've already purchased the tyres and
    you're trying to save money then have them fitted by whoever is the
    cheapest, even if it is national.

    Can't recommend anyone else because my last local guy popped his clogs
    with a brain hemorrhage. That's one of the reasons I ended up buying a
    brand new bike, didn't fancy building up a relationship with someone I
    trusted only to have them keel over just when some work was needed on
    the bike.

    Two wheels balance the wheels horizontally and vertically whatever that

    Anyway the total price seems reasonable to me and I live in Edinburgh.

    You have to remember there's 50 million less people in Scotland so
    there's bound to be less competition which means the price is not going
    to be as competitive as the South.
    Donald, Sep 21, 2006
  13. chumpster

    Donald Guest

    Just trade it in for a new bike, you know it makes sense, mention my
    name and they'll understand. Shame you've already bought the tyres though.

    If you're concerned ask them for a written quotation, they can be vague
    when it comes to how much it's *actually* going to cost.

    Don't listen to the Southerners prices, Scotland is a different country
    and Edinburgh is one of the most expensive places to live in the UK.

    As mentioned down there, the price is okay in my opinion and I live in
    Edinburgh and use Two Wheels.

    I can also recommend Carrick Motorcyles who fitted a rear tyre when Two
    Wheels didn't have it in stock. Very friendly service and if they didn't
    sell the wrong coloured bikes I probably would have purchased one from them.
    Donald, Sep 21, 2006
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