Getting my bike licence, the post office and feminism.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lady Nina, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. Lady Nina

    SteveH Guest

    Too many people find too many things 'offensive' these days.

    We live in a society of people who just *have* to find something to
    complain about.
    What I understand is that no matter what you do, someone will always
    complain. You have to find the balance between what is reasonable
    behaviour from the employee and what's unreasonable on the part of the

    The customer is most definitely *not* always right.
    SteveH, Jun 10, 2005
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  2. Lady Nina

    Beelzebub Guest


    Yes that is very true, however, like LN I do not like to be patronised. In
    this situation, I'd probably have not bother saying owt, instead taking
    comfort in the fact that they've got a soul-destroying, boring job, earning
    a pittance, whereas I have one of the coolest jobs possible and get paid a
    reasonable salary for the privilege.
    No perhaps not, but that is the burden of being in the service industry -
    you are there purely to provide a good, professional service to your
    customers. Treating them with respect is par for the course. If that's too
    difficult, perhaps another career would be more suitable...
    Beelzebub, Jun 10, 2005
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  3. Lady Nina

    Timo Geusch Guest

    SteveH scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    Steve, the guy was acting like a patronising **** or at least came
    across as one. If a complete stranger would be calling me a "naughty
    boy" when I was a customer at his place then you can rest assured that
    he and his boss would get a piece of my mind. A rather strongly worded
    one, too.

    Obviously I'm just a hypersensitive sniffling **** that is only looking
    for an excuse to harass some poor hardworking, fine upstanding citizen.
    The whole point is that it *is* unreasonable and unprofessional
    behaviour from the employee, plain and simple. Living oop North is no
    fucking excuse to behave like a Neanderthal.
    In this case she is.
    Timo Geusch, Jun 10, 2005
  4. Lady Nina

    sweller Guest

    Probably, is this a challenge.
    sweller, Jun 10, 2005
  5. Lady Nina

    MattG Guest

    The Older Gentleman said...
    She just did. Although I did have to grate some cheese.

    These bloody modern women...
    MattG, Jun 10, 2005
  6. Lady Nina

    petrolcan Guest

    Are you saying that people complain when there is nothing to complain
    The scenario mentioned was not reasonable behaviour from the employee.

    LN, however, seems to have dealt with it quite reasonably.
    petrolcan, Jun 10, 2005
  7. Lady Nina

    sweller Guest

    IMO, that only makes for an irritating and ingratiating atmosphere. One
    that makes me a bit stabby.

    If I'd been the staff member I would have gone for the honest and
    contrite "Sorry, it wasn't my intention to offend" at the moment that
    they'd been a reaction. That or tell them to "**** off" and deny all
    knowledge should there be any comeback. Decision would be based on
    various circumstances.

    I've done both.
    sweller, Jun 10, 2005
  8. Lady Nina

    sweller Guest

    Steve, Sometimes people attack you and what you do unfairly but this says
    more about you than perhaps you intended.
    sweller, Jun 10, 2005
  9. Lady Nina

    SteveH Guest

    SteveH, Jun 10, 2005
  10. Lady Nina

    Lozzo Guest

    Lady Nina says...
    I insult my customers all the time, they love it.
    Lozzo, Jun 10, 2005
  11. Lady Nina

    JackH Guest

    Noticed how you've ended up in a role which means they keep you safely
    locked away from the public, in the cab? ;-)


    CBR1000 - Micra 1.3 (K11)

    BOTAFOT #110 D.Bot (University Of Speed) - BOTAFOF #29 - GHPOTHUF #29
    JackH, Jun 10, 2005
  12. Lady Nina

    petrolcan Guest

    Care to provide an example?
    petrolcan, Jun 10, 2005
  13. Lady Nina

    SteveH Guest

    Back at Dixons, we sold an absolute **** load of 15 quid
    CD/Radio/Cassette thingies.

    Got several brought back claiming 'they sound rubbish'.

    To which my answer was 'what d'you expect for 15 quid'.
    SteveH, Jun 10, 2005
  14. Lady Nina

    Pip Guest

    Yeah but - she's not going to endanger her manicure with a grater(1)
    is she?

    1. Somebody handed a grater to Stevie Wonder once: he reckoned it was
    the most violent book he'd ever read.
    Pip, Jun 10, 2005
  15. Lady Nina

    sweller Guest

    LN had reason to complain but some people do complain for the most stupid
    things in the most stupid manner.

    I was at the pictures (to see Star Wars III) one morning earlier this
    week and there was a feedback whistle through the sound system. I and,
    it turned out, others told the staff there was a problem.

    They sorted it by transferring the sound to the 'emergency' system but it
    felt like you were listening to it through a tin can string phone, then
    the feedback came back. At that point another chap and I left; both of
    us saying we'd come back when they'd got it sorted.

    We spoke to the lad at the box office and he called the manageress. As
    we were waiting the feedback must have got worse as the cinema now
    emptied and a few people pushed their way to the front and proceeded to
    berate the poor girl who was apologising profusely and offering refunds
    or tickets to the next showing (the 10.45 showing is only £3.00 anything
    after 12.00 is £6.00).

    All they managed to do, IMO, was make themselves look like wankers whilst
    everyone else took the refund or another ticket.

    It wasn't deliberate or poor customer service it was just one of those
    sweller, Jun 10, 2005
  16. Lady Nina

    sweller Guest

    I've always been on the footplate (i.e. in the cab). TBH, I treat people
    in the manner I expect, and wish, to be treated.
    sweller, Jun 10, 2005
  17. Lady Nina

    sweller Guest

    sweller, Jun 10, 2005
  18. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    You build a working relationship with long term customers and you're
    fucking good at it. In that situation, in your trade, banter is part
    of the job.
    Lady Nina, Jun 10, 2005
  19. Lady Nina

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Lozzo scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    But you're exception to the rule...
    Timo Geusch, Jun 10, 2005
  20. Lady Nina

    JackH Guest

    JackH, Jun 10, 2005
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