Getting mucky(or Paging SOLandies)!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by entwisi, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. entwisi

    entwisi Guest

    Heh, went off roading in Julies Vitara at the weekend. First time I'd ever
    had a do at it. Its bloody good fun ain't it![1] Anyway, if anyone is
    interested I was chatting to the woman who owns the quarry and she said
    that if people wanted to go for a play they could for £15 a car. There
    obviously needs to be more than one car in case you get stuck and need
    someone to pull you out. Email me if you want the details, The quarry is
    just outside Briercliffe near Burnley.

    [1] managed to get completely grounded a couple of times and got stuck in
    a muddy/river bit once

    Pictures here(Lots more in teh album of the guys we went with.
    entwisi, Jul 6, 2005
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  2. entwisi

    Krusty Guest

    heh, isn't it just!
    Can bikes play too?
    Krusty, Jul 6, 2005
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  3. entwisi

    entwisi Guest

    Not sure tbh, I don't see why not though, cash is cash and I can't see a
    load of motorcross bikes doing any more damage than a cart load of off
    road specials. I'll email the lady's number to you so you can ask.
    entwisi, Jul 6, 2005
  4. entwisi

    Krusty Guest

    Cheers - pk [at] muddystuff.blah.blah should do it.
    Krusty, Jul 6, 2005
  5. entwisi

    entwisi Guest

    sent it to contact @ etc before you responded mate!
    entwisi, Jul 6, 2005
  6. entwisi

    Krusty Guest

    That'll do it too - received thanks.
    Krusty, Jul 6, 2005
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