Getting lazy?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by George W Frost, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. George W Frost

    David Robley Guest

    David Robley, Feb 15, 2011
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  2. Then it might be the right time for you to start using one of them Nev, then
    you may start making some sort of sense
    for once.
    George W Frost, Feb 15, 2011
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  3. George W Frost

    Nev.. Guest

    Did you think that up all by yourself, AOL?

    Nev.., Feb 15, 2011
  4. Is that all you can come up with Nev?
    Lost for the right words again ?
    George W Frost, Feb 15, 2011
  5. You don't really have to get that pissed off just because you didn't catch
    up with me Nev
    George W Frost, Feb 15, 2011
  6. George W Frost

    CrazyCam Guest

    Hell, it scares me, too!

    It's been an awful long time since I wore a kilt, but I do have some
    very vague recollection that there was something that was enjoyable to
    straddle. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a motorbike, tho. ;-)

    CrazyCam, Feb 16, 2011
  7. George W Frost

    CrazyCam Guest

    Well, that's you off the list of buying beers for!

    Think yourself luck that Harsh Week seems to have eventually died. :)

    Southwark Stout?

    CrazyCam, Feb 16, 2011
  8. Can I get one with a sprung saddle and forward controls? I could smoke
    and drink ride simultaneously... as long as I don't fall over and end
    up headbutting the bar at high speed!
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 24, 2011
  9. George W Frost

    bikerbetty Guest

    Yeah, you wouldn't want to damage the bar....

    Can it be so? Pisshead, is that really you? So nice of you to drop by ;-)
    Good to see you!

    bikerbetty, Feb 24, 2011
  10. Hello Batty, yes, and it's all your fault, but as of this morning they
    call me Poppy Pete.

    I'll be putting a dent in the bar tonight!
    Pisshead Pete, Mar 1, 2011
  11. George W Frost

    Diogenes Guest

    So, you finally worked out what it's correct use is, eh?

    Congratulations, Poppy. :)


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, Mar 1, 2011
  12. George W Frost

    CrazyCam Guest

    Hmmm, if that means what I think it means....

    A. congratulations!

    B. how come you blame Betty, or is there stuff going on that we don't
    know about? ;-)

    C. I've wondered why you were so quiet, and, not being an expert in the
    subject, I have to ask, was it THAT hard work?
    I'll certainly try to help in that regard, but it'd be nice to know a
    name to drink to. (Not that I need an excuse!)

    CrazyCam, Mar 1, 2011
  13. George W Frost

    Nigel Allen Guest

    Major congrats

    About to have a "little" Tequila for y'all.


    (One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor).
    Nigel Allen, Mar 1, 2011
  14. George W Frost

    Nev.. Guest

    That'd explain why you're awake at the sparrow's fart these days...

    Nev.., Mar 1, 2011
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