I was in the left lane doing the speed limit when the car in the middle lane, who was almost-but-not-quite-clear ahead of me started to change into my lane (for an upcoming exit). As (s)he got to the lane-marking he saw me and swerved back to the middle of his lane. I'd seen him and was covering my brakes but hadn't actually braked yet. THEN he put his indicator on and maintained his speed, expecting me to slow and let him in but being, well....., basically an argumentative cunt I just ignored him and maintained my 80kph. We travelled in tandem for the next quarter-kilometer until he finally braked and pulled in behind me so he could make the exit. (And the requisite high-beaming and close tailgating). Q: Am I a bad person, average or a woose? Would you have done the same, dropped back or kicked his door in? (And would it depend on what you were riding or what you were wearing?)