Get out and ride

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Jerry, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    I got on the black "Death Machine" this morning and rode it to church. Heard
    a couple of good things and saw some nice classic cars. If I were not
    married, I would have seen some good looking women too. As I was leaving,
    the bottom just fell out and I got totally soaked sitting at the light. I
    thought about it and decided I am a manly man biker and continued the ride.
    I had a smile on my face for the whole hour it took for me to get home. I
    was so wet that water ran out of my ass and out of my boots when I got off
    the bike. It was a lot of fun and no one ran over me. You pusses get out of
    the house and get wet. It wont hurt you.
    Jerry, Jun 17, 2007
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  2. Jerry

    Bill Walker Guest

    <grumble.. grumble> Who the hell you callin' a pussy, you old fart ? I'm
    sitting here in the Mexicans' living room.. dry as a bone, reading some new
    guy posting about the "damn weather".. hehehe.. You get your silly ass out
    there and get some work done on that Valkyrie.. You can just about get those
    forks rebuilt and whatever else needs to get that thing back on the road,
    this rain shit is going on.. LMAO..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 17, 2007
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  3. Jerry

    redshad Guest

    You tell them Usenet Pussys all about it Jerry..I guess they are
    afraid there going to melt.

    redshad, Jun 17, 2007
  4. Jerry

    Gary Walker Guest

    That's the redeeming feature of rain riding(if such riding
    truly has any redemptions), once you get soaking wet,
    you can get no wetter.

    I also find it odd that some fellow motorists will motion
    at you that it's raining. as if I was unaware of that event.
    Gary Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  5. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    As I was sitting at the light, I decided I could not get any wetter, so what
    the hell. It was actually kinda nice after my body adjusted to the temp. It
    was not cold, so that made it better.
    Jerry, Jun 17, 2007
  6. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    I did get one fork torn apart and I may get it back together today. or not.
    The big girl needs to be ridden.
    Jerry, Jun 17, 2007
  7. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    I thought I was going to melt for a moment. Then it didn't matter. After I
    got almost home, it cleared up.
    Jerry, Jun 17, 2007
  8. Jerry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well git'er done, dude.. You and I have both had time to rest up after that
    run to Arizona.. It's about time for us to get back to biz'ness.. Don'cha
    think ?
    Bill Walker, Jun 17, 2007
  9. Jerry

    Bill Cattell Guest

    Having never met you or your family IRL I would think that referring to
    your SO as "the big girl" would be somewhat... degrading. ;-)
    Bill Cattell, Jun 19, 2007
  10. Jerry

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoosh.. C'mon now, Bill C. He was referring to that Gucci Valkyrie
    he rides as "The Big Girl" Take my word for it.. when the SO is around
    ol'Jerry walks on eggshells.. At one point on our last little get together
    in those Arkansas mountains.. it seemed like she was going to thrash
    that whole bunch cause she didn't like the way we took some of the
    fiendish curves, there.. That was the maddest woman I've seen in a
    long time.. I remember that tongue lashing very well and took it to
    heart.. She accused all of us of being maniacs amongst some other
    and more dramatic adjectives..

    To sum up.. With Jerry.. "The Big Girl" is the Valkyrie and "Honey"
    "Baby" and "Darlin" is his SO..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2007
  11. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    Bill, I could not have put it better.
    Jerry, Jun 19, 2007
  12. Jerry

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill Catell states an opinion:
    ''Having never met you (Jerry) or your family IRL I would think that
    referring to your SO as "the big girl" would be somewhat... degrading.

    BillWalker helps out:
    Whoosh.. C'mon now, Bill C. He was referring to that Gucci Valkyrie he
    rides as "The Big Girl" Take my word for it.. when the SO is around
    ol'Jerry walks on eggshells..

    I got dubs on calling mine ''Honey'' atleast on this group.

    But, one of us needs to esplain to Red-Shad what SO, means.
    BJayKana, Jun 19, 2007
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