Gerry's at it again!

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by MangoMan, May 27, 2011.

  1. MangoMan

    MangoMan Guest

    Gerry you are the worst fucking troll to walk on this planet. You
    just go out of your way to cause as much shit as possible. You fucked
    up the people in the Flight sim group, so they retaliated by taking
    you on in this NG. They gave as good as they got, and in fact beat you
    at your own game.

    You stopped replying to them, so they left you, but more importantly
    left this NG, in peace.

    So you piece of dogshit, you couldn't bear not being the center of
    attraction, so you start antagonizing the flight simmers again, after
    only a couple of weeks of calm. Everyone on "your" list has totally
    ignored your baiting tactics, until now. But being the fucking
    arsehole you are, you just had to start another flame war.

    It would appear the flight simmers have a few allies :) I will enjoy
    taking you on, you poor pathetic scumbag.


    Seek Ale
    MangoMan, May 27, 2011
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  2. MangoMan

    Diogenes Guest

    Sorry guys, this that flightsimmer again. Same guy by the looks of
    it. Probably Bob Copter six.

    I am not responsible for this lunatic's actions.


    Onya bike

    Diogenes, May 27, 2011
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  3. MangoMan

    atec77 Guest

    Continues to block kewwy , draws up a chair , pours an ale and waits
    atec77, May 27, 2011

  4. Wrong again. A perfect score so far asshole.


    boB Copter Six
    Central Texas KGRK
    DCA 1720 QB Norfolk
    Don't feed the TROLL
    He/She's trying to stir shit
    Bob - Copter Six, May 27, 2011
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