Germany 4 English.Sheep.Shaggers 1

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lclawitcx, Jun 27, 2010.

  1. Lclawitcx

    Two Dogs Guest

    The least British Petroleum could have done was wear a condom.

    Their track record with safety issues has been abysmal.
    Farkcanal. Irony meter off the graph. In the words of the immortal
    Dr John, "Hey, if I don't do it, somebody else will"....

    Two Dogs
    Two Dogs, Jul 1, 2010
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  2. Lclawitcx

    Lozzo Guest

    My dad went to Vietnam as an observer when we lived in Singapore, this
    was sometime between Jan 1966 and Dec 1969. He came home after 6 months
    out there and hasn't spoken much about it since. He has told me he was
    amazed the war lasted so long, because the US forces were so badly
    trained, had totally the wrong attitude and were so unprofessional in
    everything they did. His report detailed all of this and was tossed out
    as being politically inflammatory. The Vietnam episode was what made
    him decide to leave altogether when his 22 years were up - he had
    thought about signing on for another 9.
    Lozzo, Jul 1, 2010
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  3. Lclawitcx

    Two Dogs Guest

    Good info. Got me reading, always a dangerous thing. Not enough
    activity to produce quantities of waste until after WW2 though, just
    naturally occurring radioactive materials.

    I'm still interested in a little actual proof for this theory about
    Hitler, a dirty nuke and a superbomber plot that Ian's flinging about.


    Two Dogs
    Two Dogs, Jul 1, 2010
  4. And don't forget the MIC - the military had all sorts of sophisticated
    new toys in the 60s they hadn't had the chance to try out on real live
    targets. The Korean 'Police Action' was basically just a rehash of WW2
    crudeness so a real live conflict with new kit was just what the doctor
    ordered. The defence contractors were rubbing their hands with glee and
    shoving brown envelopes into every politico's back pocket they could
    reach, with promises of jobs for life after retiring from political
    drudgery as a reward for services rendered.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jul 1, 2010
  5. Easy for you to find out, if you have a clue.
    It is, utterly.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jul 1, 2010
  6. Lclawitcx

    Berf Guest

    Grimly Curmudgeon wrote
    I was cheering for The People's Democratic Republic of North Korea.

    And since they are on average 4" shorter than the average South Korean, and I'm 6'
    3", I would be worshipped as a giant in that democracy, and I would be looked up to
    as a Super Star!

    I'm convinced. I'm moving!

    Word is that the leader has a substantial collection of Hollywood DVD's!
    Berf, Jul 1, 2010
  7. Lclawitcx

    CT Guest


    It's "BP".

    It's not been "British Petroleum" since they merged with Amoco (US),
    then bought Arco (US) and Burmah (UK).
    Can't argue with that, though.
    CT, Jul 1, 2010
  8. In
    Johnson was, however, this: wrong. The sure-fire way to tell the difference
    between a "war" and a "police action" is to find out whether Bob Hope ever
    entertained the armed forces during said encounter.

    Bob Hope did not play police actions, but he *did* play Vietnam, ergo it was
    a war.

    Anyone who says otherwise is a thick-o.
    Dave Larrington, Jul 1, 2010
  9. Lclawitcx

    build Guest

    Hmmm, a lot of new nics who are trolling?

    Same bloke?
    build, Jul 1, 2010
  10. Lclawitcx

    Simon S-B Guest

    Love it! The only problem is now who has taken his role as the war-o-meter?
    Simon S-B, Jul 1, 2010
  11. Lclawitcx

    CT Guest

    In the UK it always used to be Kate Adie.

    Not sure now though...
    CT, Jul 1, 2010
  12. Lclawitcx

    Hog Guest

    FFS how hard is it to get the head around the observation, which was the US
    Government never declared a state of war. Congress refused to vote it so.
    You can call it a sunday school picnic if you like.

    Much like Westminster refused to to call the war with the IRA a war.

    And then my further observation was in both cases (IMHO) it affected how the
    Police Action was dealt with.
    Hog, Jul 1, 2010
  13. Lclawitcx

    Hog Guest

    You are a fucking idiot.

    No doubt you also think National Socialism was a great idea and that the
    Allies were out of order stepping in to put an end to it.
    Hog, Jul 1, 2010
  14. Lclawitcx

    Berf Guest

    CT wrote
    The german girls were better. I saw them in the stands.
    Berf, Jul 1, 2010
  15. Lclawitcx

    Hog Guest

    Some of the Vietnamese people, who wanted to enslave the entire population
    in totalitarian government. You fucking idiot.
    There is a reason for that you fucking idiot. It has surpassed even national
    socialism in enslaving people and killing them in vast numbers.
    Hog, Jul 1, 2010
  16. Lclawitcx

    Hog Guest

    Well ya certainly can't fault his powers of observation.

    I've always wondered how a straight fight in Europe between the Germans and
    the Yanks, without any British involvement, would have gone.

    1:0 I reckon.
    Hog, Jul 1, 2010
  17. Lclawitcx

    Hog Guest

    So there we have it. You think that a bunch of deranged (pseudo marxist)
    terrorists killing members of the elected British Government is a good
    I was right, you are a window licking idiot.
    Hog, Jul 1, 2010
  18. 'Twas a pity it was such shit; it looked the part.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jul 1, 2010
  19. Lclawitcx

    Hog Guest

    No forward facing guns. Someone was completely insane!
    Hog, Jul 1, 2010
  20. Lclawitcx

    M J Carley Guest

    Not fair: the Provos had split because they objected to Sticky
    Marxism. The (pseudo-) Marxists mostly shot each other.
    M J Carley, Jul 1, 2010
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