German autobahns?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sleazy, May 15, 2011.

  1. sleazy

    wessie Guest

    40km/h over the limit at a guess, which was rather generous of plod I
    wessie, May 15, 2011
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  2. sleazy

    Eddie Guest

    # Seems I've waited longer than I've ever done
    # My mind is getting evil and my body's numb

    Eddie, May 15, 2011
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  3. sleazy

    geoff Guest

    If in doubt, call them Nazis and wait for them to apologise for the war
    geoff, May 15, 2011
  4. sleazy

    geoff Guest

    And "Ausfahrt" is not a command to pass wind
    geoff, May 15, 2011
  5. sleazy

    wessie Guest

    and Geöffnet is not the name of a popular internet service ...
    wessie, May 15, 2011
  6. Sound like a right bunch of murderous charmers. Who the **** would want
    to be neighbours with them, eh? I'm not surprised many Germans take the
    first opportunity they can to **** off from the place if it's (and it
    is) dominated by control-freak arseholes.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 15, 2011
  7. sleazy

    sleazy Guest

    I'll pass on that, thanks. I've worked with the German Luftwaffe in
    the States. Good folks, drink to excess too. They fit right in at the
    Club. <g>
    sleazy, May 15, 2011
  8. sleazy

    ogden Guest

    Making progress. There are four more exactly like it.

    Total for fines on that trip was roughly ¤2500.

    The Swiss don't **** about either.
    ogden, May 15, 2011
  9. sleazy

    ogden Guest

    And "overtaking where it is not clear" or something like that.
    The back-markers had spotted the pursuit bike and slowed down.
    ogden, May 16, 2011
  10. sleazy

    wessie Guest


    they only drink to excess by *your* standards. By European standards they
    are mid-table at best.
    wessie, May 16, 2011
  11. sleazy

    geoff Guest

    The drunkenmeisters extroardinaire are, in my experience, surprisingly,
    the swiss
    geoff, May 16, 2011
  12. sleazy

    geoff Guest

    Yeah, and don't make a noise or disturb the peace on a sunday -
    ....straight to the concentration camp
    geoff, May 16, 2011
  13. sleazy

    geoff Guest

    Hey ...

    Never noticed that one

    Wonder how it would work as an addy ...

    NAh ... won't take umlauts
    geoff, May 16, 2011
  14. sleazy

    Salad Dodger Guest

    Dear, oh, dear.

    Go to your room, and turn that bloody noise down!
    Salad Dodger, May 16, 2011
  15. sleazy

    wessie Guest


    Per capita they are quite low

    Perhaps they are like the Nordics: don't buy much booze through official
    channels but have the stills bubbling away in the shed...
    wessie, May 16, 2011
  16. sleazy

    wessie Guest

    It's on every shop door, well the ones that are *open*.
    wessie, May 16, 2011
  17. sleazy

    sleazy Guest

    Yeah, I was only a case of beer and a fifth of whiskey drinker per
    night at that time. My liver thanked me when I quit. My local bar
    went bankrupt. hehe
    sleazy, May 16, 2011
  18. sleazy

    geoff Guest

    That's what I always thought, but, as I said, in my experience, and I'm
    hardly a teetoller, total piss artists

    I presume that there must be quite a few that exist to balance the
    statistic, I've just not met many

    Now ...

    That's a completely different tin of herrings

    A Norwegian disco consists of jailbait bopping around together, lads so
    pissed they can hardly stand up
    geoff, May 16, 2011
  19. sleazy

    geoff Guest

    Well, obviously

    I meant as a potential email address
    geoff, May 16, 2011
  20. 40 kms per hour over the speed limit by the looks of it but i aint
    got me glasses on
    steve robinson, May 16, 2011
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