
Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Freddie, Aug 7, 2006.

  1. Freddie

    Freddie Guest

    I have a dremel tool, and I hear there is a way to make some decent
    gaskets. What material do you make these out of? And what is the best
    way it can be done? I need a gasket for my carb boots and air boxes. I
    was thinking of copper tin and/or rubber? But then again I have the
    gasoline factor. I will need a product that will last a while.

    Freddie, Aug 7, 2006
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  2. Freddie

    John Johnson Guest

    What sort of bike is this?

    None of the bikes that I'm familiar with (not a huge variety,
    admittedly) use a separate gasket in the airbox or with the carb boots.


    'indiana' is a 'nolnn' and 'hoosier' is a 'solkk'. Indiana doesn't solkk.
    John Johnson, Aug 7, 2006
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    Dr Ivan D. Reid, Aug 7, 2006
    Dr Ivan D. Reid, Aug 8, 2006
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