gash reg plate on a gash bike.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Lady Nina, May 4, 2004.

  1. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    Seen on an orange (not a good orange either) R1 today

    S77T OT

    With a bolt in the first 7. (there may have been 3 sevens but my eyes
    had started bleeding so I had to look away)

    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

    Oh and instructors who sing 'I've seen you baby, shaking that ass'
    over the radio whenever they see a renault megane gets very old, very
    Lady Nina, May 4, 2004
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  2. Lady Nina

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Colin Irvine, May 4, 2004
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  3. Lady Nina

    YTC#1 Guest

    Not just me then .
    As far as I can tell a 7 is normally a T (or an L if upside down)
    So we have STTTOT ? SZTTOT ? (if the bolt is at bottom of 7)
    YTC#1, May 4, 2004
  4. Lady Nina

    Martian Guest

    I don't get it, you'll have to explain it to me.

    Martian, May 4, 2004
  5. Lady Nina

    Ginge Guest

    I've seen it before, so it must be a local bike.

    It reads as "SHIT 0T" if it's the one I'm thinking of, ISTR thinking
    "What a wanker" last time I saw it, but I'm not sure if that was down to
    just the bike, or the owner too.
    Ginge, May 4, 2004
  6. Lady Nina

    YTC#1 Guest

    Ok, I give up, how does adding 1 bolt to S77 TOT make it SH1TOT ?

    Or do you have to be on another planet to see it ?
    YTC#1, May 4, 2004
  7. Lady Nina

    Lozzo Guest

    Lady Nina says...
    When I picked up my then new Firestorm, registered H10 OOV (spaced to
    read 'H 1000 V') from Tinklers in Norwich, they had a new R1 waiting for
    collection. It was registered R10 KYA, spaced 'R1 OK YA'
    Lozzo, May 4, 2004
  8. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    It was parked up in pidcocks.
    No idea whose it was but it looked awful.
    Lady Nina, May 4, 2004
  9. Lady Nina

    Ginge Guest

    Ahh, yes.. Still on my list to go there this week and talk to Dave. I
    hope I talk myself out of "the plan".
    If my memory serves me correctly he thinks he's the king of the power
    rangers, but I may be wrong.
    Ginge, May 4, 2004
  10. Lady Nina

    platypus Guest

    From Power Ranger to Sloane Ranger...
    platypus, May 4, 2004
  11. Re: S77 TOT

    Vehicle details
    Manufacturer Audi
    Model A4 1.8
    Body type 4 door saloon
    Colour Blue
    Fuel type Petrol
    Date manufactured 31 December 1998
    Number of previous owners 2
    Last owner change 03 November 2000

    Did any of you lot who saw it count the wheels?

    The R1 is S777 TOT which reads SHIT TOT, a good description of
    most tots.

    S777 HOT doesn't exist.

    Anyone remember the photo in Bushy's in Douglas
    of two bikes parked together:
    2 1T

    Those numbers don't exist either.
    Old Fart at Play, May 4, 2004
  12. Lady Nina

    Lady Nina Guest

    I did say it may have had an extra 7.
    Lady Nina, May 4, 2004
  13. Lady Nina

    CT Guest

    <fx:subliminal voice>
    "Buy a 9R, you know you want one"
    CT, May 5, 2004
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