Gas blog

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by wessie, May 19, 2011.

  1. wessie

    wessie Guest

    I've always thought this house was very efficient, thermally. Gas bills
    have been very low compared to my place in Cardiff.

    It seems SWALEC have made a huge **** up. We've always had to dispute the
    meter reading whenever one of their meter readers called. Seems the meter
    no. on their PDA never matched the actual meter.

    Anyway, they were sending bills out assuming we have a newish metric meter
    [1] when we have an older imperial meter[2]. Hence they have been charging
    us 34.6% of the actual cost of the gas since August 2002.

    It seems they eventually twigged and sent a competent person out to check
    the meter. The latest bill has the correct meter no. and multiplies the
    units by 2.83 to get cubic meters. Fuckers backdated it to last October,
    presumably when they did the audit, and I'm now paying the actual cost of
    the gas.

    I haven't had any letters asking for the arrears so hopefully they have
    taken the hit for that as it was their **** up.

    [1] 1 cubic meter per unit
    [2] 100 cubic feet per unit
    wessie, May 19, 2011
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  2. They might try to bill you, as I'm utterly certain it's been tried
    before in exactly those circumstances - I mean, you did use it, after
    Sleep well and don't worry about the massive bill.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 19, 2011
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  3. wessie

    Simon T Guest

    I had this on one of my rental places a few years back. Rough rule of
    thumb is if it's cubic ft multiply the units by 36 to get kwh. If
    cubic metres times units by 11. My bills were fucking huge. Only found
    the cause when I went through very old bills and saw the different
    correction factors.
    Simon T, May 20, 2011
  4. wessie

    Hog. Guest

    Time to start fiddling the meter.
    <looks for 0.25mm drills>
    Hog., May 20, 2011
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