Garmin 2610 and Bikes

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David Griffith, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. I was wondering if any one has experience of the Garmin 2610 when used on
    their bike's, I have a 2620 which was sent to me in error, but when riding
    reasonable quickly the unit resets it self. I am told that it is a known
    problem on the 2620. Anyone had this on the 2610?

    David Griffith, Aug 6, 2004
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  2. David Griffith

    prawn Guest

    FWIW, my GPS V does this when running off the AA batteries -- something
    to do with vibration methinks. It's fine when hooked up to the bike
    battery [1].

    [1] When there's some charge in it.
    prawn, Aug 6, 2004
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  3. David Griffith

    dwb Guest

    How have you got it mounted? It may be the vibration rather than the speed.

    I have an E-Trex Vista and have found it's susceptible to vibration on two
    1) It can shake itself to bits internally (they replaced that one)
    2) The batteries can move in the battery holder, turning the unit off.

    Originally I had it mounted on the top yoke of the SV with a bit of strong
    velcro - but that unit vibrated to death.

    Current Vista is mounted in a RAM mount which tends to isolate it from a lot
    of the vibration (though on a 4-cyl it's possibly less to being with) and
    also allows me to power it from the bike, thereby negating the battery
    problem. So far it's worked perfectly.

    Reminds me - I must download the track log at some point.
    dwb, Aug 6, 2004
  4. David Griffith

    Mark W Guest

    For others who have posted, the 26xx series can only run off 12v power
    (no battery option).


    send it back - it's faulty! The fact it's got a micro drive rather
    than a standard CF card (the 2610) should make no difference to it
    switching off or not. If the micro drive vibrated itself to bits, fair
    enough, it wouldn't restart, but switching off? It's faulty (or just
    maybe, the power connection is loose).

    Mark W, Aug 6, 2004
  5. David Griffith

    gomez Guest

    Yep. The 2620 doesn't like motorbikes as the vibration plays merry
    hell with the CF microdrive. If you can, get it swapped back for a
    2610 and use the saved money to buy a bigger CF *solid state" memory

    Where did you get the 2620 and did you tell them the you would be
    using it on a bike?

    The European version of the 2610 comes with a 256MB card which can fit
    all of the UK and Ireland and most of northern France (includin Paris)
    on it. The City Navigator maps for all of Europe fit in about 1.6GB
    so a 2GB card will do the trick. Next time I travel to Europe is when
    I will buy a bigger card myself.
    gomez, Aug 6, 2004
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